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Grief and The Whole30


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reneenee and praxis project, and everyone here, thank you for your supportive words.


It seems like an important part of healing to take control of some aspects of my health and physiology, for me at least. Everything had really gone off the rails after the tradgedy, then my mom's diagnosis, then the holidays with family.


I am glad that we can all be here together.


I wish I had more to say. Posting here is so hard for some reason.




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My heart goes out to you, and to all of you who have had similar experiences. What a horrible, shattering tragedy. 

I have not had this experience, but I can understand why you would initiate a Whole 30 at this time.

When your life is spinning out of control and the rug is pulled out from under you as it was, I can totally see searching for a locus of control. It actually strikes me as a very healthy response... empowering and centering. When people are in crisis it is so important to focus on the most basic needs: sleep, shelter, support, exercise, fresh air, sunlight, breathing, food and water. So I echo others' recommendations to sleep as much as you can and to exercise. And I commend you for reaching out here. 

I wish you all the best as you move through this process. 

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Stacy - It can be really hard to ask for time/effort for ourselves, when the people around us are going through very hard times. But to be able to support them, you need to be able to function.


There are the things we can't change but there are also the things we can. When we get the most stressed is when we can't tell the difference.


Do what you can, but be gentle with yourself.


2012 was the worst year of my life for my health, 2013 has been almost like a full system rebuild. 2014 I feel strong and ready to go to the next level up.


Grieving takes time and it's proper that it does, but healing also comes with it, even if it sneaks up on you when you're not looking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say that I feel for everyone's losses and I want to repeat what others have said about taking care of yourself. It's hard to make time for yourself when people who you love are sick and you want to take care of them, but I think it's really important. I remember, when I went through some traumatic life experiences a few years ago, feeling so exhausted I just barely made it into work each day. That was my one big goal, my one big accomplishment during that period of my life. I didn't exercise at all. I felt so weak. If I did it again, I would definitely have had some nice walks instead of trying to do any major exercise.


If you do need extra help (like going to a therapist, going on antidepressants), there is nothing wrong with that too. 

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All I can say is, WOW Ladies! In awe of your courage.

I am grieving a relationship. The concentration on whole foods and learning a new way of eating and living is helping me cope.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories. It means so much to witness how you are continuing to live and eat even while wracked with so much emotional pain.

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  • 4 months later...

Ladies, you are true warriors and an inspiration to us all.  I am so deeply sorry for the losses you have experienced; my heart is breaking for you.  I have been married just three years, and just the thought of losing my beloved leaves me feeling weak and breathless.  Grief is the price we must pay for real love, and I commend you on your strength.


I hope you found support and some measure of healing through your Whole30s, I am holding all of you in my heart and sending out hugs and best wishes.  Please keep us updated, I would be glad to provide whatever support I can to you all.


Peace be with you. 

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