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Post Whole30 Chocolate adventure


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So, I finished my Whole30 on Tuesday, ended with a great dinner party with Dans (my husband's) classmates, and didn't even need to go off plan:)

I never completely felt "the magic" in these 30 days, but had had enough minor changes that it felt significant. Am back on Whole30, now, again to give it more time.

On Wednesday, because I could, I ceremoniously ate a bunch of chocolate, because that's what I thought I missed.

It didn't taste as good as I had remembered, made me feel like crap, and mostly made me feel like a fiend fanatic junkie. I was sneaking off to eat it like I was shooting up secretly, or something. Someone from the party had brought over a box of Godiva truffles. I started taking bites out of each truffle,and putting them back - each time thinking they were too sweet, and gross, and then going for a bite out of the next one. Not sure what I was looking for. Got tired of this exercise, and just threw the box out after getting about 1/3 through of bites out of each one. The problem is that they are so pretty. You feel bad throwing them out. But they are all just gorgeous slutty little Halloween costumes for good old sugar.

They even kind of taste the same.

It was so satisfying to see them sitting, all prettily dressed up and perfect, at the bottom of the garbage can.

Back to eating only food, now.

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I find sugared chocolate a bit much now, I make coconut oil chocolate, just cacao and coconut oil, zero sugar. Cut it up into small pieces and keep it in a box in the fridge. I can have it whenever I want, but I find without the sugar, it's not a source of cravings.

Do you have a recipe for this?

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It's more of a wing-it kind of recipe (note for anyone reading - this is not Whole30 compliant, it's PostWhole30 okay SWYPO)

It's worth trying with different cacao & coconut oils if you don't like the ones you make, they can change the taste quite a lot. The coconut oil I like best for chocolate is one I don't like to cook with, it's too sweet tasting on meat.

I'd start with the amount of coconut oil you want to use, it's the "bulk" of it, so if there isn't much, it will be small. I get a 300g glass jar of coconut oil and (metal lid off) melt it to liquid in the microwave (doesn't need to be hot, just clear, not white, liquid enough to mix easily).

Checking the jar is not hot, I pour it into a stainless steel bowl and add in cacao powder (or organic cocoa powder) a tablespoon of it at a time and mix well, this takes much longer than you would expect as the cacao powder needs time to hydrate, so take your time and keeping stirring, it will go glossy looking with no lumps when mixed. Taste it, see how you like it, add more if it's not strong enough, or have less and it will be more coconut oil tasting.

I don't have any chocolate block moulds, might get some one day, I'm not convinced they'll be useful for snapping off pieces.
I put the mixture in a square silicon baking pan on a flat hard tray and pop it in the freezer until it's solid. It's easier to cut into pieces when it's warmer than frozen, it's quite brittle frozen and the pieces end up more wonky and jagged/broken.

I tend to eat it in approx 0.5-1 tablespoon-ish servings. I get at least 16+ servings from the whole jar and I have each serving as four pieces rather than one big piece (it's melty). I don't add any nuts or sweeteners to mine, I don't want it to be a no-brakes food.

You can also melt the pieces and have with frozen fruit like a banana.

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