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Too many sweet potatoes and ghee=increased stomach fat???

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My husband and I are doing our first whole30 together. I just had a baby 4 months ago and I'm breastfeeding and my husband is a Marine who is trying to lose weight for his weigh ins but also both of us just want to be healthy. We have been doing Paleo on and off for over a year now and love it! I started out at 159 and i'm 5'7" and he started out at 230 5'9". We are on day 23 and both feeling a bit discouraged.... neither of us feel like we have lost weight and although we both feel pretty good we still want to go out and cheat and have bread and the good stuff (but we haven't). We eat a TON of sweet potatoes and ghee and i'm wondering if we are having to many fats in our diets? i make a lot of pale casserole dishes for the ease of on the go life style. We also eat lots of fruit for our snacks which we are both still snacking a lot as well??? I thought this was suppose to go away. 


Just needing some direction and encouragement here.....We love Paleo but I thought we would be losing more weight, I'm still waiting for my "this has changed my life" moment......




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The whole30 guidelines recommend limiting fruit to 1-2 "fist-sized" portions per day, consumed with meals. Snacking on fruit is far more likely to be the issue here, not your sweet potato or fat intake.


Are you doing a whole30 right now? If so, I recommend following all the rules and guidelines for best results. That means not weighing yourselves, and making a sincere effort to follow the meal template at every meal (with no snacks). Sometimes, more rigorous adherence to the rules is all it takes. Sometimes, even doing that, it takes a little while for the magic to kick in. Here is the template. http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf


Oh and one more culprit for belly fat? chronic stress. Dealing with stressors in your life, making sure you get enough sleep, tailoring your workouts to avoid adding more stress (ie. too much HIIT or crossfit or running) can all help with belly fat issues.

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The need to snack can be an indication that your previous meals are not big enough.


If you post 2-3 days worth of your food log, along with your activity level, hours of sleep, and what you've been drinking, folks here can give you feedback on possible tweaks.

In the meantime, if you are truly hungry between meals (hungry = you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini-meal that includes a protein and fat.

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