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Evening hunger

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Okay... so this is not new to my Whole30 but can tell it's going to be hard  for me.  I am always super hungry in the evening...about 2-3 hours after supper.  Supper is over by about 6  (We eat at 5 due to my dh's schedule... that can't change).  I eat well ....usualy 2-3 servings and I make well balanced meals as far as protein, veggies and fat goes....  so....   why am I so hungry at 8 or 9?  Should I give in and have a balanced snack??    Honestly...  I eat until I'm quite full at dinner and I'm still hungry 2 hours later.

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I find that I have to eat big meals three times per day to be okay in the evening. Eating light at breakfast gets me at night. 


It would be okay for you to eat 4 meals if that would work for you. I ate 4-5 meals per day for a long time before I got the hang of eating enough at three meals to be satisfied.

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I find that I have to eat big meals three times per day to be okay in the evening. Eating light at breakfast gets me at night. 


This is so interesting! I had the same thing happen to me tonight (hungry a couple hours after dinner) but I thought I must not have eaten enough at dinner, even though I got full -- never thought it might be related to breakfast (which was also not quite enough today). 

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Here we go again!  And it's less than 2 hours after dinner...  I had 2 1/2 bowls of chicken veggie soup and a salad with avocado, olives, beets and tomatoes.... 2 helpings!  UGh...    Maybe you are right.  It's not breakfast...but maybe I'm not eating a big enough lunch.

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