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Whole360 My year long journey to a healthier life!


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Day 258 - Saturday April 5th

Info: Today I cooked some hot dogs. A lot of hot dogs. My friend works for an RV dealership and needed some help slinging dogs for a sort of open house, so I agreed to help out. I didn't eat the hot dogs though! I watched as people ate hot dogs, buns, and sugary ketchup and just smiled that I am not like that anymore. Don't get me wrong I love processed and mechanically separated beef parts as much as the next guy, I just enjoy my health and weight loss progress a whole lot more!



Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog!


Food Log:

Breakfast: Odd breakfast today, basically grabbed stuff as fast as I could and ate it. It included:
smoked oysters in olive oil, Almond butter, apple chips, and carrots. Yeah I know.

Lunch: Chicken salad with OOM/salsa dressing

Dinner:  Chicken salad (last of the chicken for this week) with green olives, and Not so soy vinaigrette. (Recipe to follow, making final tweaks now)

Snack: none

Exercise: 25 pushups, 50 air squats.


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Day 259 - Sunday April 6th

Info: Today was wrought with bulk cooking, mixing, chopping and preparations.....for the week to come! I didn't get everything done I wanted but that's OK got a majority stashed so I have little prep work to do for meals during the week. I also found a great deal on an Estim Machine (Think TENS machine but more advanced, can help with muscle repair, soreness, etc) which should be here this week to help out with my back. From my treatments with the Chiro, the Estim seemed to have the best effect, so I figured a $150 investment was well worth it, so I don't have to keep going back to the Chiro constantly.



Paleo Slaw is born! A lot of Paleo Slaw!



Food Log:


Breakfast: Steak, Asian salad (cabbage, carrots, celery) drizzled with my not so soy vinaigrette.

Lunch: Steak and Paleo slaw

Dinner: Steak and Paleo slaw - can you tell what I bulk cooked today?

Snack: none

Exercise: none.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 260 - Monday April 7th

Info: Been having internet issues, sorry for the delays...again. That will all be remedied very soon though!




I cannot be calm when there is no internets!!!!!


Food Log:


Breakfast: scrambled eggs with steak and Brussels sprouts.

Lunch: Steak and Paleo slaw

Dinner: Steak salad with not so soy vinaigrette

Snack: none

Exercise: 25 pushups, 50 squats, 30 mins of stretching


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Day 261 - Tuesday April 8th

Info: Had to go get some new shorts today because all the ones I have look like I'm wearing a tarp. Tried on 36's and they were too big! 34's fit my waist, but I've got some big ol honkin legs from playing hockey for so long, so they are a bit tight in the leg, but they will work. Anyone know if you can get 34 waist with a 36 leg?

I also had realized that Salmon Cakes have been missing from my life since last November...so I remedied that right away! These things are soooooooooo good!



Food Log:



Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, steak and salsa

Lunch: Romaine salad with carrots, last of the steak, green olives, and not so soy dressing.

Dinner: Salmon cakes, romaine salad, OOM/Salsa dressing

Snack: none

Exercise: none - was lazy today. No excuse other than lazy


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Day 262 - Wednesday April 9th

Info: Today is my youngest daughters birthday!!! She turns 4 today!! Such a little character, pretty much all of the time....not really sure where she gets that from though........ Haha Happy birthday Theren!!!


Such a Character!!! Happy Birthday baby girl!



Food Log:

Breakfast: 3 egg omelet with chicken, onions and avocado. With an ample dose of hot sauce.

Lunch: Romaine salad with 2 salmons cakes, not so soy dressing.

Dinner: Paleo wings, and a dinner salad with iceberg, cabbage, carrot, and onion.

Snack: none

Exercise: none


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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot has passed and I'm not going to copy and paste it all over here, but I will say all is going well!


I will start up and maintain this until the end of my Whole360 journey starting with my last post....I just don't want to go through bringing 20+ posts over!

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Day 288 - Monday May 5th

Info: I didn't want to get a case of the Mondays, so i got a new food processor to help[ me through! I burnt up my old one making some Paleo tortillas and have been without for a few months. Just so happens King Soopers (Colorado's Kroger chain) had a decent processor on sale so I grabbed it. So Happy I can make delicious things...quickly now!!!

I was hungry today for some reason so I added in a snack which was about as big as a meal, gotta feed the machine when it's hungry!



I stopped messing around with the "little" steaks!!!


Food Log:

Breakfast: 4 egg scramble with broccoli, salsa and OOM

Lunch: Sf sausage and Paleo Slaw

Dinner: Grilled steak and grilled romaine salad
Snack: Sf sausage, a few jumbo olives

Exercise: None legs were still sore as heck, and when I waddle around just walking, I'm sure as heck not gonna run LOL


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  • 2 weeks later...

Lagging again, all is well in Whole360 land, I'll post current info instead of spamming past


Day 299 - Friday May 16th

Info: I can feel the soreness from yesterdays events creeping up on me, lol can't WAIT until tomorrow! Did some light exercise to keep moving, but nothing too much today. Bulk cooking was the theme today! Busted the grill out for some burgers and Sugar, and gluten free sausages from Colorado's own Canino's!



got bulk cookinz? I do!

Food Log:

Breakfast: Holland pie doused with hot sauce...again!

Lunch: Series of snacks, steak, almonds, carrot and celery sticks

Dinner: 1 sausage and 1 small burger patty, side salad with iceberg lettuce and OOM dressing

Snack: none

Exercise: Stretching, especially legs and chest, few air squats to keep the blood flowing.


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  • 1 month later...

Been a while since I posted over here, was having the worst time trying to get in to the site for over a month so I gave up. looks like I can get back in now so I will start posting again.


Fast forward, I am getting close to one year, everything is going well and I feel great (except that nagging back.) instead of backposting everything I will just start posting from where I am on my blog at the moment!


Thanks all!

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Day 342 - Saturday June 28th

Info:  Today is ECOIDPA day! I planned a pretty cool match for all the shooters today, we followed an AC/DC theme! While I wanted to have some music blaring while we shot, I couldn't find enough CD players to make it work how I would have envisioned so we just went without it. Lots of fun to be had, and a day on the range is about as good as you can get, well unless the range was next to the ocean in a 75-80 degree climate with a slight breeze, on the beach, next to a giant bbq grill....yeah anyways today was fun!



Fun stages to be had by all.....


Food Log:

Breakfast: Chicken thigh and a few carrot and celery sticks

Lunch: Grazed throughout the afternoon on chicken thigh, olives, apple chips and almond butter

Dinner: 2 avocados worth of guacamole mixed with diced chicken and hot sauce

Snack:  none


Exercise: 8 hours running and walking around the range - at least 4 miles.


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Day 343 - Sunday June 29th

Info: Back to the Bay today for some pool and water slide fun! Also got a nice big dose of vitamin D today!


Vitamin D feels so good!

Food Log:

Breakfast: Freeze dried strawberries and bananas, steak and some sweet potato chips cooked in coconut oil. Total hodgepodge breakfast

Lunch: smoked oysters, carrots, celery, almond butter and sweet potato chips

Dinner: Taco salad with seasoned ground beef, iceberg, hot sauce and black olives

Snack:  none


Exercise: swimming and stretching


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Day 344 - Monday June 30th

Info: Today I took it easy for the most part. Sat around listened to some music, watched my daughters and their friend run through the sprinkler, took them to get Slurpees, got some more sun, you know the lazy whatever goes kind of day. It was awesome!


Who knew they could grow facial hair that young?


Food Log:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and strawberries

Lunch: Ground beef taco salad with iceberg and black olives, carrot and celery sticks and a handful of almonds

Dinner: Another taco salad (can you tell i really like these?) with hot sauce. Also had a hot italian sausage (sugar and gluten free)

Snack:  pistachios


Exercise: ~2 mile walk


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Day 345 - Tuesday July 1st

Info: Ended up down in Colorado Springs for the day so decided to do some exploring! First we hit up Garden of the Gods for some easy hiking. Checked out Siamese Twins and Balancing rock, the usual stuff. After that it was off to check out some other attractions, we tried to go to Seven Falls but it is closed for renovations.....whatever that means. Didn't realize waterfalls needed renovations! We ended up going to Helen Hunt falls instead which is pretty cool, the most fun was when we went down stream and played in the water for a while! The kids loved it, and that cold water was refreshing! After we got back to the Denver area a buddy of mine decided to go do some night fishing! Didn't catch anything but it was still a lot of fun.



Siamese twin rock formation at Garden of the gods - Pikes Peak in the background



Helen Hunt Falls - if you didn't already know I am infatuated with water so this was awesome!



Food Log:

Breakfast: Sf Canino's sausage, carrots and celery dipped in almond butter and strawberries

Lunch: Jumbo olives, carrot and celery sticks with almond butter, sweet potato chips, and organic apple chips (it was what was left in the cooler at the end of the trip lol)

Dinner: Caninos hot sausage, sweet potato chips, organic apple chips and handful of almonds (this was what as leftover from packing for the trip lol) Not my best meals, but they were Paleo and easy!

Snack:  none


Exercise: ~4 miles worth of hiking


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Day 346 - Wednesday July 2nd

Info: had to go to the lovely DMV today to register our truck, went fast thank god but those trips are always a drag! on to less mundane stuff....I have been going fishing at night with a buddy, kind of scouting out places and just to get out and get some hiking/walking in. I have been skunked 3 nights in a row.....Enter my daughter Raegan. I took her last night with me because buddy couldn't go, and this lake by our house is familiar enough now I felt safe to bring her. We are shore fishing and casting away and my line gets an odd tangle at one of the eyelets on my pole. So as I'm fixing it Raegan is still casting away having a good old time when I hear her squeal "Daddy I think i have something!" I was thinking its probably a snag or something, but when I turned around her rod was zipping all over the place as she was hauling a nice sized bass on the shore! I almost killed myself running over to her across the rocks! Needless to say, it was a solid 12-14" fish! I have never seen her so excited, it was awesome! So this post is dedicated to that, Raegan's first fish, it was a dandy!!!



Sorry its blurry she was jumping up and down LOL



Her mom told her if you catch a fish you have to kiss it on the lips like my dad made me - it's a tradition!


The Pan Bake

Food Log:

Breakfast: Something I call a pan bake (watch for recipe) - 4 eggs, mushrooms, ground beef, and red onion.

Lunch: Canino's sausage, carrot and celery sticks dipped in guacamole

Dinner: Stir fry of steak, mushrooms and broccoli all cooked in home made clarified butter

Snack:  none

Exercise: ~2 miles worth of walking



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Day 347 - Thursday July 3rd

Info: Busy weekend again, no excuse for getting behind again other than I suck at updating these when I get tired! 



The bombelette taketh many shapes...this shape happened to be delicious!



Food Log:

Breakfast: Another bomelette, with 3 eggs. mushrooms, onions and ground beef. Topped with ample hot sauce

Lunch: Taco salad with romaine and ground beef. 2 TBS of almond butter, with some almonds mixed in for some extra crunch

Dinner: Canino's sausage and stir fried broccoli drizzled with coconut aminos

Snack:  none

Exercise: none


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Day 348 - Friday July 4th

Info: Happy Birthday 'Merica! Hope you all were safe and had fun celebrating! This is the first year in memory that i didn't celebrate with my former friend Al Cohol. While we always had fun, it just didn't fit in to my plans this year!




Food Log:

Breakfast: Leftover mix - Canino's sausage, ground beef, and broccoli

Lunch: Canino's sausage, carrot and celery sticks dipped in almond butter

Dinner: Big taco salad with ground beef, iceberg, black olives and a ton of hot sauce

Snack:  none

Exercise: none


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Day 349 - Saturday July 5th

Info: Went out to a lake to swim and fish and have a little fun.... yeah it stormed and poured. Then we got together with some friends for a 4th of July party on the day after, ended up playing volleyball and on a crazy backwards twisty trying to save the ball move pulled that sore muscle I have again. yay I get to go through all this again!



Damn, it rained on our fun.....

Food Log:

Breakfast: Taco salad with ground beef, iceberg and salsa for dressing

Lunch: Organic apple chips. Yeah pretty lame lunch

Dinner: 2 Canino's sausages, pheasant breast (yes that's right pheasant breast! It's been like 16 years! And it was glorious!) carrot and celery sticks

Snack:  none

Exercise: Several hours of volleyball


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Day 350 - Sunday July 6th

Info: Well the old "butt" is nice and sore today, can't wait for the next few days! Sleeping with and ice pack and lots of TENS machine in my future. Got out and shot a USPSA match today, wasn't focused but did have a few shining moments..shot a 2nd overall on 1 stage and a grand master score on the classifier stage! Oh yeah but then I pulled 1 shot which ruined my GM score.. dang it!!!! Ahh well that's why the sport is so addicting!



Food Log:

Breakfast: Scarfed a couple Canino's sausages on the way to the range

Lunch: Ground beef taco salad with hot sauce/OOM dressing

Dinner: Ground beef taco salad with jumbo olives and hot sauce for dressing

Snack:  none

Exercise: running around on the range all day.


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Day 351 - Monday July 7th

Info: Sat around most of the day with stabbing pains from my lovely pulled muscle. I try to keep this blog PG-13 at least, but this shit is getting old. I can't go to the gym, I can barely stretch without wanting to stick an ice pick in my eyeball.... Going to give it a few days and fire up that NEMS machine as much as possible and see if it helps at all. If not I am going to have to go to the doctor.



Anyone else rip open the can and wolf these down? They look odd but they make a great on the go protein and fat source


Food Log:

Breakfast: 2 leftover Canino's sausages, tried to eat some veggies etc, but just wasn't hungry

Lunch: I made dip out of Olive oil mayo, dill and dried onion and then feasted on carrots and celery sticks

Dinner: Few cans of smoked oysters in olive oil applesauce and more carrots and celery. I am going to get some fresh oysters and smoke them myself, heard they are great that way. (I hate raw oysters, they gotta be smoked!)

Snack:  none

Exercise: none


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Day 352 - Tuesday July 8th

Info: More ice packs and sitting around, it is starting to feel "slightly" better and I use that word loosely. Keep forgetting to put the NEMS machine on...yeah I know I know I'm a quick one eh? Got back to eating complete meals today with protein, fat, carbs (from veggies) so that's a plus at least!



The B.O.S.S. (Big Ol stinkin salad!)


Food Log:

Breakfast: Chicken salad with OOM/salsa dressing

Lunch: Chicken salad with OOM dressing, olives and hot sauce

Dinner: Salad with smoked oysters and chicken with OOM/salsa dressing

Snack:  none

Exercise: none


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Day 353 - Wednesday July 9th

Info: Today God gave me a gift. That gift was wrapped in bacon and one of the most wonderful things I have jammed in my mouth in a long long time (knock it off pervs) Today I made the glorious, delicious, wonderful bacon wrapped onion rings, and MAN are they awesome! (Look for the recipe here!)



If you don't eat these ASAP, you may never experience what life is really about! (true story!)


Food Log:

Breakfast: Coconut marinated grilled chicken breast topped with bacon-onion rings and spicy chili sauce

Lunch: Coconut marinated grilled chicken breast topped with bacon-onion rings and spicy chili sauce

Dinner: Good old chicken and broccoli with some organic apple chips on the side

Snack:  none

Exercise: none


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I love smoked oysters (love fresh raw ones, too, but only oceanside!) as well, but I don't eat them as often as you do. Wouldn't smoking them yourself be less cost effective? Those bacon wrapped onion rings look INSANE!

Also, I commiserate with you on the back pain and frustration about working out. My chiro helps a lot, as does icing and using biofreeze between icings. Sometimes rest is best, tough as it is.

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