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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Welp, starting over.  Today...back to the beginning.  Last night I got to learn how to milk a goat!  Well, I also got to taste the milk.  It was wonderful, by the way.  I made the choice with some thought...knowing I would have to start over, but I have never had an opportunity like this in my life so I decided to do it.  Then the food reactions came.  Sick to my stomach and lots of chest mucus/congestion.  All from raw, fresh goat milk.  It's a no brainer...milk is out for me.  I sort of knew this already but forgot.  When I was vegan I was able to go off all asthma meds.  I didn't think the small amounts of cheese and milk in my coffee were doing anything, but after the reintroduction experience last night I guess milk in any form or from any animal is no good for me - dangit!!!  So today is my new day 1.

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I had another of those dreams.. having a protein bar in the middle of the night without thinking of W30... suddenly i remember and was like darn it! it had chocolate and peanut butter! noooo start over already on day 17??? unforgettable! thankfully it was a dream... (Nightmare)


@Delvallex: Maybe avocado, tomato and hard boiled eggs and make a quick salad on your own? 

@Mrs Frosty: Strawberries and Pistachios are fine once in a while, don't be so hard on yourself, you've been doing so good!!!

@ Opt out: I don't know about cheese on coffee... but in Colombia we do put Cheese on Hot cocoa... it melts a little bit and is so good, I know the rest of the world thinks is crazy.... but it is delicious!!!! (Not compliant though )

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Thank you all for the nudges. I was busy feeling cranky about the limited options when my hotel told me they only have egg product patties. Just found another hotel nearby where they are about to serve me hardboiled eggs and a side of whatever veggies I want in olive oil. And local chicken sausage!

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@anaxg:  Thanks. I did way overdo the pistachios....when I went to Trader Joe's I avoided the Just Mango dried mango and the raw cashews that I overdid last week...so I guess nuts in general I need to be careful. Thanks for the support.


@opt-out: YUP....guess it's still a food without breaks for me....want to get away from compulsive eating...and I ate a LOT of pistachios....so will be careful...danger, danger, danger LOL (:

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Day 17! This weekend was full of many tempting, sugary treats but I stuck with the plan, 100%! My wife is not doing this with me but she is super supportive and helps ensure I stay the course.


The last two nights sleep have been awful and the energy for me is still not there.  I ended up having two naps yesterday!  A friend of mine suggested that I count my calories for a couple of days to be sure that I am eating enough. It seems like I am because I eat until I'm full and I'm usually good until my next meal without snacking.  I'm guessing it may just take me a few more days until I feel the "tiger blood"!


Have a great day!

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If you are following the template, you're eating enough calories.  Maybe a few more starchy veggies?  For a lot of us, it takes longer than 17 days.  I know it did for me!  Congrats on making it through a tempting weekend.  I bet by the time we are at day 27 you will be noticing a difference!

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I'm at work.  There is lots of candy in my bosses office.  FREE CANDY!  Nooooooooo.  Anyhow.  Having a hard time with this because I started over and the Whole 30 daily sent me a day zero e-mail.....soooo now I feel like I have a "free day".  So I want to eat.  But my autoimmune disease doesn't take a day off.  So no foods that don't promote health.  At least that is what I keep telling myself.  I wasn't ready for a day zero e-mail.  Blughhh... I was ready for a day one e-mail.

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I'm at work.  There is lots of candy in my bosses office.  FREE CANDY!  Nooooooooo.  Anyhow.  Having a hard time with this because I started over and the Whole 30 daily sent me a day zero e-mail.....soooo now I feel like I have a "free day".  So I want to eat.  But my autoimmune disease doesn't take a day off.  So no foods that don't promote health.  At least that is what I keep telling myself.  I wasn't ready for a day zero e-mail.  Blughhh... I was ready for a day one e-mail.



So maybe you make this a Whole31??  Or, you be as compliant as you can today, and restart completely clean tomorrow.

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I have been feeling super tired and generally icky since about midway through Saturday (Day 15). Pretty sure I can chalk it up to a second swing through fat-adaptation-land. I am feeling not quite as bad as I did for Days 1-7, but not nearly as great as I felt Days 8-14.


That said, I took some progress pictures this morning (that's allowed, right? No weighing or measuring going on over here) and WHOA. Serious progress, people. That was SO uplifting. I was feeling down when I looked in the mirror the last couple of days (after feeling great just a couple of days ago), but looking at the pictures side by side with my Before pictures was SUPER encouraging. Wow. Also I think my fingernails might be growing stronger. Which would be amazing.


Off to post in more detail in our personal log thread.

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Malie!  That's so cool!  What a great idea!


I'm sure it's just your body playing tricks on you to be sure you mean this.  :)  It usually happens to me about day 22/23.  It caught me totally unprepared the first time, but now I know just about everything is "normal" on a Whole 30!


I'm taking pictures next time.  :)

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opt-out, I think it's very cool you got such an obvious sign! And goat milk is supposed to be even closer to human milk than cow is, plus it was raw and you still had a reaction. It's nice when things are black and white :) (too bad all of life isn't like that, lol!).

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Well, my one day of sneezing and sniffling was just that - one day. Maybe something was blooming? Or maybe I fought off a cold (woot!) because I'm also not so crazy hungry today either.


anaxg you shouldn't eat that while on the whole30. Just freeze it for after. Maybe there's another variety of applegate farms bacon without sugar?

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malie: congrats on the pics! I took wt, measuremetns and pics on day 1...wating til July 1 before I redo them all. I don't feel like I have lost andy weight...clothes not looser or anthing significant that I can tell..BUT my wedding ring is turning round and round....AND two people that have not seen me in a while said "Kelly, you look great!". Hmmmmm

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Thanks for the sugar free bacon..could not find any anywhere...the referral from Whole 30 was too much for me...since they have minimum poundage for order. Also, good to hear great feedback on the primal packs...may have to try those. Did you get the jerky only or the jerky with the nuts?

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Anaxg: Why are dreaming of protien bars?  I think you should go for the brownies and ice cream.


LOL I know.... protein bars are not really what I dream of when I'm awake :P


Ok guys bacon in the freezer thanks! I'll use it in July 


less than 2 weeks now!!!!!   

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M1-kale/chive egg muffins, strawberries, kiwi, cucumbers, tomatoes, coffee w coconut milk

M2-chocolate chile, zucchini, almonds, mineral water

M3-hard boiled eggs, chocolate chili, pistachios, Paleo mayo, artichokes, kiwi

Workout-Zumba class

Reflections-had too many pistachios again. Didn't feel like ZUMBA but went anyway....feel amazing now!


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