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You need veggies at breakfast. Most of the time, three eggs are a minimum.


You are not eating much at lunch. Lettuce offers little bulk once chewed, so you are mostly having water with chicken breast. You need a lot more fat and more substantial veggies.


I understand being hungry enough for a snack after your light lunch, but you need to work on a more substantial breakfast and lunch. That might make the snack unnecessary. When you do snack, it is better that it be a mini-meal of protein, fat, and veggies and not fruit only.


There is no meaningful fat in your supper. Chicken breast is lean. You need fat!

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Day 2 - May 13, 2014

  1. Breakfast:  Left over sweet potato, 2 hard boiled eggs, black coffee with cinnamon
  2. Lunch:  Lettuce and left over chicken breast
  3. Snack: Grapes and an apple with some almond butter
  4. Dinner:  Chopmeat (drained), then a can of tomatoe paste, and cayenne pepper sauted in.  Salt to taste.  Sauted zucchini and onion and added them in to chopped meat.  Eat on a romaine leaf.

This morning I woke up with muscle aches....almost like the flu!  I can only think I am detoxing?  Very cranky today. 


My 16 yr old was very hungry....he ate more fruit than I could keep up with.   My daughter felt light headed.  She had all the same meals we did, but did not eat the dinner.  She ate cucumbers and fruit.  She also had field day at school and tumbling class.  I made her try a hardboiled egg...she said it makes her sick to her stomach.  Hmmmmmmm.  Should I add rice to her diet?  She also eats a ton of fruit...all day long!


We have been packing lunch together at night.  Its nice and allows for conversations about food.  Try explaining to brainwashed children that whole grains and legumes and dairy are not all that great for you when school says they are!!!!!

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You need veggies at breakfast. Most of the time, three eggs are a minimum.


You are not eating much at lunch. Lettuce offers little bulk once chewed, so you are mostly having water with chicken breast. You need a lot more fat and more substantial veggies.


I understand being hungry enough for a snack after your light lunch, but you need to work on a more substantial breakfast and lunch. That might make the snack unnecessary. When you do snack, it is better that it be a mini-meal of protein, fat, and veggies and not fruit only.


There is no meaningful fat in your supper. Chicken breast is lean. You need fat!

Ok, this makes sense to me.  Thats why the kids are so hungry!!

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Day 3 - May 14, 2014

  1. Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and banana, coffee with cinnamon
  2. Lunch:  Leftover from dinner last night (the chopped meat and zucchini dish), apple with almond butter, and strawberries
  3. Dinner:  Chicken breast cooked in tomatoes, carrots and zucchini, and a little oilive oil.  We also made Cauliflower mash (cauliflower, garlic and olive oil....cooked and blended.  Add salt to taste.)

I have to say that the cauliflower mash really did tast JUST like mashed potatoes!  WOW.  Some cheese would have been great...lol, but this will be a staple.  My 16 yr old could not believe how good it was!  I found the recipe on the whole 30 website.


My son ate 3 eggs scrambled for breakfast and turkey for lunch with salad.  He had an apple and orange also at lunch.  That was the only difference in out diets.


My daughter ate one egg for breakfast and cucumber, strawberries, bluberries, apple and almond butter for lunch.  She went out to eat with her grandmother at Panera....she came home and said "I cant do it...I had to have cheese and broccoli soup and a bread bowl."  UGHHHHH.   Oh well.  At least she is trying!  She just does not feel full because of the lack of protein.  I told her to at least stay away from dairy and refined carbs!  What is another protein source that will fill her????  I need help with that.


I had a massive headache all day...I finally gave in and took motrin about 5pm.  Still tired, but the muscle fatigue seems to be disappearing. 

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You really need to add fat to your diets. Avocado, homemade mayo, coconut butter, shredded coconut, etc. Lots of options. How tall is your son? I'm guessing he needs more than 3 eggs and I'm guessing you need more than 2. I'm 5'4" and I generally eat 4 eggs for my first meal almost every day. The number of eggs you should eat as a serving is as many whole ones as you can hold in your hand without dropping them. Don't forget about meal 1 veggies either. One of my favorite 1st meals is sauteed kale with eggs scrambled into it. 


For fruit try and limit to two servings a day if you can. A serving is what you can hold in a closed hand. Add more vegetables instead. 


For your daughter, as I suggested in your other thread, you might try the vegetarian shopping list with her. But this is only if she won't eat any meat, fish, or eggs. If she will eat any protein source off the main list than just keeping feeding her that. W30 with kids is hard. The best thing you can do is really focus on making your Whole30 top notch and being a good roll model and keep talking to them about making good choices. If she isn't ready for it yet don't punish her or get frustrated with her, just keeping talking to her and working with her. 

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You really need to add fat to your diets. Avocado, homemade mayo, coconut butter, shredded coconut, etc. Lots of options. How tall is your son? I'm guessing he needs more than 3 eggs and I'm guessing you need more than 2. I'm 5'4" and I generally eat 4 eggs for my first meal almost every day. The number of eggs you should eat as a serving is as many whole ones as you can hold in your hand without dropping them. Don't forget about meal 1 veggies either. One of my favorite 1st meals is sauteed kale with eggs scrambled into it. 


For fruit try and limit to two servings a day if you can. A serving is what you can hold in a closed hand. Add more vegetables instead. 


For your daughter, as I suggested in your other thread, you might try the vegetarian shopping list with her. But this is only if she won't eat any meat, fish, or eggs. If she will eat any protein source off the main list than just keeping feeding her that. W30 with kids is hard. The best thing you can do is really focus on making your Whole30 top notch and being a good roll model and keep talking to them about making good choices. If she isn't ready for it yet don't punish her or get frustrated with her, just keeping talking to her and working with her. 

Ok, We will try omlets tomorrow morning with spinich and bell peppers.  I will also get some avocados, we all like those!!  And I read somewhere that the mayo you posted the recipe for is great for dipping veggies???? We have some tweaking to do, but it all sounds delicious!! 


I post a day behind, so that I can put up my full menu.  But today my 16 yr old ate 4 eggs.  I will try the omlet with him...with veggies!!!  He is a big kid...5'10" and 195...a lot of muscle, but some belly fat.  He has been working out, mainly lifting, for over a year now and he has gained muscle mass, but has not lost any body fat.  However, that was mostly due to his diet of bread, pasta, protein and apples. 


Thank you so much for the continued support!!!!  I thought this would easy enough to do on my own....but I really need the support and guidance!

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You need veggies at breakfast. Most of the time, three eggs are a minimum.


You are not eating much at lunch. Lettuce offers little bulk once chewed, so you are mostly having water with chicken breast. You need a lot more fat and more substantial veggies.


I understand being hungry enough for a snack after your light lunch, but you need to work on a more substantial breakfast and lunch. That might make the snack unnecessary. When you do snack, it is better that it be a mini-meal of protein, fat, and veggies and not fruit only.


There is no meaningful fat in your supper. Chicken breast is lean. You need fat!

Took 3 recipes off of your site!! 

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Mayo is great for a myriad of things. I put it on my meat, I dip veggies in it, sometimes I mix it with herbs and lemon juice and make salad dressing, possibilities are endless. You will never even consider store bought mayo again once you perfect your own.


Sounds like today started off much better! Yay!

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Day 4 May 15, 2014


Breakfast: Hard boiled eggs...I had 2 my son ate 4.  I had coffee with cinnamon

Lunch:  I ate the left over chopped meat from the other night and an apple with almond butter....again! 

My son ate: turkey and salad and an orange and apple.  In his cooking class in HS he ate fruit salad.

Dinner:  We had chicken and tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and sweat potato.


Poor planning on Thursday.  So, Thursday night we went to the store to stock up for the weekend.  Also to get some of the good fats, mustard powder for the mayo, and a different protein to eat.


Day 5: May 16th. 2014


Breakfast we ate a huge omlet with yellow bell peppers, onion, and ham.  I had coffee...with cinnamon


Lunch:  I packed my son his typical (he is a routine type of kid).  I took eggs, avocado, and an apple.


I prepped dinner:  A pot roast in the slow cooker so far with a drizzle of olive oil.  I will add tomatoes, mushrooms, onion and garlic when I get home from work.  We will have the cauliflower mash again. 


Tonight we will make the mayo!!!



I was a sugar and caffeine junky!  So I am still cranky....one cup a day without sugar and cream is killing me.  But it will get better!  At least thats what I have read from everyone.  I am used to at least 4 cups allllll day long at work. 


My son wants to take the protein paleo shakes.  I told him not until we are don with this 30 day challenge.  He is was not hungry on day 4 (yesterday) and I hope he will feel good today too.  He is just having a hard time with the sugar and carbs.  This weekend will be a test for both of us.  When he is hanging out with his friends at their houses I hope he wont give into temptation.  We also have a family party on Sunday.


How do you deal with that?  Eat before?  Yes, maybe we will eat before we go.

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 We also have a family party on Sunday.


How do you deal with that?  Eat before?  Yes, maybe we will eat before we go.


Can you bring compliant food to contribute? If not I would certainly eat before you go.


Your food logs are looking better! More food! Keep working on adding more vegetables to all of your meals. Try to only consume fruit when you have already had 3 cups of veggies with your meal and could eat a little more especially if you are battling the sugar dragon. Remember avocado is a fat not a vegetable. 

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Days 5-8: May 16 to May 19th

We ate the pot roast dinner I said I would make in my last post. My husband is now home from his business trip. Our entire house was asleep by 9pm Friday night! My older son went to the movies after school with friends and he came home a bit cranky because he wanted popcorn and soda, but he didnt do it!!! I would never have had the self control he does at 16. So he went to bed early. We were all wiped out this week.

Day 6:

Saturday the 17th was a hectic day. We did not wake up until 830am!!! I have NEVER slept through the night....I usually wake up 3-4 times....I only woke up once! That felt great. But had to be at tryouts for my daughter at 10...so I did not eat anything but a banana. Was out all day so I never ate until 9pm. And that was a steak. NOT SUCH A GREAT DAY for me. My son ate his usual, he was home.

BUT he went out with friends to a fair that night and again came home cranky. There was funnel cake and ice cream and all of that. I heard him downstairs throw a cracker. He said he was about to eat a smore and then slammed in the garbage....but he laughed it off.

I was tempted all Saturday night by my daughter and her friends making smores in our backyard.

Day 7: Sunday the 18th

I was able to make us eggs in the morning. But we woke up so late that we had to rush to a few things in the early afternoon, so I didnt eat lunch.

We had a family BBQ to attend later on and my son and I ate sausage and peppers....I know that sausage was not the best idea. So...I guess we went off the whole30 for that meal.

My son daughter and I prepped a huge amount of food for this week Sunday night. My husband still does not want to commit, but he will eat what I make. So, thats good.

Day 8: May 19th

So far we have had an omelet with peppers and onions this morning

Lunch for my son is his typical salad with turkey breast, HE ADDED some BELL PEPPERS!! And an apple and orange.

Lunch for me is salad with peppers and cucumbers and avocado, and turkey. Strawberries and blueberries (half of what I've been eating in fruit.)

I couldn't drink the black coffee this morning, it made me sick...I only had 2 sips. I am going to be very tired!

I took out chopped meat and we will have stuffed peppers and broccoli for dinner.

What other breakfast foods are there? I am not a big eater in the morning and eggs kind of make me nauseous, they always have. I dont eat many of them, so now that I eat them every morning I dont feel so weel for the first couple of hours.

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Your weekend sounded crazy and like you were not prepared for it. I would really encourage you to try and make some sort of meal plan this week and stick to it as best you can. Perhaps plan for more food than you will eat. Not eating all day is really not OK. When we fail to plan we plan to fail and all that.


I can't remember if I already posted this link but it might help you: http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2013/07/27/whole30-week-1-food-plan/


I would also encourage you to stop thinking of your meals as breakfast, lunch, and dinner and as meal 1, meal 2, and meal 3. Another way of saying this is ease out of thinking of things as "breakfast foods". I personally eat eggs for my first meal pretty much every morning because I love them. Many people eat whatever they want for their first meal, often leftovers from the previous days meal 3.


Keep making tweeks and you will get there.

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Days 9 (tuesday may 20) and 10 (wednesday may 21)


Day 9:

Hard boiled eggs for breakfast (no veggies)  I am getting sick at the thought of veggies in the morning.  I have to get over this.  It was fine in the beginning, but I couldn't get them down.  BUT I didnt replace with fruit, so thats good.  I did drink a cup of coffee though.


My son had an omlet with peppers and onions.


Meal #2: I had left over stuffed peppers, and spaghetti squash (YUMMMMM) and 4 strawberries.  Trying to cut down on the fruit.

My son had a salad with turkey (like always) with peppers.  orange and apple.


Meal #3:  Well....I did not get home until 7:30pm.  Straight from work I took my younger one to fencing.  But there was plenty of leftover stuffed peppers!!!!  So, my older son ate that and salad.  I ate left overs also.  I was not hungry for some reason. 


Today was such a turn around for me.  The coffee helps I think, but I may be getting used to only one cup!  That is HUGE!!!!  I did not feel exhausted as I have been.  I also started walking around the block at lunch.  I am used to walking to the corner store to get a snickers, so this will replace that.


My older one called me after school and saif he needed energy.  He usually goes straight to the gym after school and then home.  I told him to come home and we would get some whole30 approved Lara bars.  I didnt want to, but after reading the athletes guid...there is no way to get another protein in him, before the gym.  So we will try the Lara bars.


One thought though....my kitchen is ALWAYS a mess!  I clean when I get home from work....and after dinner and the food prep its back to square one and I leave it for next day.  Otherwise I sam spending too much time in the kitchen and not enough with my family. 


Daughter is doing well.  Eats compliant most of the time.  But she will eat white rice, granola bars.  Just really trying to keep dairy and gluten away from her.


Day 10 (today)

Meal 1: I made hard boiled eggs....and left them home!  I will walk to corner store and they usually have them.  I work in a city so that is common. 


Meal 2:  I have a salad with avocado, tomatoes.  Cant do the protein today.  MAde me sick to look at it.  So, I loaded up on the salad and avocado.  And some strawberries.

My son has his usual...he added spinach to it.  Yay.  And I gave him a lara bar to eat right before he works out.


Meal 3: Pork chops, cauliflower mash (kids asking for it).  And a salad with peppers, onions, tomatoes and spinach.


It is strange, lately I get very sick and repulsed at the thought of certain foods.  It seems to change daily.  I am also not very hungry either.  By dinner yesterday I had to force myself to eat.  I am just going with the flow. 

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Food aversions are pretty normal. I would encourage you to try and stick to the meal template as much as possible anyway. Get down what you can. It took me a while to get used to veggies in the morning too. Try different things until you find something that works well. I like to make pureed soups for my first meal. Its an excellent way to get homemade broth in as well which is very healing to the guy.


The lara bars really isn't a lot of protein and has a lot of carbs so not a good choice for pre workout food. Hardboiled eggs are an excellent pre workout food though and should keep in an insulated bag just fine for an after school snack. Not loading up on carbs/sugars pre workout is key to getting fat adapted and the lara bars primary ingredient is dates.


What your daughter is doing is fine...I would just keep working with her on being able to eat protein and vegetables more regularly but getting food in her is most important.

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Day 14 may 27

Went camping this past weekend and did great! My son had some grain, oats. But he is still doing well. I wanted to do this for him to train him to make better food choices! He is active and works out alot, but never seems to loose the belly fat....so now instead of reacbing for bread or making pasta as a snack, he chooses differently! He is back on track.

I did a lot of hiking and sweet potatoe hash and a fried egg were great post hike!

I have more energy, and have been sleeping better! No more hitting snooze.

I still crave cake and pizza. I am hoping that I will be able to eat these as a treat once in a while.....few times a year? Still have food aversions to red meat especially.

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