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How to motivate yourself for a second round.

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I'd really LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a second whole 30--even better than the first time around (without succumbing to the call of nuts, fruit, and dried fruit) but I find that every time I try SOMETHING sneaks into my day. 


For those who have done multiple whole 30s do you have any advice? 

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I really struggled to do a second whole 30.


I'm not sure what was different when I finally managed to complete the second one, but I think one of the things I struggled with in failed attempts was that I never seriously committed to the 30 days.  It was more of I'll eat whole 30 style for 3 weeks until such and such event... and with that sort of attitude I could never make it more than about a week.


It might help if you pick a start date and try to group up with some people in the forums who've started at about the same time.


Good Luck

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I need to find the motivation for a second round myself.  I did one in January.  I didn't lose any weight but I felt better.  Fast forward to today.  I've gained somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-7 lbs (Since Feb 1!!!) and I feel awful.  I've never gained weight this fast that I can remember.  I'd like to do my next one with minimal nuts as a fat source.  Nuts are food without breaks for me for sure.  Unfortunately, I'm so far down in the depths of crappy food that I'm lacking the motivation to start again.  It was big effort for me to make it through a W30 since I have a husband and three kids who I have to cook separate meals for.

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I need to find the motivation for a second round myself.  I did one in January.  I didn't lose any weight but I felt better.  Fast forward to today.  I've gained somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-7 lbs (Since Feb 1!!!) and I feel awful.  I've never gained weight this fast that I can remember.  I'd like to do my next one with minimal nuts as a fat source.  Nuts are food without breaks for me for sure.  Unfortunately, I'm so far down in the depths of crappy food that I'm lacking the motivation to start again.  It was big effort for me to make it through a W30 since I have a husband and three kids who I have to cook separate meals for.

We can do it together if you'd like. Post on the same thread for positive reinforcement and encouragement! 

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I found the 2nd round the hardest one.  (I've done 4 in the past year and a half)


I stick pretty close to whole 30 most of the time with the exception of an indulgence here and there (dark chocolate, coconut ice cream, homemade baked paleo treat, glass of wine) I can't go too overboard with that list as too much sugar will make my hormones go wonky a bit and give me a menstral migraine (the main reason of me doing a whole 30 in the first place).


But round 2 I was still trying to figure things out - meaning what I could get away with and what I couldn't.  I was much more whiney the second go round though.  The first time I full on embraced the whole 30, gave my body the patience it needed to get better.  The second one I felt I knew everything already  (Oh did I find out how little I actually knew!!!) I felt like been there did that.  That's because my reasons for doing a second whole 30 changed and I had a hard time acknowledging that.  Halfway through I needed to make a list of reasons on why I was doing it in order to keep my focus.

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Carla--thanks for your input. I guess I'm trying to figure out my WHY still--I think ultimately it gives me a semblance of control over my food intake even though it's actually externally imposed (the rules are written, I didn't write them).  By restricting what I can eat and having bright line rules my diet is cleaner, more nutritious, and more satisfying. All great things for the little one growing inside of me. I guess what I don't like is the RESTRICTION part--coming from an eating disorder background (anorexia) it's just difficult for me to know that my reasons are legitimate. 

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Everyone has different reasons.


Mine was to try to find a cure for cronic migraines - I had tried everything else, and I wasn't about to go on drugs that bascially knocked me out cold for 2 days.


You mention that you are focusing on the feeding of the little one growing inside of you.  That is one big motivation right there (I would think)


You see I'm an all our nothing personality type.  I have discovered that "moderation" does not work for me - AT ALL!  So I was leaning on rules for a long time. It wasn't enough that I was feeling So. Much. Better.  After my first whole 30 - I didn't go off the rails completely - but I found out I couldn't ride my own bike very well. 


What you could do rather than doing another whole 30 is possibly making your set of rules that work for you.


Lets' say you weren't able to find compliant bacon and sausage during your whole 30 and you would really like some now.  Your rules would include these items as such - You will purchase / consume these items provided that the only off - key ingriedient is sugar (or whatever you agree upon is acceptable in your mind).


Your rules are your own.  They can be as close to (or not) to a whole 30 as you want. 

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I am on day 3 of a second attempt at a 2nd whole30. My official second attempt I made it for 16 days. That was in the fall/early winter.  I don't want to post publicly my downfall, but could stand support from someone in the same boat/"community". If you want to use the email system through this site, let me know...

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Everyone has different reasons.


Mine was to try to find a cure for cronic migraines - I had tried everything else, and I wasn't about to go on drugs that bascially knocked me out cold for 2 days.


You mention that you are focusing on the feeding of the little one growing inside of you.  That is one big motivation right there (I would think)


You see I'm an all our nothing personality type.  I have discovered that "moderation" does not work for me - AT ALL!  So I was leaning on rules for a long time. It wasn't enough that I was feeling So. Much. Better.  After my first whole 30 - I didn't go off the rails completely - but I found out I couldn't ride my own bike very well. 


What you could do rather than doing another whole 30 is possibly making your set of rules that work for you.


Lets' say you weren't able to find compliant bacon and sausage during your whole 30 and you would really like some now.  Your rules would include these items as such - You will purchase / consume these items provided that the only off - key ingriedient is sugar (or whatever you agree upon is acceptable in your mind).


Your rules are your own.  They can be as close to (or not) to a whole 30 as you want. 

I actually really like this idea. I was planning to do just that except allow dairy and sugar (not candies and sweets (except on the rare occasion) but added to turkey sausage and condiments) but I noticed myself eating cereal and things just because--it didn't happen for long since my whole 30 only ended a week and a half ago but I was already feeling like poop and OVERDOING it on those foods. I guess I'm not good with moderation either.


I guess I could make my own bright line rules and follow those like I followed the whole 30 rules. I can give that a try starting today. I have 1 week until the date I planned to start a second whole 30  but if this works for me I think I should probably do that. There's something that does rub me the wrong way about doing back to back whole 30s while pregnant --not that I think it's physically unhealthy but mentally the restriction aspect is unsettling. I'm not sure if that makes sense but I actually NEED to be compliant except for the dairy and sugar because I'm allergic to grains (gluten and non-gluten), corn, soy, legumes, and even many nuts. So, that's reason enough to stay on track! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished yesterday and am starting second Whole30 today. I decided to because I need more detoxing....I seemed to be about a week behind benchmarks listed in ISWF. So I have the same mindset as I did for the first 30 and anticipate it being just an extension of good eating and total avoidance of the crap I avoided during the first 30 days. My motivation is the GOOD results from the first round: less joint pain and far more energy.

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