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  1. That's what I thought! Just realllllly missing my bacon.
  2. Question about bacon... we have nitrate free bacon but it has honey in it. I need to wait until I'm done with the reintroduction period to introduce it back to my diet, correct? Or can I have some with our brussel sprouts tonight?
  3. If standard, you mean legumes, grains (non-gluten), dairy, and gluten, in that order over 10 or so days? Then, yes. I guess I'll make something with soy and also have some beans tomorrow. Might as well check it all out!
  4. Question about day 1 of my reintroduction on Thursday (!!!) I don't eat legumes often (although I do love peanut butter), is it worth testing them or just having them every blue moon as I previously did. (Sans the peanut butter, I'll make a decision post intro) Mostly my sister is vegetarian and makes stuff when I see her a few times a year, so would it be worth testing if I only have them sporadically? Thanks!
  5. So I am on day 2 of my Whole30 and am trying to figure out how snacking works. I don't want to eat more than necessary. Day 1, I woke up at 12am to nurse my 1 month old and had 1 HB egg, celery & carrots, and cashews. At 5am I had some deli ham, cherry tomatoes, and macadamia nuts. At 10am I had my first full meal, then again at 2pm, then had dinner at 6:30pm. Day 2, (today) I had similar meals at similar times so far. Am I eating too much, should I try to skip one of my nighttime feeding snacks or make it smaller?
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