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Gluten reintro causing intense cravings

Veggie Girl

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I didn't see any change from eliminating gluten during my whole 30 so I thought reintro would be easy. On Monday I had a roll with each meal. By Monday night I started to have intense cravings for sweets. They were bad yesterday and today they seem worse. I stayed technically compliant yesterday and today in terms of my foods but I'm not behaviorally compliant-- I'm snacking when not physiologically hungry (on compliant foods). I am headed in a bad direction. Two questions: should I wait to reintro the next food group until after the cravings subside? And why would the cravings be getting worse each day?

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Sorry to hear you are struggling with cravings, what a bummer. Wheat/ gluten definitely does that to me, too.

I would definitely wait for the cravings to subside before doing another food reintro, in the event that new food might cause cravings, as well.

I think your cravings are worsening because of the snacking, despite being on compliant foods. Especially if those foods are fruit, dried fruit nuts and nut butters. If you are not really hungry, please try and avoid snacking. Have some hot herbal tea, go for walk, drink water, wait 10 minutes...etc. If you are hungry, then make a mini meal of protein, fat and veg. To help with the cravings try increasing your fat intake (but not from nuts) with your meals. That seems to help me.

Good Luck!

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Andria, thanks for the support and advice. It makes sense that the snacking would be keeping the cravings going. I had a setback with a (technically compliant) swypo dessert last night but I am recommitting today to whole 30 principles for a couple of days. I'm going to follow the template and i am going to wait until I'm back on track before trying to reintro anything else.


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Yep I was also just about to comment on exomorphins in gluten and also dairy.... Certain components in gluten and dairy get broken down into morphine like substances. For me that explained a lot. I used to polish off 1kg tubs of yogurt in one session, and don't even get me started on what happens when I reintroduce gluten!

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I was wheat and gluten free for a year before my Whole30. The biggest change I saw with that was in the first week my evening food cravings were gone and stayed gone. Didn't see all the miraculous changes many people get with the Wheat Belly plan but because of stopping the cravings, I will not be going back on gluten or most grains.

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I am glad read this. I have had a emotional week and have been over doing the fruit until yesterday when the wheels fell off. Had crackers and cheese, cookies, and candy. Felt like crap and still do this morning. I have been 99% compliant  since April with scheduled off roading after big events(all planned) until yesterday.

Back on track today.

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I was able to eliminate the non-hungry snacking and that seemed to help with cravings.  Interesting about the opiate issue-- based on my experience I would agree.  I also think focusing on non-sweet foods helps, as does eliminating SWYPO completely (even though I'm "allowed" it now).  Complaint jarred hearts of palm, roasted red peppers, and pickles seemed to "counteract" some of the cravings. Its been 1 week since the gluten reintro and I have not yet reintroed anything else.

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