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Tired and over-full after lunch


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I'm not on a whole30 right now, but this is a problem I had before, during, and after my whole30. I get up at 7 and have breakfast around 7:45 which is usually something like a couple pieces of home made sausage or leftover meat from dinner, an egg or two, and sauteed veggies, plus BP coffee. Lunch is at 12:30 and it usually takes the whole 30 minutes I'm allotted to eat, so it's not like I'm rushing and cramming my food down in 15 minutes (which I used to do frequently). When I'm done eating, I feel fine, satiated but not stuffed. However, about 20-30 minutes after I go back to work, I'm tired, sluggish, heavy feeling, and very over full. It's not quite like yucky bloating, but more like my body saying "Tummy full...nap now..."


Also, lunch is my smallest meal of the day. I find I'm always less hungry on weekdays when I'm at work, probably because my mind is occupied with other things.


Is there anything I can do to not feel so tired after lunch, like I just want to take a nap while I digest my food?

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Hmm, that's an interesting idea. I originally incorporated so much fat into breakfast because I was having a very hard time staying full until lunch, I kept getting hungry at 10:30-11 and needing a snack. But I also discovered that having eggs as my only protein source didn't keep me full either. Since then I've been sure to have meat with breakfast and more veggies and it's been holding me a lot better, and now that I think of it, I'm usually not actually hungry when I go to lunch, but I eat anyway. I'll try less fat with breakfast and see what happens!

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