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Didn't expect this....

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So I've read It Starts With Food about three times.... And my whole30 is teaching me about foods that don't meet the good psychological response category. Enter almond and coconut butter. When I struggled in college with food addiction I was fixated on anything that I could eat out of the jar like peanut butter, Nutella, etc... So I've noticed that when I reach for almond and coconut butter now it's because of that same psychological response. So.... What now? Should I give those up the rest of my whole30??

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Well done for recognising what's happening.  If that knowledge is enough to keep you from going overboard on them then I think you're alright to leave them in.


But, if they're too much of a temptation then get rid of them.  Besides, they're not the food best choices anyways.

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It might be a lot easier for you to avoid them, especially since you know you have that kind of psychological response.


For me, if I don't have them in the cupboard, I forget they exist, but if they're in there, they're always tugging away at the back of my mind, making me feel anxious and deprived...much easier and ultimately much more pleasant just to ban them from the house.

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I had almond butter my first 2 weeks of my whole30 and I never once used it in a recipe (like for sunshine sauce) though I did dip apples in it a time or two, but I mostly just took a spoon and ate a couple spoonfuls right out of the jar. Once I realized what I was doing, I just stopped buying it (it's also $6 a pound!) and haven't really missed it.

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