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I'm so bloated

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I'm on day 11 and following the template to a T, maybe a bit more protein than I should here & there, but I'm going through 2 avocados a day!

Working out 6 days a week, alternating HIIT cardio & weight training.  Starting protein only pwo (was protein + 4z of sweet potato).


I picked up kombucha yesterday, 1 then and 1 now, but I just feel huge. 


Breakfast: left over serving of Nom Nom Paleo uova in purgatorio over sauteed kale, 1/3 sweet potato chunks + 1/2 avocado. 1 cup coffee.


Lunch: left over bison tri-tip over 2 big handfuls of uncooked kale and spinach, 1/3 orange bell pepper + 1/4 avocado and 1 bottle of kombucha.


Dinner: Nom Nom Paleo Kahula Pig + left over Nom Nom Paleo braised cabbage + 1/2 avocado


PWO - big half of a roasted chicken breast


Water - at least 125 oz


5'5" Female, 165 lbs hoping to get down to 18% BF (I think I'm 25 - 30% right now).


Is this normal, feeling like a beached whale?  I know it's on the timeline but I couldn't find many previous posts about being this bloated.
ETA: I have no idea how I forgot to mention this, but loose stools also :(

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Yes. The timeline is a good guide but everyone doesn't follow it exactly. You may want to change what you are eating and see if your bloating improves. Are you taking digestive enzymes? Your body is healing and sometimes it get worse before it gets better. The digestive enzymes should help. You may want to avoid raw veggies for a few days, or maybe avocado (I have trouble with avocados),


Are you sure your drank 125 oz of water? That's 15 - 8 oz cups of water. You should aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in oz  so that would be 82.5 oz or 10 - 8 oz glasses of water. Maybe you are drinking too much water. Just a thought.

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If it was me, I'd blame the kombucha.  I can't drink it, even in small quantities.  A whole bottle would make me feel horribly bloated.  I was trying just a 1/3 of a bottle per day to see if it would help my digestion and it actually made it worse.  I couldn't believe it, so I tried it three times (try it for 6 days, remove it for a week, try it for 6 days, remove it for a week....etc).  When I drink it, it puts a full halt on my digestive system - no emptying at all.  Weird!


The other thing is that at day 11, you still likely have some healing going on so it may be worth it to just wait it out a few days before making any changes.  The bloating may just go away on it's own as you move forward.

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Yes. The timeline is a good guide but everyone doesn't follow it exactly. You may want to change what you are eating and see if your bloating improves. Are you taking digestive enzymes? Your body is healing and sometimes it get worse before it gets better. The digestive enzymes should help. You may want to avoid raw veggies for a few days, or maybe avocado (I have trouble with avocados),


Are you sure your drank 125 oz of water? That's 15 - 8 oz cups of water. You should aim to drink 1/2 your body weight in oz  so that would be 82.5 oz or 10 - 8 oz glasses of water. Maybe you are drinking too much water. Just a thought.


I'm not taking anything for digestion.  Pre-W30 I drank a shake with probiotics in it daily but I haven't had it since 3/31.

Yes, the water is correct.  I have a 25 oz water bottle and I refill it 4-6 times a day.  More on cardio days, less on weight or rest days.

I've never had a problem with avocados before, but I've also never ate this much of them either.  If I cut those out I would probably sub that fat for nuts and I've read that those cause indigestion and bloating in people too.


Avocado is the only 'veggie' I have been regularly eating raw.  The rest except for todays salad are cooked.


If it was me, I'd blame the kombucha.  I can't drink it, even in small quantities.  A whole bottle would make me feel horribly bloated.  I was trying just a 1/3 of a bottle per day to see if it would help my digestion and it actually made it worse.  I couldn't believe it, so I tried it three times (try it for 6 days, remove it for a week, try it for 6 days, remove it for a week....etc).  When I drink it, it puts a full halt on my digestive system - no emptying at all.  Weird!


The other thing is that at day 11, you still likely have some healing going on so it may be worth it to just wait it out a few days before making any changes.  The bloating may just go away on it's own as you move forward.


I've had this brand before, but I don't feel any better compared to drinking it before yesterday and my 2nd one today.  Both were a 12 oz bottle.


Most of my veggies are cooked.  Today was the first time in a while that I had kale raw (salad) and avocado is the only 'veggie' I have been regularly eating raw.



Sounds like I'm right on course.  Uncomfortable, but sticking with it.

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I would try digestive enzymes and probiotics. Can you have ghee? How about olive oil, duck fat, lard or tallow? It might be a nice change from avocado. I have stopped eating eggs for the last week and I seem to be less bloated. I am going to try to avoid them for the next 10 days and see what happens. Sometimes it's just a guessing game. Hang in there, hopefully you can find a solution. Good luck

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I'm using ghee for cooking but topping almost everything with avocado.  Tonight is slow cooked Chicken with roasted fennel and celery root (or roasted broccoli, not sure yet) so I may just drizzel some oil over the food.


D12, I feel less bloated today and think I look better.  I'm also pacing my water a bit more.  Without adding in 2 cups of coffee I've had about 50 oz.

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I had this happen in my first whole30 . i analysed everything i ate then realised it was the uncooked onion in the salad that was making me feel awful. I know a lot of people who have discovered that onion upsets their stomach after clean eating.

Good luck.. hope you are feeling less bloated. 

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If you aren't use to kombucha, drinking a whole bottle in one sitting can definitely make you bloated. Once you get used to it, it doesn't have the same effect.

If you aren't used to eating a lot of fat, that could explain the looseness. Enzymes can help with that.

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