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I've been dealing with some stomach issue since March 13th.  My doctor has run blood tests (only lipase was slightly elevated) and just had a CT scan, which showed everything normal.  I was in the middle of my second W30 when I got sick with a stomach bug.  Since then nothing is right.  I tried doing the AIP for a little while - no change.  I tried the low density "diet" for a few days - no change.  I've added sauerkraut and kombucha to my daily diet.  No change.  I got so tired of it that I broke down and bought pro-biotics - this brand:  http://www.gardenoflife.com/Products-for-Life/RAW-Digestion/RAW-Probiotics-5-Day-Max-Care.aspx


any suggestions?  I'm hardly eating anything at all because of the bloating and discomfort. 

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I am concerned that everything you have tried requires weeks of consistency before you would see benefits, even without the potential that you have some kind of stomach bug. 


Several years ago, I never stayed on probiotics in pill form for more than a week because the diarrhea I had when taking pills was unrelenting. I tried 3 or 4 different brands. When I started drinking kombucha, I had diarrhea for about 3 days and then things settled down. Since then I have added sauerkraut on a near daily basis and I don't seem to have stomach issues anymore. I tried a high quality probiotic 3-4 months ago and took all 60 pills that came in the bottle without developing any problems. On the other hand, I couldn't see any improvements, so I did not buy more. I think I am getting what I need from sauerkraut, kimchi, and sauerkraut long term.

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Thanks Tom - I started the second W30 on Feb 22nd, and my stomach bug hit on March 13th - just over 6 weeks ago.  After my W30 ended, I continued to mostly follow the W30, but tried adapting to AIP.  That was extremely difficult for me, and I don't think I ever got more than 48 hours compliant.  To this day I have not added coffee, nightshades or tomatoes back.  I think the hardest part of this is I am a person who has never gotten stomach issues.  I usually get lung-related illnesses or headaches.  In fact the CT scan picked up calcified areas on my lungs from chronic lung infections (a long time ago).  I am trying to be patient, but I think I must need a coach or something because I'm having a really hard time thinking it's making any difference when I don't feel better after a week.  The probiotic course is only 5 days.  I've never done one before, because I never have stomach problems.  Until now.  I took a class a couple of weeks ago on brewing Kombucha at home so I can save some $$.  And I've just finished my second batch of sauerkraut, but it's not quite tart enough for me (think it needs another week).  I think I'm doing everything right, but nothing is changing.  Even my dr. said "you're doing everything right."  Guess I just need to give it time. (oh btw, i don't get diarrhea except when i took the colace or senna tea, trying to move the "significant colonic stool" out of my bowels.  the sauerkraut and kombucha and previously kimchi haven't had that effect on me, or even the pro-biotics for that matter)

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Advice to me from a naturopath to restore a healthy gut (i m still experiencing issues 10 months after anaesethetics for surgery) Add bone broths or gelatin with each meal to help seal your gut. Take probiotics twice daily for four months to help digest each meal and re establish a viable gut flora, take a liquid probiotic with lunch. Take digestive enzymes if you can tolerate them (I can't). Walk for ten minutes after each meal to reduce bloating, don't drink before, during or after mealtimes.

The above is having a significant positive impact for me.

Good luck.

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Lori -


Hang in there :)


When I first started eating the 'paleo' way, my stomach revolted for a good long while. I would try Prescript-Assist if you're looking for a probiotic, and definitely start with only one per day. This helped me greatly, but it does take time.


Re: digestive enzymes or fermented foods, you could try Now digestive enzymes, they've gotten good results for lots of people.


I write for Paleo Magazine and PaleoHacks, and have a post over at PaleoHacks which covers supplements. I'd be happy to link you, if needed :-)


Let me know if you have further questions, and like Tom said, you definitely need to hang in there for more than a week to see results.


Hope this helps,


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Thanks Casey and Melbournegirl.  I have been eating Paleo for the past 8 months - before that I tried to eat an Atkins-type or Eat-Right-For-Your-Bloodtype plan.  I found out long ago that I feel much better on high protein, low carb, moderate fat plans.  My first W30 was in October 2013 and second was Feb 2014.  After the 2nd W30 I never went back to off-plan eating because I felt so lousy.  Since I had the stomach bug, I haven't been able to eat normally.  Any amount of food or liquid makes me feel completely stuffed.  I get bloated and my stomach gets really noisy and distended.  After a week of trying one thing, I find it hard to continue if I haven't felt any indication that it's helping.  I guess I'm a tad impatient B)  although honestly I don't know if I could get a whole week let alone several on the AIP.  I don't have enough variety in meal-planning or recipes, and I am on such a tight budget that I can't buy a lot of things that might make the AIP easier.  I had decreased my protein intake dramatically since the CT showed that I had "profuse colonic stool," so I was trying a lot more vegetables and fruit and less protein - thinking maybe I just needed to give my digestion a break and let things move out.  Didn't make any difference (that I could tell).  Added protein back to average consumption, and I get kind of constipated now.  I'm trying to keep my veggies and fruits high to help with that.  I'm going to try some of your collective suggestions and hope that the results of my last test come back soon. 

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