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What should I do about the sleep aide I've been taking


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I have been taking tamazepam to help with sleeping on and off.

Should I stop taking it during my Whole30?

I'm on Day 3 and took it the evenings of Day 1 and 2.

If I should'nt be taking it should I restart my Day 1?



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I'm having an issue with this too. I usually take a variety of supplements to lower cortisol and none of them are approved. I stopped taking the and did not sleep last week at all. They are not a prescription they are vitamins. I had a tired but wired feeling all week. I ordered the approved version of naturally calm but it hasn't come I yet. Not sure if the bad health effects of not sleeping are worse than the non approved ingredients in the vitamins. However there's no guarantee I'll start sleeping if I take them...it's just an idea I had oh why I couldn't sleep last week.

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