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Whole30- and no results


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Hey everyone.. I am encouraged by everyone's success stories, and very happy for those of you for whom this has been life-changing.  I am not as lucky.  Today is day 31 and, after a quick weigh-in, I have gained some weight.  This wouldn't be a big deal, if my clothes fit any better (they don't.. the same/tight) or if I felt amazing energy changes or other physical changes.  Is anyone else experiencing this after finishing their first whole30?  I was completely compliant and had no cheat days.. I exercised regularly and ate lots of vegetables.  I was also a heavy drinker before, so I'm not sure if that plays a role..?  I would love any feedback or any similar experiences- hopefully the breakthrough is right around the corner.

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Hi Katie. I'm sorry you are bummed about your experience. It's frustrating to put so much effort into it and not feel like you got anything out of it. I didn't lose much my first time around either, and I was bummed myself. I don't know what your habits were pre-Whole30, but maybe you need a little more time for your body to adjust and heal. I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear - do it for longer! :) Also if you increased your exercise, you could have gained muscle while your body is still trying to figure out how to tap into its fat stores, resulting in a weight gain. I gain muscle very easily, and always feel bigger before I start to feel smaller. Give it another week or two, and see how you feel. You did a great job making it all 30 days strong, and if nothing else feel good that you took a challenge head-on from start to finish!

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  Sorry that you didn't lose any weight or inches. Do you at least feel good with lots of energy and less bloated tummy?


  In any case you should be extremely proud that you completed the Whole30 with no cheats, and stuck it out! That's a big accomplishment so take time to recognize yourself for it!


  Here are a few thoughts/questions that come to mind. Maybe none of them apply to you, but take a look.


  Lifting weights: It doesn't have to be crazy big weights, or super intense, or more than a couple times a week. But doing 2 sets of 8 repetitions where the last couple are pretty hard really kick starts the weight/inches loss.


  Meal Template

  Did you follow the template for the specific amounts of fat, protein and veggies at each meal?

  I know a couple of people who skimped on fat and had trouble because of that.


Also, be sure to eat a pre or post workout meal (per the template) if your workout was significant/strenuous.



  Were you able to eat enough at each meal to make it to the next or did you resort to snacking in between? That makes the biggest   difference for me. If you don't eat enough to last 4 hours between, your body won't go to your liver to get that pesky fat for energy -- it will wait for the calories in the snack and burn those instead.


  Hope one of these suggestions/questions proves helpful.

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thank you for the replies!  i plan to keep doing it- without eggs or nightshades.  i haven't been weight-lifting much (just some body weight), but plan to start.  i get hungry at weird times, and sometimes am not hungry during mealtimes.  i will try to eat more during meals and avoid snacking- i didn't snack a ton, but i can see how it made a difference.  i think (hope) my body just needs more time to adjust.. but it is discouraging. 

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Katie, I second the suggestion to lift weights. There is a wonderful free programme on bodybuilding.com by Jamie Eason that started me out. Ignore the nutrition bit, your nutrition is already great. It might be just what your metabolism needs to boost it. Weight training really transformed my shape in a way other exercise didn't . Good luck, and I really admire you for sticking with it.

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Hey Katie,


Sorry you didn't see the results you were looking for. There's a post on the 9blog talking about this: http://whole9life.com/2012/10/six-reasons-why-the-whole30-didnt-work-for-you/


Otherwise, maybe you weren't sleeping enough, or eating enough, or maybe you were working out too much.


Lots of moving pieces, so there are lots of possibilities!

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thank you for the replies!  i plan to keep doing it- without eggs or nightshades.  i haven't been weight-lifting much (just some body weight), but plan to start.  i get hungry at weird times, and sometimes am not hungry during mealtimes.  i will try to eat more during meals and avoid snacking- i didn't snack a ton, but i can see how it made a difference.  i think (hope) my body just needs more time to adjust.. but it is discouraging.

I did the first 30 days of my W75 without nightshades or eggs. I was able to shed a bit if weight. When I added them back, the weightlss stopped. I think it's good to experiment a bit to see which foods cause inflammation and water retention. I figure if my body is working on inflammation, it has less time to focus on other things. Good luck and stay the course!

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