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Stomach upset "what the?!?"


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I've been having a similar breakfast for a while, that I love - it's delicious! Omelette, cooked in coconut oil, filled with a spicy, tomatoey, mushroom and zucchini sauce that I make with chilli, garlic, onion powder, paprika, cumin. I add fresh coriander and serve it with steamed broccoli coated in coconut oil.

It's sensational, but I've noticed an hour or so later that I get stomach cramps and generally need a toilet quick! So not so sensational.

For the past couple of days, I've had something else for breakfast, but had this exact same thing for lunch. No cramping, no toilet required.

Is it possible to not tolerate certain foods on an empty stomach but for them to be ok later? Anyone else noticed anything similar?

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I think that is entirely possible. It's called post-prandial diarrhea, although it can happen anytime not just in the AM


When you eat, it does spur muscle activity in your whole digestive system, including your colon. The D is most likely caused by a meal you had previously, which has not digested properly, and when your system 'wakes up', your colon starts spasming and you have to run to the bathroom. Before I learned about FODMAPS, I had this constantly. It's very frustrating because you concentrate on what you just ate instead of what is really causing the D.


I hate to say it amberino, but I do think you may have IBS or some other chronic digestive issue. I know you've had sensitivity to some foods (the broccoli stands out to me) so maybe some diet changes?


Here is a good link I found on the subject: http://ibs.about.com/od/diarrhea/a/Diarrhea-After-Eating.htm

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Thanks, bet - it's funny that something like that is actually a "thing" with a name!!

I've just had a look on google, and as part of an article found this tip for lessening the effects:

"3. Eat small meals and avoid fatty foods, e.g. fried food, fatty meats and thick gravy. Large meals and fatty foods can increase the strength of intestinal contractions and thus prompt a diarrhea episode."

This would be by far my fattiest meal....although I'm not sure how changing time of day changes the "result". The previous nights dinner included lots of similar ingredients (we're sticking to a plan so have been eating the same meals a lot), whereas the breakfasts I ate were a lot different and more starchy carb based.

Further investigation required!

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Yeah, it is a bit comforting that these 'things' that happen to us have names. So we are not alone (or crazy!). I spent years not eating in the morning before I got to work to avoid this type of situation, especially when commuting on the subway.

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So, I used ghee and mayo instead of coconut oil. same result....


this morning I took the mushrooms out. and no issues. there is mushrooms in my (pre made) dinner, but not a huge amount - I have noticed a lesser but similar reaction at dinner, so perhaps it's the mushrooms giving me problems. i'll add them back in tomorrow and see how I go!

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Maybe swap out the broccoli for a baked sweet potato with shredded coconut to cut down on the fat a bit and absorb the fat from the omelet. worth trying (I love sweet potatoes).

After a few days of experiments I think it's the amount of fat - I took out an egg and it's been fine! I think I actually need the fibrous vegies...my lunch has the same amount of fat but a lot more raw fibrous vegies and I've never had an issue!

(Or it could just be the amount of eggs...)

Unfortunately I can't add sweet potato - I'm to stick to a plan at the moment (sports related) and can't move a lot around :)

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