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Day 15 and feeling discouraged

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First let me start by telling you that I have up sugar and grains over 6 months ago and have never looked bad. I don't even eat corn tortillas , etc. I did weigh myself the first 3-4 days and because I'm so used to that ( plus health benefits ) helping me stay on track , but I stopped as instructed. I'm not bored with food , I am usually sleeping enough. My husband is also going through W30 but he ate horrible before this. No matter what I've said or he has read he still weighs every few days because he said he has to see not just feel he it is working ( gained a lot of weigh and really trying to get it off. ) I've lost 80lbs this year by first eating healthier then went paleo-ish for good ( occasional hard cheese or wine.)

Well he left the scale out ( that I have been hiding for the last week) and out of habit and curiosity I stepped on..... I haven't lost announce. So I'm trying to remind myself I didn't start this like other people coming from really bad habits . I only gave up sugar subs and dairy ( which is still a lot I know .)

I won't give up because I'm focused on my health but its very discouraging .... I still need to lose 15-20 more lbs to be at a healthy ( not skinny ) weight.

So now I push forward but only 50% happy....

This is what I have noticed but only a little

- A little more energy ( I work 50 hrs a week and have a 4 yr old )

- a little less bloating ( started taking magnesium to help irregularity)

- Less caffeine needed

Has everyone done this or going through this ? And YES I know it's about health and your relationship with food , but I had already developed most ( not all ) of that before W30.

Advice , expeirences , even close to this ?

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I know the disadvantage to weighing it was my fault. Just seeing if anyone is in the same boat feeling a little discouraged. I have committed to no weighing or measuring till the end ( 15 day). To calm myself ( since I had already weighed ) I measured to see there is a difference. Now I'm writing down all the benefits to stay focused that way !!

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Lifting heavy, safely, is going to do nothing but good things for your back.


If you aren't comfortable doing it on your own, find a qualified S&C coach to get you started. 1hr/day, twice a week? Squat (leg press if you have to start there), Deadlift, Press.

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And hide the scale better. It will help your husband and yourself. If you have to give it to a friend for safe keeping. If your husband gets mad tell him "tough love baby" because that is what it is. Scale weight is just a relationship between our body and gravity. Have him read that article that GFChris posted as well.

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I want to add that today is my day 30 so I will weigh myself tomorrow but I "got weighed" to do a body fat test at my gym on Saturday. That number was only a couple pounds less than the one I saw on my scale on June 1st but I have had more compliments at the gym on how "skinny" I'm getting in the past couple of weeks then I've had when I was dropping a solid pound a week. I'd rather lose inches than pounds any day.

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