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Lost my mind and ate corn... restart needed?


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I was incredibly excited to start this program and eagerly read everything I could get my hands on about it before beginning 5 days ago. My newfound knowledge of the program didn't really do much to keep me on track, though, because last night, I ate a small amount of corn salsa with my Chipotle. I did this even though I had pored over the menu prior to going to be sure I was compliant... but it just didn't hit me until this morning that corn is a no-no food. Is this a mistake that warrants a restart? Or would I be okay I am sure not to make the same mistake again (check and double-check!!)?



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From what I understand this would not require a restart. 1) because you didn't make the choice to eat it but ate it accidentally  2) because corn is not that bad. If you had made the choice to eat corn then it would require a restart or extension so you have 30 consecutive days without corn or if you eat soy or carrageenan that is a automatic restart / extension for 30 consecutive days without soy or carrageenan. You might want to wait for a moderator to chime in with their thoughts.

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Actually....I would start counting at day one again. It's not a punishment, just a recognition that it takes 30 days without some foods before you can really tell how they impact you on reintroduction.


If it is too disheartening to start again or add on to the entire whole30, you could just delay reintro of corn until day 36.

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Thank you for your thoughts! I am struggling with the decision. I honestly did not stray from the rules intentionally, but the point is, I didn't follow the rules of the program yesterday. I don't want to rob myself of experiencing the program in its entirety, but at the same time, I don't want to have to admit to everyone that I "cheated" and need to begin again.

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