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gaining lean mass on a whole 30

David Pugh

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The mass gain program described by Dallas is not Whole30-compliant because he included protein powder, but you can gain lean mass while doing a Whole30 and eating real food exclusively.


I gained 10 pounds over about 3 months while eating Whole30-style about 2 years ago. The trick was not so much what I ate as how I exercised. I followed Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Muscle Program for 3 months. He emphasizes eating a lot, sleeping a lot, and exercising only three times per week. His program specifies what exercises to do, how many reps to complete, and rest periods. He warns you not to do anything extra. I did what he said with one exception: I added 10 pullups to every workout because I was afraid of losing my pullup strength if I stopped doing any for 3 months. Now here is the thing. My workouts, including warmups, lasted 15 to 25 minutes depending on whether it was a light, moderate, or heavy day. They were "make-you-puke" intense, but quick. I got a lot stronger in those 3 months. Before following this program, my normal routine was to train 60 to 90 minutes 4 or 5 times per week. Now I consider 30 minutes a long workout, although I might go 45 minutes if I am at the gym instead of training in my garage.

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Tom said, "I followed Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Muscle Program for 3 months."


Tom, this may sound like a silly question, but us this program suitable for ladies? I would really like to get stronger. I have been working out with an 8kg kettlebell, but that darn thing never seems to get any lighter. I'd like to try the program with the 8kg with the goal of finally graduating to a 12kg (and then some). 

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Tom said, "I followed Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Muscle Program for 3 months."


Tom, this may sound like a silly question, but us this program suitable for ladies? I would really like to get stronger. I have been working out with an 8kg kettlebell, but that darn thing never seems to get any lighter. I'd like to try the program with the 8kg with the goal of finally graduating to a 12kg (and then some). 


Yes. It is designed to improve strength-endurance, not to make you bigger. But the shorter workouts kept me from burning off as much muscle as I had been, so I got bigger along with getting stronger. Besides, women simply do not bulk up like men do... unless they supplement with testosterone. :)


I started this program after a shoulder injury from pressing a 20 kg kettlebell too much. I did it with the 12 kg kettlebells. I toyed with the idea of using the 16 kg bells, but was afraid I would re-injure myself. I am glad I went with the 12s. I might have been able to use the 16s for the easy workouts, but could not have completed all the sets of the moderate and hard workouts with more than the 12s.

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I've packed on about 20 lbs of pure lean muscle in the last 6-7 months.

Keep your workouts intense and short

Rest, rest,rest

Follow the meal template and start with doing the max 2 palm of protein per meal

Don't skip your pre/post meals and have plenty of sweet potatoes/chicken breast on hand

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