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Last Night I Dreamt I Ate Bread


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In the dream it happened so quickly. I ate something in front of me without thinking. Then I was devastated that I had given up on my commitment and would have to start over.

In waking life I am on day 9. Feeling great.

It's affecting my BF too, because he drinks less and eats less chocolate out of respect for me. Plus no one likes to indulge alone infront of company.

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I totally understand-- this happened to me on my first Whole30 and on my current one. The upside is the sense of relief that you feel when you wake up and realize that you didn't eat _______ (fill in the blank). I think it does get better as time goes on as I recall. PS-- I'm on day 10, so I'm right there with you.

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I dreamed about Teddy Grahams early in my Whole30 and I hadn't eaten those since I was, like, 11. Then last night (Day 35), I dreamed that I used crushed rice chips (gluten free snack chips) as a coating for fried chicken and forgot that gluten free wasn't grain free. Totally crazy.

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Last night I dreamed I was breaking up with my husband for my high school boyfriend. Yikes. I haven't seen him in almost 20 years.

W30 dreams are intense! Almost like pregnancy dreams. I think it's partly bc we are sleeping more deeply. It's interesting, but also a lil' disturbing.

I also think it's natural for the brain to rebel and explore rebellion when you are changing the rules of the game so suddenly. And the fear of transgression is very real.

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