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Whole360 My year long journey to a healthier life!


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Day 196 - Sunday February 2nd

Info: Well after watching the Broncos get thoroughly shellacked in the big game that we can't mention, all that was left to enjoy of the evening was some food. It was tasty, Paleo, and party friendly!


(that weird code above is so I can get my blog listed in a database...please disregard!)



Food Log:

Breakfast: Holland pie (sausage, egg, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli)

Lunch: Leftovers of chicken breast, celery, carrots, black olives, pineapple, and a little bit of ground beef,


Dinner: Paleo baked wings with Franks Red Hot and clarified butter, veggie tray (carrots, broccoli, celery, black olives, and cauliflower) with OOM dipping sauce. And of course some good old Paleo slaw!

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none



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Day 197 - Monday February 3rd

Info: Someone had a case of the Monday's today (me) I could not get motivated. all the homework I had to get done....yeah I procrastinated it. Will have to bust my butt over the next few days, have a couple of larger projects due already!




Food Log:


Paleo Buuuuurger

Breakfast: Holland pie (sausage, egg, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli)

Lunch: Seasoned ground beef with iceberg lettuce, Clausen pickle, and a habanero pepper (no I don't KNOW why I keep eating them, so hot!

Dinner: Burger patty with kosher relish, mustard and hotsauce, and Paleo slaw. Frozen fruit.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: 25 pushups in 24 seconds - very simple baseline strength test.



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Day 198 - Tuesday February 4th

Info: Got a little crazy with the lettuce at lunch today, and it turned out wonderful....nothing new there, they crazy I mean. Stay warm out there folks supposed to be a cold few days if you are in Colorado at least!

Food Log:



Simple but really tasty!

Breakfast: Taco salad with seasoned ground beef, black olives, habanero pepper, and hot sauce for dressing.

Lunch: Paleo burger slathered with mustard, OOM, kosher dill relish, and hot sauce.

Dinner: Faux-chos (Ok fine its an upside down taco salad...) with seasoned ground beef, lettuce, black olives, salsa, OOM and hot sauce dressing.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none




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I'd love to find out more about your back specialist.  Might be worth a trip your way to help my husband get his back in working order.


Your Superb Owl may have been the only superb thing about this past Sunday.

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Day 199 - Wednesday February 5th

Info: I forgot how much time and work school can be....sheesh why can't this be like High School where I could sleep through classes (if I showed up) and still get good grades? Silly college. Oh whats that? I should have gotten it over with a decade a go? SHUSH you !

Food Log:


photo.JPG Paleo Slaw, ground beef and hot sauce, great combo!

Breakfast: Taco salad with seasoned ground beef, black olives, and hot sauce for dressing. Had to go cheap since it was all i had and rock the iceberg lettuce on this one.

Lunch: Steak street tacos (wrapped in romaine, with onions, cilantro, avocado slices and fresh salsa)

Dinner: Season ground beef on a bed of Paleo Slaw, frozen fruit (Blueberries, pineapple, and tart cherries.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none




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I'd love to find out more about your back specialist.  Might be worth a trip your way to help my husband get his back in working order.


Your Superb Owl may have been the only superb thing about this past Sunday.


He's got an office in Mead, a little closer to you guys too Nico, here is his website, guy really knows his stuff (Works for the pro volleyball tour!) and he came highly reccomended. Tyler Fowler is his name. http://www.physicaldimensionsihg.com/


The Superb Owl was one of the most boring games in recent memory, and while I am not a Bronco fan, I was rooting for Peyton to win another one, and for the city of Denver, would have made it fun with all the buzz going around. And I was hoping for at least a nail biter of a game so it was fun to watch...instead I got to see Bruno Mars sing crappy songs, and the Chili peppers look like porn starts (What was up with Anthony Kidas' stache?) LOL

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Day 200 - Thursday February 6th

Info: Man what a day today, let me give you all a quick and dirty rundown on it..... Woke up, -15 degrees, get to work, get phone call, have to fire one of our best workers because owner "Only wants full timers" and since this guy has school there is no place for him, then get to work all day with said fired employee because he's a good guy and is finishing his shift, get off work, take kids to library because they love it, and well don't we all need to read more? Then 2 hours of homework in between stuffing random stuff in my face for dinner, then a little internet troll mockery, which to my enjoyment is working better than the original trolling, and then falling asleep at sometime after 11:37pm  on the couch (last I saw clock). Good thing I have an auto set alarm on my phone or I likely would still be laying there! Interesting day to say the least!

Best run on sentence....ever.

Food Log:

Breakfast: Taco salad with romaine, seasoned ground beef, and hot sauce. 14 almonds for fat.

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens lettuce, mushrooms, boiled egg, and fresh salsa. (Little lacking in the fat department on this meal)

Dinner: Total randomness..... Smoked oysters in olive oil (2 cans), steamed cauliflower, 2 TBS of almond butter, frozen fruit, and a few bites of Paleo slaw.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none


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Day 201 - Friday February 7th

Info: Did some bulk cooking of the Sugar, gluten, preservative free sausages I got a while back. Well for a few days worth of meals anyways, guess I shouldn't call it bulk cooking. Back is acting up again, but I went a few days without the stretches and exercises the doctor gave me, back at them again, learned quick this time!


That's a lot of wieners!

Food Log:



Wieners and roughage!


Breakfast: Taco salad with romaine, seasoned ground beef, and hot sauce. 14 almonds for fat.

Lunch: 6oz sirloin steak with steamed broccoli, 14 almonds for fat

Dinner: 2 Sausages, with steamed broccoli and cauliflower. Frozen fruit, and 2 TBS of almond butter.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none


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Day 202 - Saturday February 8th

Info: Woke up late, figured I'd eat a big lunch for a breakfast/lunch and then do a snack later instead of trying to cram a meal in really late. i don't liek doing that, but I also didn't plan on waking up at 11am! Yikes! Then I spent most of the day doing homework, literally like 6 hours worth. It was good though because it was all for my nutrition classes, which I like.

No pictures today, so please see the following and enjoy. No, I do not know what is wrong with me LOL.


breakdancing-bear.gif Get some!


Food Log:


Breakfast:  3 Sausages, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, and black olives for fat.

Lunch: none, I woke up pretty late today, and my breakfast kind of took over for my lunch.

Dinner: 2 Sausage salad with iceberg lettuce, salsa and hot sauce. 16 almonds for fat. This was the "Oh what do I have left meal" Little sausage, little lettuce...that will work LOL

Snack: 2 cups of frozen fruit - tart cherries, pineapple, and mango

Exercise Log: Stretching for lower back issues, and planks.

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 Day 203 - Sunday February 9th

Info: Got my cook on today, made up some Mexican style chicken, and then made a chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, yellow squash, and onion curry. I'm not sure if I really like curry or not, but I am hoping I do because I made a giant pan of it LOL. I tasted it here and there when I was cooking it, but I have no idea if I did it right or not. It was edible and tasted pretty good, so we will see how it goes from there. I got some pics today to try and make up for the break dancing bear from yesterday.......


photo+2%2811%29.JPG My curry, my curry and meeee!


photo+1%252811%2529.JPG Breakfast scramble

Food Log:


Breakfast:  3 egg scramble packed with broccoli and cauliflower, topped with chili paste. 20 or so
almonds for fat.

Lunch: Sausage, broccoli, and 2 TBS of almond butter for fat.

photo+3%252810%2529.JPG You like it spicy???? I do.

Dinner: Mexican seasoned chicken, with a big bowl of broccoli and cauliflower, smothered in chili paste. 14 Almonds for fat.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: Kept up with the stretches and planks, added some pushup sets in to it as well.


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Day 204 - Monday February 10th

Info: Monday February 10th is a day that will go down in infamy.....as the day I got fired for questioning "The Man"

I questioned a decision made with no real logic behind it and stuck up for one of my employees, seeking an answer or at least some closure on the situation. A "why" if you will.  I expressed my opinion on the situation, and apparently you aren't allowed to do that!  (I had to fire an employee in good standing, because "That's what I want" - I'll include this in here now so you all aren't wondering later.) Instead of answers or any explanation, I was accused of being disrespectful, a negative influence, and was lied to several times and then fired.

Sounds like a good way to run a business right? Oh yeah I almost forgot, my boss stuck up for me, and himself and he was also fired!!!....one HELL of a Monday.

images.jpg Don't question the "Man"
And I just want to state for the record, because I know someone out there will take a screen shot and run right to the person I am referencing....I still think your decision was 100% bullsh*t and I would stick up for my employee if I had to do it all over again. Its called integrity. At least I don't lie to people, brah.

Ok now that I have turned my rant off, lets get to the good stuff, which is eating healthy, working out, and getting back to the best we can be!


Oh yeah one more thing.....Anybody hiring???


Food Log:


Breakfast:  Chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and onion curry - didn't know if I would like it, not too bad really! 14 almonds for fat

Lunch: Mexican style chicken with broccoli. Drizzled broccoli with clarified butter for fat


Dinner: Chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and onion curry. Frozen fruit and 14 almonds for fat.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: Stretching and planks


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Day 205 - Tueday February 10th

Info: Generally in the past if adversity hit, I would hit up Del Taco (disgusting, but my favorite restaurant on this side of the Mississippi) (Sorry always wanted to say that) eat a bunch of nasty food, and then pound a bottle of booze or a case of beer...you know to make myself feel better. Now that I have been living under my own control, I didn't do that! Although beer and Del Taco sounds really tasty I'm not gonna lie, I stuck with whats working and whats healthy for me! People can change...it just takes time and effort!



Food Log:


photo+1%2812%29.JPG Breakfast curry? Meh why not?

Breakfast:  Chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and onion curry, 14 almonds for fat

Lunch: 2 Sausages, romaine salad with hot sauce for dressing. 14 almonds for fat


photo+2%2813%29.JPG So tasty!


 Dinner: Chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and onion curry, I made an almond "butter" if you will for fat, 14 almonds, 1TBS of Almond butter and a sprinkle of sea salt. This folks is

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none


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I wanna see a celebration video of you doing the dancing bear dance on your last day.  ;-)


Love curry, even for breakfast!


Darn right to work state.  Love your integrity and wish you the best finding a job fast.  Also, way to stick with your health goals during a really tough time.

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I wonder why they don't recommend it permanently? 


If I were to take an honest guess, it's because after a certain amount of time you'll plateau with any "diet" and you stop seeing results, and that would be bad marketing for Whole30.  Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it, but a lot of the novelty is in it being a short-term "challenge".

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Day 206 - Wednesday February 12th

Info: Job searching in full swing. I am not too particular in what I do, and I have all kinds of management experience, as well as retail, restaurant. mechanical etc, I've done a lot in my life, so the pages are pretty wide open. That being said I kicked it off and put in about 9 apps yesterday, and 7 today. I've got a good head of steam, and feel it will be a short time to a better future! I am also an adviser for AdvoCare, and am building that business too, little by little the time I have to spend "working" away from family and friends is decreasing! Someday I can work out all day, and do Paleo Podcasts for fun......that may or may not be a hint for all you 360 readers!!!

Did some bulk cooking to say the least today as well. Back when I started the Whole360 I made a bunch of bone broth/soup stock whenever I could, so I broke some of that out to make a Chicken and vegetable soup. I of course being one for the extremes made almost 5 gallons of soup!!! I froze a bunch of it, but will still be eating a lot of soup!

photo+2%2815%29.JPG Over 21 cups of veggies and 6lbs of Chicken were required for my soup!


Food Log:



Its more like a stew there are so many veggies!


Breakfast: 3 egg scramble with broccoli and cauliflower. Sauteed in Clarified butter.

Lunch: 2 sausages, coconut oil  sauteed Brussels sprouts, kosher dill pickle.

Dinner: 1 large bowl Chicken and vegetable soup, 14 almonds for fat.

Snack: none

Exercise Log: none


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Day 207 - Thursday February 13th

Info: Of course I put in applications and submitted resumes like a madman today, also found out a project manager job I have been chasing was put on hold for a month or so, so that ones out for the time being. Guy I was talking to was impressed by my repeated follow up calls, and invited me to check back, so that's a good sign. Hopefully I won't be calling him in a month though, because I will have already started something else....here's to starting something else real soon! LOL.

No pictures of food today, BUT I did shoot a video on how to make Olive Oil Mayo for all of you that are hesitating on trying it. It's really easy, and I show you how! That will get posted in the next few days, I didn't realize video editing can take so long!!


Job-search-concept.jpg I felt this pretty much summed it all up...


Food Log:

Breakfast: What else? Chicken and vegetable soup, 2 TBS of almond butter for fat.

Lunch: 2 sausages, coconut oil  sauteed Brussels sprouts, frozen mango and bluberries.

Dinner: Faux-chos, well really upside down taco salad with sausages as meat, and a pile of lettuce, salsa and hotsauce on top. Dill OOM for fat.

Snack: Frozen mango, peaches, mixed berries

Exercise Log: 100 body weight squats.....gearing up to do a 1,000 squat, 500 pushup and 30 minutes total worth of planks workout.


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Day 208 - Friday February 14th

Info: Happy Valentine's day to all of you that celebrate it, and for those of you that don't....Happy Valentine's day too! And for that special lady that I know Happy Birthday too!!!


Valentines+day.jpg Happy Valentine's Day!


Food Log: Sorry no pictures today, it was all boring food for the most party anyways.

Breakfast: 3 eggs, broccoli, with dill OOM

Lunch:  2 sausages, pan charred Brussels sprouts (in coconut oil)

Dinner: Baked fish, steak, and prime rib (small amounts of each) salad with romaine, onions, iceberg, cilantro. Olive oil and balsamic dressing. Pineapple and honeydew melon.

Snack: Frozen mango, peaches, mixed berries

Exercise Log: none


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Day 209 - Saturday February 15th

Info: OK I'm all geared up (well i didn't need any gear, but I'm ready to give it a try) for the 1,000 squat, 500 pushup, 36 minute plank challenge! Will be doing it on Monday the 17th! Had to give myself tomorrow to make sure I'm up early enough to start it! Rules are 5am to 12 midnight on Monday 17th, I have to try and do 1,000 body weight squats, 500 pushups, and 36 minutes of ab planks. What do you think? Can I do it?? How about a comment below and let me know how you think I will do!


Food Log:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, broccoli, with dill OOM

Lunch:  SF beef jerky, carrot and celery sticks, almonds for fat.

Dinner: Chicken vegetable soup, Brussels sprouts charred with coconut oil, and frozen fruit.

Snack: none



Exercise Log: Spent all day out on the range helping Iron Protection Group with a class, had a lot of fun, and got to meet some cool people! And best of all dump a few hundred rounds on some steel! If you are looking for some training, or need security for your Church, business, adventure or whatever give these guys a holler, they are all awesome to work with, and will get you taken care of. And who knows you might see someone you know running around from time to time =)


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Day 210 - Sunday February 16th

Info: Today was mass grocery day, hit up Costco and stocked up. Bulk cooking is in my near future for sure. Also be on the look out for a post about eating healthy vs fast food/unhealthier alternatives. I have been working on that, and it is about finished.


Food Log:

photo%288%29.JPG Olympic Rings Dinner......

Breakfast: 3 eggs, half of a banana and 14 almonds for fat. Botched the veggies in this meal.

Lunch:  Big salad with romaine, iceberg, cabbage, carrots, mushroom, egg, onion, black olives and broccoli. Scrambled eggs for protein.

Dinner: Chicken vegetable soup, Brussels sprouts pan charred with coconut oil, and some organic dried apple chips.

Snack: none


Exercise Log: Stretching and leg exercises for my ongoing back issues. Had to cancel the doctor visits for now until I can secure work again.....so just keeping up with what he told me to do.


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Day 211 - Monday February 17th

Info: Well, slept right on through the alarm so squat challenge was pushed to Tuesday the 18th. Sorry, woke up way to late to even try to catch up to the schedule! Anyone else ever feel like the career search is more exhausting than when you actually find a job? Seriously how tired can applying online make you? Apparently very tired!

Food Log:



Not the prettiest, but it got the job done!


Breakfast: 3 egg scramble with broccoli, and dill OOM

Lunch:  1 Sausage, charred Brussels sprouts, baked apple chips. 14 almonds for fat.

Dinner: 2 Sausages, iceberg salad with OOM/hot sauce dressing, and a Clausen pickle

Snack: none


Exercise Log: EPIC FAIL on the challenge...postponed until tomorrow.


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Day 212 - Tuesday February 18th

Info: Ahh Feb 18th....the day where I subjected myself to torture! As I write this....I am sore. No I'm @$%&&@*** Sore!!!! Cool challenge though, I actually had fun trying to do it, which included some random trips to peoples bathrooms to bush out squats or pushups so they didn't think I was an idiot all the sudden hopping up and down in their houses! I of course woke up 4 hours later than planned (I had an alarm set for 5am) and since I stayed up till 3am the night before, THAT wasn't happening. So what I did was add 4hrs to Wed in order to get my full time frame in. Results are posted in the exercise section below!

Got some bulk cooking in again today, made 4lbs of seasoned ground beef, as well as another Holland Pie. I know I have been saying this a while now, but recipe for Holland Pie is being worked on, and will drop here shortly. Seriously if you try any of the recipes on this sight, you HAVE to try this one, it is out of this world, and even better when you eat it cold!!!!



I don't always use 18 eggs to make Holland Pie...wait yes I do!






Holland Pie at it's finest!!!


Food Log:


Breakfast: Eggsaronious - anyone remember that movie? 4oz burger with 1 egg on top, and coconut oil sauteed mushrooms.

Lunch:  Taco salad with romaine, ground beef and dried apple chips. 14 almonds for fat.

Dinner: Lettuce wrapped burritos and tacos, with ground beef, OOM, and hot sauce.

Snack: none


Exercise Log: Challenge was fun, but I came up a bit short. Missed my pushups goal by 53, and my plank goal by 2 minutes. The soreness is really what held me back I think, missing those 4 hours in the morning and adding them at the end, gave me time, but boy it was painful! I'll take it though, got a lot of work in, and its a good sore....gotta....keep....telling...myself...that.....


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Day 213 - Wednesday February 19th

Info: Sorry if the format is a little messed up tonight, posting this off my IPAD, so we will see how it goes! Other than being super sore in the leg, ab and chest area, doing great today! Also back at it with the Paleo-tillas, I'm soooo close to making them easy AND delicious! Currently they are delicious, just not as easy as I want. Going to try a few more things and then a gluten, grain free tortilla will be revealed!!!!


Food Log:


Breakfast: Holland pie - new version has; carrots, celery, onions, mushrooms, black olives, and ground beef.

Lunch:  Burger patty with onion, pickle, and side salad with OOM and hot sauce dressing.

Dinner: Taco salad with seasoned ground beef, black olives, and OOM/hot sauce dressing.

Snack: none



Exercise Log: Finished the challenge today...getting more and more sore....just can't wait for tomorrow!


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