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Started 5/17/2014 YAY!

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I'm 45 years old, female, "healthy weight" according to "the tables," but I know I feel and look better at a lower body fat percentage. As an adult, I swing by about 20 pounds up & down the scale. I have good muscle built up & good cardio condition, but would really like to take it up a notch. I WISH I "loved" exercise; I don't, never have. But I've managed to stay active out of sheer "can't stand what happens when I don't." I have NO "out of bounds" health issues (all physical/biological test results of every type come out great) except one biggie:


I'm Type 1 (fully insulin-dependent) Diabetes for 31 years (since age 14), NO long-term symptoms present. (Although glucose levels have NOT been in tight control at all times, I am sure my stellar results are because I addressed the emotional patterning behind physical illness within a few years of diagnosis - see info by Louise Hay). I apparently arrested development too late to "grow back" the insulin factory that was destroyed, but no "expected" progression as western medical docs promise.  :)  Having T1 has been a "blessing in disguise," because otherwise I would have been eating "healthy" Standard American Diet ("we don't eat fast food or white bread!") like my parents did, with the same poor results, not understanding why. But thanks to the T1 Diabetes, unlike everyone else, I have been reading ALL labels since I was 14 and SEEING what happens to my blood sugar levels after eating items. Because my body doesn't kick in insulin to cover anything I eat (I manually put it in myself), I have decades of experience knowing how much or how little insulin is required to bring levels in my blood stream back to normal range, I have seen what acute stress does (spikes insulin for no "food" reason!), what moderate exercise does (brings b.s. down), etc. 


We are winding down W30 Day 2, actually - just found this forum. Bought ISWF a few hours ago, already in Chapter 8. GENIUS in it's simplicity, "plain English," THANK YOU.


I'm going to summarize where I'm/we're (husband) at for my own records, I guess....

Before W30 we were eating primarily organic, proteins, veggies, limited fruit, almost no starches at home. We don't have bread, crackers, rice, pasta etc as part of our home diet. Also don't use sugar, but definitely love to use stevia & a little agave at times. The only soda we drink, & in very limited amounts, is stevia-sweetened, beverages are water, organic coffee, herbal iced tea. No juice in the house. Dairy: We were eating cottage cheese & unsweetened Greek yogurt, hard & feta cheese. Breakfast for 5 months was always a protein shake using Jay Robb egg white PRO powder (clean & non-GMO but added stevia), organic spinach, ginger, cinnamon, organic coffee, unsweetened cocoa & a scoop of Greens First. We were drinking alcohol, mainly red wine, sometimes margaritas when out for Mexican. Just recently we found we really like dark, craft beers - uh oh!!


Biggest downfall was eating out... For ex, we LOVE Mexican. If I didn't know better, I might want corn chips, salsa & high-quality margaritas as a staple diet.  :D   Would still make "smart" choices at restaurants, (fajitas, for ex) as I just don't like feeling tired and crappy from bread/pasta/wheat tortillas, etc, but certainly much more lax on our intake than we are at home. We vacation a lot, we LOVE good-quality, delicious food, so that's where this W30 comes into play as being a very good "reset."


I think it will make a HUGE difference for my husband who has some very classic health challenges for his 61 years of age - he's only been addressing his diet since we met 6 years ago. Since then he's done a few cleanses, learned about nutrition, learned to enjoy healthier choices, etc - basically steered away from S.A.D. (standard American diet). His cravings have decreased greatly, but he still struggles & has many of the classic symptoms from the book.


I'm excited to once again RAISE THE BAR on our lives!

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I have looked around this forum and Googled to see if our "food log" and experiences go somewhere other than this "welcome/intro" area. I found nothing else. So unless I'm told otherwise, I'll just keep adding to this entry, hopefully it will allow me to "edit" it and add notes each day. If not, I'll keep "replying" to myself.


Day 0 we returned from vacation; I shopped, made some items, have dressing and mayo prepped, various meats sauteed.


Day 1: M1 eggs & onions & bell peppers in ghee, avocado, coffee

           M2 WW Veggie soup (chx broth base) with added ground turkey, roasted eggplant.

           M3: ...I forgot...

           NIGHT a few bites of the amazing chili w/beef that finished late at night

           Herbal tea at night, lots of water during day

           No workout (tired/unwell from trip)

           I otherwise feel fine.


Day 2: M1  (11:00) Sauteed eggs and veggies, avocado, coffee 

           M2  (3:00) Medium boiled egg, 1/2 sm sweet potato with Sunbutter (roasted sunflower seed butter, nothing added)

           WORKOUT  1 hr cardio (treadmill, 15 mins Z2)

           M3  (7:30) The chili, fresh onions on top, steamed asparagus

           1 cup herbal tea in evening (green tea mango), lots of water 

           LATE (12 mid) 1 HB egg w/mayo

           Woke up feeling VERY tired, slept for 12 hours last night. Low energy during day but otherwise feel fine.


Day 3: M1 (8:30) zucchini soup, 2 eggs in coconut oil, 1/2 small sweet potato with coconut oil & cinnamon, coffee

           M2 (12:30) the amazing beef chili, 1 c steamed broccoli w/drizzle pistachio oil

           WORKOUT Barre class 1 hr - cardio & strength combined

           POST-WO SNACK 1 HB egg w/mayo & 1/2 small organic sweet potato

           M3 huge pile steamed spinach w/lemon juice + light drizzle avocado oil + 1 TBSP sunflower seeds, 3/4 org strawberries + raspberries, OOPS WHERE IS PRO?

           "Relaxed" feeling today (low energy but not "bad") otherwise feel fine.


Day 4: M1




           Woke up at 6:30 yay - 8 hrs sleep - but felt sore & slightly nauseous. Sore is probably due to workout class. B.S. was 90 (good-low), drank some kombucha.

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I have looked around this forum and Googled to see if our "food log" and experiences go somewhere other than this "welcome/intro" area. I found nothing else. So unless I'm told otherwise, I'll just keep adding to this entry, hopefully it will allow me to "edit" it and add notes each day. If not, I'll keep "replying" to myself.


Day 0 we returned from vacation; I shopped, made some items, have dressing and mayo prepped, various meats sauteed.


Day 1: M1 eggs & onions & bell peppers in ghee, avocado, coffee

           M2 WW Veggie soup (chx broth base) with added ground turkey, roasted eggplant.

           M3: ...I forgot...

           NIGHT a few bites of the amazing chili w/beef that finished late at night

           Herbal tea at night, lots of water during day

           No workout (tired/unwell from trip)


Day 2: M1  (11:00) Sauteed eggs and veggies, avocado, coffee 

           M2  (3:00) Medium boiled egg, 1/2 sm sweet potato with Sunbutter (roasted sunflower seed butter, nothing added)

           WORKOUT  1 hr cardio (treadmill, 15 mins Z2)

           M3  (7:30) The chili, fresh onions on top, steamed asparagus

           1 cup herbal tea in evening (green tea mango), lots of water 

           LATE (12 mid) 1 HB egg w/mayo


Day 3: M1 (8:30) zucchini soup, 2 eggs in coconut oil, 1 small sweet potato with coconut oil & cinnamon, coffee

           M2 (12:30) the amazing beef chili, 1 c steamed broccoli w/drizzle pistachio oil

           WORKOUT Barre class 1 hr


Individual food logs typically go in the Your Whole30 Log section.  I'm happy to move this thread there: send me a PM when you see this, and I'll make it happen.

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I will continue log in entry above, but I want to also log some extra thoughts for myself here:


Day 1  

Didn't weigh since just got off a plane late yesterday from Puerto Vallarta - will do it tmo. Had a recent analysis May 6 (11 days ago):

LTF Machine test, good progress! WT 147.7 lbs LBM 108.5 lbd BF 39.2 lbs %BF 26.6 (down from 29.1 last test 3/27/14 but had water, workout, etc) recc decrease of 6.8 lbs fat BMR 1433 kcal

 1. I am sad that I can't use stevia - guess that had become our taste "fun." 

2. I am sorta "happy" that I can eat fruit - not craving it at all, but was avoiding it almost entirely since 4HB last year. Will stick primarily to low-sugar fruits to avoid need for additional insulin.

3. I see that having a glass of wine at night at home was at times not even what I wanted, it just because me the reflex beverage. I find a cup of herbal tea meets that same "ahhh" desire in the evening. (HA! I find that funny! There is actually a case where Herbal TEA meets same desire as wine). I I never wake up feeling that slight fog of "oops, I refilled too much last night." If I have fog, I know what it ISN'T :-)



Weight at home scale (oops, ate and drank a little first) 147.5


Day 3

1. I love not drinking, it feels like a relief at this time. 

2. I guess my body already doesn't metabolize sugars for energy, since I flipped that in the past couple of years (4HB, HCG)

3. It commits me the type of food I already love to make, but consistently! No wiggle room for lazy food.

4. It feels RIGHT & GOOD for me at this time.

5. In general, it's how "those people" eat and live that I strive to become like.

6. I see/feel light at the end of the food-struggle tunnel. It's been a process over many years to change my relationship to food, the last few years have been SO much better, and this for me is the perfect latest tweak. I love that I can go back to this for however many days I want and it doesn't feel "restrictive," not something I CAN'T sustain as long as I want, because it just MAKES SENSE.



Woke up feeling a little nauseous, b.s. meter reports 90 so I don't think it's b.s. Drank some kombucha, going to try eating something.

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Welcome to the Whole30! For these food logs people generally keep replying to themselves (and others may chime in) day to day. If you look at mine (link below in my signature) you will see each day has its own entry. This is actually much easier to look back on and for others to reply to. Looking forward to following your journey!

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Welcome to the Whole30! For these food logs people generally keep replying to themselves (and others may chime in) day to day. If you look at mine (link below in my signature) you will see each day has its own entry. This is actually much easier to look back on and for others to reply to. Looking forward to following your journey!


Thank you for the tip - I clicked on one of yours. You're REALLY well-organized... but I'm sure you already know that! Hadn't viewed anyone else's logs to check for "the norm" in this forum.


Frankly, I didn't think anyone else was looking at it - not my first accountability rodeo on food nor many other topics, so I don't usually need much forum-support. I appreciate your input!  :)

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I just warmed up a bowl of creamy zucchini soup, and I am laughing at myself! It tastes RIDICULOUS. The soup called for "4 large cloves of garlic." Ya know that Trader Joe's jar of chopped garlic? (I don't use fresh b/c I HATE that smell on my fingers). I didn't read jar because the print in really small and my reading glasses weren't on my face. My memory told me a tablespoon was about a clove. So I put in about 3-4 tablespoons, kinda rounded, not flat, cuz hey, what the heck, we like loud flavor. Once soup was done, I tried it & thought it was a bit TOO loudly flavored... I pulled the jar out of the fridge, put my glasses on and read it: 1 TEASPOON equals 2-3 cloves. The recipe calls for 4 cloves. Oops, I added the equivalent of 24 - 36 cloves!!   


I will certainly slumber with an sense of utter security knowing that just for today, I am very safe from vampires!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Sleep: 8 hours, good quality but could feel I hurt (probably from work out)

Woke up feeling a little nauseous, b.s. meter reports 90 so I don't think it's b.s. Drank some kombucha, ate a few bites of chili, decided to sleep a bit more in hopes it passed, and it did.

M1 chili & onions, some veggie I forgot, coffee

M2 18 pieces of sashimi with only ginger (8 oz maybe?)

       zucchini garlic soup

       sips of kombucha

M3 2 HB eggs w/happy mayo (not enough protein I suppose), 1/2 small sweet potato w/1 TBSP Sunbutter & cinnamon, didn't feel like eating anything else

 Mood: a little bit "Kill All Things" mainly poor husband, flash anger that was out of line for whatever the irritant was.

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Day 5

Sleep: 1:30 - 8:15  (6.75 hrs) woke up feeling pretty darn good, not groggy.

M1: 2 eggs, chard sauteed in olive oil w/onions, 1/4 avocado

SNACK: (after 2 mile walk) sweet potato pieces w/coconut oil, sips of kombucha

M2: 2 HB eggs w/guac, 1 c chili, olives

M3: 1 c chili, big bowl veggie soup, 3 bites guacamole, raspberries & strawberries

Mood: woke up feeling pretty cheerful, continued thru day. A little low energy mid afternoon, afraid to take nap in case it goes too long. Energy just picked up later. At end of day felt happy.

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Day 6

Sleep - 12:30p to 8a, woke up rested not wanting to sleep more. Felt pretty happy. That's 2 days in a row, cool.

M1: 2 eggs w/onions & peppers in coconut oil, guac on top, strawberries, coffee

M2: tuna in avo oil mayo YUM w/onions, bell pepper & tomato. 1/2 c sweet potato

Kombucha 1/2 bottle

M3. Can of tuna, steamed spinach, 1/2 avocado

Much later 1/2 sm sweet potato

Mood: good, looking forward to feeling like working out again

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Day 7

Sleep not enough, stayed up too late watching a movie then had to get up early for an appt. But it was surprisingly NOT that hard to get up after only 5 hours of sleep!

M1: RUSHED standing in kitchen (oops)  ground beef (but not enough, felt like I just couldn't shove another bit down without being sick), 2 HB eggs w/mayo on them, 1/2 sweet potato w/coconut oil & cinnamon, shot of espresso

Lots of water & herbal tea

M2: bites of tuna, bites of chicken... (time for a big round of cooking again, as nothing appetizing left & I know I need to be eating lots more veggies than I did 48 hrs) 

snack: 2 eggs sauteed softly in EVOO, asparagus (not much),...

M3: beef & bison chili, 

Did NOT plan well today for flow of food due to appointments + most of the premade food is gone, so it's been more survival snacking when I realized I was too hungry. I think a little too heavy on the fats, not enough vegs, but it got me through the day with not a moments thought of going off road.

Mood: pleasant/happy, feeling clear-headed & calm a lot

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Sleep: fell asleep later than meant to, slept 7 hours.

AM snack creamy ginger zuch soup, coffee

M1 beef & bison chili, roasted brussels, 1T mayo

M2 egg salad + onion, celery,

M3 sweet potato 1/2 ...... Oops

Mood CRANKY when helped DH with computer stuff, otherwise I think okay!

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Sleep  7-7.5 hrs, woke up 6:30 (as usual) for quick bathroom run, right back to sleep.

M1: egg salad (prob 3 eggs), avocado, iced coffee w/coconut milk added PFF (no V)

WORK OUT - barre class 1 hr - energy was good. No snack after, didn't feel like I needed it.

M2: turkey patty w/marinera, big green beans in coconut oil + sauteed almond slivers  PVVFF

M3: sm bowl berries, egg salad, brussel sprouts & zucchini PVV - egg salad has mayo

Mood: happy, bursts of frustration - have PMS

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DAY 10

Sleep went to bed LATE again, oops. Total  hrs sleep (2-9)

M1 1/4 avo, 1/4 sweet potato w/coconut oil, espresso.... I'm forgetting something else PRO ..  FVF

M2 chili & chx sausage, greek chop salad w/avo slices, 1/2 sweet potato w/coconut butter PVFV (starchy)

M3 (split time) big bowl veggie soup, sauteed chard, 2 organic beef dogs, 1/4 avo, a few sweet pot skins in coconut oil VVPFF 

Mood: happy, clear-headed, later annoyed but very clear-headed (actually more like no b.s. attitude from the clarity)

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DAY 13 (yes, day 11 & 12 happened, I just didn't get onto the computer).

Sleep short but excellent, 6.5 hours. Still going to be TOO LATE.  A little under-slept when I got up, but very little grogginess and felt good until 5 pm.

M1 Eggs, veggies, avocado & pesto sauce (Pomegranate Cafe), coffee PVVF

Work Out 45 mins elliptical zone 2

(no snack needed)

M2 Veg soup w/1/4 avo, small bowl of chili & 1.5 HB eggs w/mayo,  PVVF

M3 strawberries, sweet potato w/coconut oil VVF

Mood: clear, grounded, inspired to write ("Dear Rio").


Today I had a couple of pangs for stevia. The other day I missed the sugar-free Toriani syrup & almond milk from TJs. 

I have had to force down protein the last couple of days, so I REALLY miss the ability to just have a scoop of Jay Robb Egg White PRO powder (with stevia) and be done with it! 


I noticed this month my period seemingly created minimal bloating. Light cramping for such heavy flow.

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DAY 15 (Day 14 happened, just not here - more of the same foods)

Sleep - slept longer than I have in many days - 9.5 hours, asleep by 11pm (yay!). Zumba class last night left me tired, but also increased metabolism, so low blood sugar at 5:30 am (boo!), had some juice concentrate, b.s. at 8:30 am was 240.  

M1 cup chili & coconut milk in coffee   PF

Work out 1 hour Barre class, tone & Z2 & Z3 

M2 Big bowl ginger zucc soup, iced coffee coconut milk, 1/2 avo (VVFF)

.... 2 hrs later ceviche    P

M3 chili w/avo chunks, 1/2 sweet potato w/coconut oil, 1 apple sauteed w/coconut oil & cinnamon


Some desire today for protein smoothies I make, but that was due to a long vitamix conversation with a friend.

Amazingly, chips & salsa were not of interest, nor tequila my friend sipped.

B.S. was high after the apple & sweet potatos

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DAY 16

Sleep - long (worked out yesterday, I think this increases my need for sleep by a couple of hours, or else the somewhat low b.s. does it? That would be kicked in by the workout, hmm  N=1 that.)

HAD FIRST CHEAT DREAM - Eating somewhere strange like a buffet, something bready got into my mouth, I tried to pick it out. Then I ate a full bite of something like a pita chip, knew I had blown it with gluten, NOT pleasant dream!


Slept 11p - 9a .. woke up 7a b.s. at 53. Had just a few bites of frozen juice & slept a few hours more. 99 when I got up again.  24u Lantus


M1 eggs, chx sausage, red bell peppers, mushrooms & onions, 1/4 avo, apricots  PPVF 

Work Out 30 mins elliptical, mainly Zone 1

M2 chili, sauteed kale in EVOO, sweet potato w/coconut oil PVVF

M3 frittata & guac, a few grapes  PVF

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DAY 17

Slept very soundly until Interrupted 5:30a by low b.s. - ate frozen juice. Slept 2 more hrs on couch (b.s. 200), then 2 more hrs in bed (b.s. 160 on wakeup). ADJUST Lantus down to 23-23.5.


M1 2 HB eggs w/mayo, a bit of zucch soup, coffee   PVF  (not enough of a meal, was in a big hurry)

M2 chili & Tom Ka Gai w/chicken, 1/3 sweet potato w/coconut oil, sauteed organic Power Greens in coconut oil w/sun dried toms, onion, 4 TBSP marinara topped with crushed pistachios  PVVFF

Before workout - b.s. at 335 - decreasing Lantus is creating need for Humalog, probably from sweet potatoes. 

Workout 45 mins elliptical heart zone 1 & 2

M3 - uh oh, not hungry...   Had sunbutter and went to bed.

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I just noticed the juice concentrate/frozen juice.


Note that the Whole30 recommendation is to only use juice as a flavoring in cooking.  It should not be used as a beverage or frozen snack.

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Yes, I know Chris, thank you. This for me is not an "off road" from Whole30, as It's not a snack or drink for me, nor for anyone in our household. For many years, I buy organic, no-sugar OJ concentrate only for one purpose: as a Type 1 diabetic (not a type 2 which is 99% of the diabetic population) it's medicinal. It's what I choose to take instead of what the AMA suggests - stuff like 1/2 can soda (HFCS - gasp!), a few TBSP of jelly (sucrose/corn syrup), or actual fresh or reconstituted juice, which we don't have around because we don't drink juice as a beverage & it would go rancid, as overnight lows are rare... EXCEPT when I'm losing weight, and my insulin needs recalculate, and this is the adjustment game I play until I get the new dosage right. 


When I wake up with low blood sugar I take a few bites of the frozen OJ because it's very concentrated fructose (form of sugar closest to glucose other than glucose itself, so it gets into my blood stream faster than sucrose/table sugar). Frozen OJ never goes "bad" since it's frozen, it's not tempting for a "snack", nor is it ever going to become juice in our house. It literally lives in the freezer just for middle of the night blood sugar crashes that wake me up in a shaky cold sweat ("insulin shock"). 


Glad you mentioned it so others won't make the mistake of reading it as a W30 approved "snack," and who knows, another T1 diabetic may peruse this some day and find this an acceptable alternative to "sugar" in the event of crashes.

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DAY 18

Sleep - DANG IT, b.s. crashed late 9 a.m. - if I had been up earlier I think it was still ok. I wondered why I was sleeping longer, I guess at some point it was only b/c my b.s. was starting to drop too low, but sleeping masked it, so I woke up at 52 again. Plan: to have a little fat & PRO just before bed & test at that time, with 23 Lantus.

M1: chili, raspberries, iced coffee w/CM, (PVF) 

M2: fritatta w/salsa, sweet potato w/CO, (PVFF)

M3: filet & Best Chicken, roasted asparagus, mashed sweet potatoes, poached pears in raspberry almond cream sauce (PPVVVFF)


I have been forgetting to note mood. Basically because there's not much to say - I'm consistently calm/peaceful, happy, feeling relieved as a result of eating this way, happy with results, clear-minded.

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DAY 19

Sleep: Fine, 7 hrs, 23 Lantus working! 

M1 strawberries, coffee w/coconut milk (VF)

M2 HB egg salad, 2 bowls golden cauliflower soup by TCMTG w/curry stirred in, coconut milk added (PVVF)

M3 HB egg salad, big bowl gold caul soup (PVVF)


I probably didn't eat enough pro today...

Mood: more of the same, even-keeled & clear, peaceful. Had no desire to work out at all, so I didn't.


UH OH - I love the golden caul soup, but I THINK CAULIFLOWER GIVES ME GASSSS.........  (retest that soon)

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DAY 21

Sleep: Great. To bed about 11p, awake just before 7a. Lethargic - sore from workout & b.s. around 250, that could be creating the lethargy.

M1 Frittata w/salsa & guac, nectarine (PVVF)

Been up for 2 hours & still lethargic, feel weird inside but I can't describe it, going to nap - napped 45 mins

M2 curried egg salad with chopped veggies, WW veg soup +handful of turkey + 1/4 avo, apricot, 1 date (PPVVF)

I think the fruit & date brought b.s. up to over 200, sigh.

M3: TJs bag of snap peas in coconut oil & tangy carrot ginger dressing, cup chili, some more coconut oil

Mood: meh. not happy, not anything much. Did vacation research all day, didn't want to do anything else.


Cravings: None, still. But passing desire for things that I mentally add to the "gotta try that after W30" list. Had convo about fine tequila with someone drinking margaritas at the same table, made me have a future-desire for it, remembering the flavor. But interestingly, didn't want one today, no pull even though it was 18" from me.

I bought too much fruit, I think! I feel I need to eat it before it goes bad, and I think having more makes me get a tastefor sweet things. I haven't wanted sugar, but today I felt a pang for my flavored stevias.

Almost every day I REALLY want to be able to have my Jay Robb Egg White PRO powder; I just don't feel like eating the morning protein, blech!!

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