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Dry meat


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Does anyone know of a way of keeping cooked meat moist after being refridgerated and re-heated?  I'm trying to cook ahead and the meat (chicken, beef, pork) is moist right after I cook it but when I re-heat it the next day it's barely edible.

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How are you cooking it first time around? And how are you reheating it? Both these things can make a difference! For example, i'll sometimes do a big lump of pork in the slow cooker & make pulled pork - i'd store the leftovers with all the spare broth & fats that came out of the pork while it was cooking. If i've got leftover roast chicken, again, i'll store it with any pan juices. For reheating, i usually re-fry my leftover meat - so more coconut oil or duck fat or similar gets mixed in. I find reheating meatballs a challenge  ;) but will often have them cold as a snack. Meatloaf is quite good if you "deconstruct" it (i.e. break it up with a spoon!) & re-fry it with veggies.

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If you're cooking ahead (vs eating leftovers from another meal), try slightly under cooking the meat. That way, when you heat it up it will finish cooking and not be dry. When you initially cook the meat be sure to let it rest (covered) for at least 10 minutes so the juices will soak back in.

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