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Liz's W30 Adventure


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Today is day 1! I'm stoked! Starting with a cup of tea (no Splenda though, so boring!). Plenty of W30 compliant food in the house. I'm off until Tuesday, so I figured a nice 4 day weekend would be good to help get me started and comfortable in what I'm doing.

I do have to hit the grocery store today - I need some spices as many of my go-to spices have added crap in them. Also, need to check the label of a chicken broth I used earlier this week in soup so I can see if I can still eat that soup. Wasn't thinking and forgot to check and don't want to have my soup and then find out something stupid was in it. Why do they put sugar and soy and cornstarch and MSG and *insert crap* in EVERYTHING???

Going to weigh myself today and take starting measurements and pictures. Ugh. Always depressing. My mom said she figures I'll drop a ton of weight eating like this. I'm not so sure. Regardless, I'm doing it for long-term health, not short-term appearance.

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What a gorgeous doggie!

Welcome and best of luck on your Whole 30 journey, sounds like you're well prepared. I gave up on trying to find compliant stock and started making my own. Looking forward to reading your log :)

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My first Whole 30 meal! Breakfast this morning - hamburger cooked in coconut oil with tomato slice, avocado, sweet potato with ghee (first time eating that! WOW!), salt and pepper, and tea to drink. Not perfect in terms of ratios of fat/protein/veggies, but compliant and very tasty for my first W30 meal.


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breakfast looks so yummy! its only your first meal but dont beat yourself up on it. One thing I have learned is to always always have loads of veggies. I'm on Day 19 and still struggling with that (especially at breakfast)

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Yeah, I'm used to just eating scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast. Think I'm going to keep the scrambled eggs (at least during the work week) but use salsa instead of cheese, and then maybe have some peppers and onions grilled up and ready to toss in as well. Or I can say screw it and have salad for breakfast with hard-boiled eggs, LOL.

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Maybe chose a rough day to start. Had some dental work done this afternoon and since then my gums have been too sore to really eat. The thought of some crunchy veggies made me want to cry, even though I have beautiful salad stuff. So I had another burger patty, and a sliced tomato with some sea salt and balsamic on top. Disappointing, but I needed softer stuff. Tomorrow will be better!

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Did better today. Breakfast I posted above. Lunch was a sweet potato with ghee, salt and pepper, along with a giant salad. Dinner was soup. Woke up feeling great - slight headache but took Excedrin and it quickly disappeared. I know we're supposed to avoid stuff like Excedrin, but I was off to see an IMAX movie and it would have blown into a full-bore migraine and SUCKED. So I went with the lesser of two evils. I still miss my Splenda for my tea, but it's forcing me to drink more water. Maybe I'll fully wean away from caffeine? No rush on that though. I want to get through any W30 rough patches before going crazy and cutting out caffeine.

Anyway, end of day 2 and I feel great. Went grocery shopping and got some stuff to make the chocolate chili from Clothes Make the Girl. Also bought an immersion blender so I'm going to make my own mayo, which I'm pretty stoked about. Then I can do tuna salad and egg salad and chicken salad and other nummy things like that. :-)

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Day 3 was a success! Found my inner willpower and went to a friend's cookout and only ate the dish that I brought (artichoke heart and avocado dip) along with a hamburger patty. I avoided all the other yummy-looking things that everybody else was scarfing down while oohing and aahing over. So proud of myself!

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Gigantic salad for breakfast on morning of day 4? Don't mind if I do! Still feeling fantastic - I'm guessing being mostly paleo before I started is really helping me not suffer too much. Though the month is still young.... ;-)

Last night I dreamed that I accidentally ate something off-plan and was devastated about starting over, so then I ended up binging on mashed potatoes. Do you know what set me over the edge in my dream, that I was missing and "accidentally" used? SPLENDA IN MY TEA. Dear god, I miss that. Tea just isn't the same for me without a touch of sweet. I'm still drinking it plain, hoping my taste buds will adjust and learn to love it again.

Making the chocolate chili from Clothes Make the Girl today. May also attempt mayo.

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Morning of day 5 and I still feel great!

One of my coworkers annoyed me this morning - he's doing Atkins and was trying to convince that "just a little bit" of non-dairy creamer wouldn't hurt. He wouldn't accept no for an answer, so I started going through the ingredients out loud to him. Still didn't faze him. He thinks he's being healthy because it's low-carb, but all the crap he eats has so many chemicals in it, it's foul. He doesn't understand that I'm eating REAL FOOD. No means no! LOL

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Tea just isn't the same for me without a touch of sweet.

I don't know if this would be your cup of ....well, you know, but have you tried Harney's Hot Cinnamon Spice? It is naturally sweet (from the cinnamon), and it comes in regular and decaf. To my mind, it is so sweet that sometimes I wonder if just the flavor sets off my sugar demon, but you might like it either straight or mixed with other tea. (It's also so sweet that I finally called the company to double-check that it has no natural OR artificial sweeteners of any kind, and I was assured that it doesn't).

Anyway, I think it's perfectly delicious both hot and cold. If you cannot find it locally, you can order online.

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Day 6! So far this is much easier than I thought it would be. Makes me worry I'm doing something wrong, LOL. I do have a slight headache this morning but I have a feeling it's from the crazy weather changes (rainy and 60 on Sunday, up in the 80's and stormy this week).

I have had brief dreams the past three nights that I messed up by eating/drinking something and had to start over. The first night was Splenda in my tea, the 2nd night was heavy whipping cream in my coffee, and last night was a little bite of bread. It's a relief when I wake up and realize I DIDN'T mess up!

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Day 7! Still feeling good. Slight headache again, but nothing major. Last night I had yet ANOTHER dream that I messed up and had to start over. Driving me crazy! I'm really not obsessing about it during the day because it's not difficult yet, but obviously my subconscious is working overtime thinking about it!

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Day 8! One week done and gone! I have to say though, this is still feeling remarkably easy for me. I was a little tired last night, but I think that may have been more due to the heat and humidity than my W30. I'm not craving anything. I feel normal/good. Nothing feels different, which is a little frustrating as I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I feel like I should be FEELING something. Fantastic, horrible, tired, tiger blood, something! LOL

Oh well, onward and upward!

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Random thought - I seem to be losing my "addiction" for caffeine. Before, if I didn't have at least one cup of tea or coffee in the morning, by mid-morning I'd have a raging headache. I'd usually have 2-3 cups of coffe in the AM, and then one or two cups (generous cups) of tea in the afternoon. Now, I'm having one cup of tea in the morning and then drinking water with lemon the rest of the day. So weird! Maybe closer to the end of my W30 I'll entirely cut out that morning tea.

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Day 9! Tried bulletproof coffee this morning - the first couple sips were tasty, but then the oil started floating to the top. Even though I used an immersion blender, it just didn't stay blended and I don't have the patience to blend before every sip. So unfortunately I dumped it. Disappointing.

Going to be a rough day for eating, definitely will be W30 compliant, but NOT compliant with the portions. At an event starting at 9 and ending at 5. It's outside in the sun and there's not really a break, so unfortunately I'm just taking mostly snack-type items to eat. I did make some chicken salad that I'm throwing in my cooler, but I'll still need to eat that pretty early. So I'll have raw veggies, some cherries, and a Larabar. Not idea, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

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Success! Feeling pretty big and bad right now. Resisted fried cheese things (my weakness) and cheesecake (another weakness) and bread slathered in butter (yet another weakness). Had an absolutely gigantic delicious salad with oil & vinegar, and felt rather righteous afterwards. And didn't feel at ALL bloated or stuffed. :-)

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Geez, is it really day 10 already? I certainly don't feel any different yet, which is kind of disappointing. However, regardless of how I feel, I know that the way I'm eating is healthier than before. Still no cravings. No hunger. No anger (*wink*). No tiger blood. Waking up early on my days off, but not before my alarm clock during the week. Just feeling standard. Good but standard. Oh well, onward and upward!

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Day 11!  Still feeling good/normal.  Sleeping well, but definitely not getting up before my alarm (but it goes off at 5, so that's not surprising). 


My mom is staying with me this week so I have the pressure of cooking for her, too.  Should be okay though.  Last night I made gazpacho and we had it with roasted chicken thighs.  Today, I'm making Hawaiian Pulled Pork in the crockpot.  The recipe only had three ingredients so I figured even I couldn't mess it up!  LOL


This week I'm going to focus more on getting veggies with breakfast.  Breakfast is just not a meal that I normally eat a lot at.  Usually 3-4 eggs with salsa and half an avocado and I'm good.  But I know I need more veggies.  So I'm going to try. 


On a good note, the W30 seems to have gotten me over my caffeine addiction.  I used to have 2-3 cups of coffee (large cups) in the morning, and 2-3 cups (large cups) of tea in the afternoon/evening.  I was at the point where if I didn't have caffeine by 8 or 9am, I'd get a raging migraine.  Well, I hate black coffee so I haven't been drinking that.  Instead, I've been doing one or two cups of tea in the morning followed by water the rest of the day.  Yesterday I had no caffeine, and no headache!  That was really exciting for me.  It's nice to lose that dependency.  :-)

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Day 12!  I'm coming up on the halfway point! 


Got a sinking spell yesterday where I would have loved a nap, but I don't know if that's from the W30 or just because I needed a nap.  Also got a slight headache yesterday afternoon and ended up taking Excedrin, but I think that was more from staring at my computer all day at work than my diet. 


My mom is staying with me this week as she has training up in my neck of the woods, and she keeps raving about how well she's eating.  *big grin*  She brought bread for herself for toast in the morning, but other than that she's eating W30 compliant and loving it.  Last night I made Hawaiian Pulled Pork (3-4 lb pork shoulder, 20 oz can of crushed pineapple and some ginger - tasty!) and mashed sweet potatoes with ghee and coconut milk.  She was hesitant about the ghee and coconut milk but kept saying, "wow, this is SO good!"  So it's been kind of fun letting my mom see that even though I'm excluding a ton of stuff, I'm still eating really well.


Also since she's here, I'm experimenting more with recipes.  I can eat the same thing for lunch and dinner 4 days straight, but didn't want to make her do so, LOL.  So I've made gazpacho (yum!) and the pulled pork so far.  I also have a meal planned of spaghetti squash with compliant pasta sauce on top.  Nothing fancy, but out of the norm a bit for me.


I am starting day 3 of no caffeine.  It really is kind of cool that I've lost that "addiction."  I'd still rather have iced tea with splenda, but cold water is becoming more refreshing as the days go by. 


Still no cravings.  I miss dairy but I'm not craving it.  It will be the first thing I try reintroducing when I finish my W30 (or W-whatever). 


Onward and upward I go!

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