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Grocery store stalker


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This isn't friends or family, but I thought it was funny. I was at the grocery store today cruising the isles looking for food for my kids. I already had a cart full of produce. I noticed this man following me around. It was slow going as I was reading every label and putting most things back with disgust. After the 5th isle, he approached me. I was a little freaked out, but figured I could probably kick him hard and run if I had to. He wanted to know why I was putting everything back. I told him the ingrediants were grossing me out. He said 'Better to stick with produce and meat section.' How right you are stranger in the store. It was really wierd to discover that Oreos have fewer unpleasant ingrediants than some frozen pizzas. I didn't get either. My kids are just going to have to deal with leftover home cooked meals for lunch at school. My son loves it. It makes him look cool to have different salad toppings, hard boiled eggs and salsa to dip in. He's in middle school now and most things about me are not cool to him anymore so this is a giant plus for me. I find him on the pantry reading labels and vowing to never eat such and such again.

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That is so funny. Why did he care. Was he an employee? Was he possibly a fellow Paleon? :) I was at Whole Foods a few weeks ago and was standing next to a woman at the refrigerated salad dressings. We both were picking them up and reading the label and putting them back. She handed me one and said "looks good, olive oil, vinegar and pepper". I looked at her and HAD to ask..."are you by chance doing Paleo"? She was so excited and said she had just started. I told her all sorts of items that were safe and then we stood there talking for over 30 minutes. She was going to go home and ordering ISWF. :D

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That is so funny. Why did he care. Was he an employee? Was he possibly a fellow Paleon? :) I was at Whole Foods a few weeks ago and was standing next to a woman at the refrigerated salad dressings. We both were picking them up and reading the label and putting them back. She handed me one and said "looks good, olive oil, vinegar and pepper". I looked at her and HAD to ask..."are you by chance doing Paleo"? She was so excited and said she had just started. I told her all sorts of items that were safe and then we stood there talking for over 30 minutes. She was going to go home and order ISWF. :D

I have had similar conversations with other customers at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. When you see someone reading labels plus stocking up on coconut aminos, coconut milk and ghee, it's a safe bet to ask if someone eats Paleo...

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I have had similar conversations with other customers at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. When you see someone reading labels plus stocking up on coconut aminos, coconut milk and ghee, it's a safe bet to ask if someone eats Paleo...

Oh totally. I never look at what people are buying unless standing right next to them, but I'm going to start stalking now.

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Too funny! Always good to share the inspiration with those stalkers. :D

You know what's funny is that I would consider myself a pretty non-judgemental person but because I work in health/fitness/nutrition and have a lot of personal interest in the subjects as well I totally make judgements about people based on what's in their shopping cart. Not in oh you're a terrible person for feeding that too your family sort of way but in a I wish I could give you a few tips sort of way. But then I remember that since I buy all of my meat and produce at a local farm that the food in my shopping cart at the grocery store doesn't look so awesome and well-rounded!

Anyone else do this?

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I can relate. I had one instance where I was at our local meat market and was looking at the chicken breasts, grass-fed and local meat, eggs, etc. I was checking all the labels to make sure there weren't any preservatives, asking questions about where the animals came from and how they were raised, etc. As I was checking out, I noticed that a lady that had seemed to be following me was in line as well - with the exact same things in her basket that I had in mine!

Last week, at the grocery store, I was in line and staring sadly into the cart of the young mother in the next aisle over - she had a 2 or 3 year old daughter and a probably six-month old baby. Her cart was full of muffins, ice cream, frozen pizzas, and cereal. Not a single vegetable to be found. Granted, maybe she has her own garden or gets those from a farmers market, but given the rest of what was in her cart, I doubt it. Well, after seeing what she had in her cart and feeling really happy about the choices I had made in my own, I caught the eye of the woman in front of the young mother. She had seen me looking at the other girl's cart and she glanced at my cart and smiled. I noticed she had some pretty healthy items in her own cart and almost asked if she was eating paleo, but didn't.

So funny how your grocery store experiences start to change after (or while on) this program :). Thanks for the laugh!

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The grocery store has become a second home. I should say stores. We are lucky in Houston to have so many options. I shop circulars so I have always run around. Some stores have better prices/options on produce. Some on meat. Some on nuts and pantry items. I must have some perverse sense of humor because I'm enjoying freaking people out when I mutter to myself and put things back on the shelf. It is hard to watch people make bad food choices, but I was once of those people loaded up with crap in my cart. My kids are slowly coming on board, but they still love certain processed things. I am continuing to offer them better options in the hope that they will be so full from good stuff that they don't want crap. It's a work in progress.

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Love this...... Too funny, just the other day I was too was checking out the labels and didn't realize that I actually was talking out loud and not thinking to myself, I blurted out "ARE YOU FRICKIN KIDDING ME?!!" As I was reaching to put back the item on the shelf. I think I was looking at some beef stock/broth cause ran out of bone broth, and it amazes me what all is in stuff. Granted I found one that was compliant but GEEESH!!!!! So yes sometimes my comments either get a good conversation going or it gets me some strange looks like I'm some weirdo talking to oneself.

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