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Should I reintro or do a whole45


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I posted a trouble shooting question yesterday, but since today is actually the last day of my whole30 I really need some advice on how to move forward.  Yesterday I mentioned that I feel as though I have gained weight the past week or so.  I thought it may be in part due to bloating due to something I ate, but as of today I am feeling like it is legit weight gain.  I'm still unclear as to how this happened.  I have remained compliant the entire time.  I work out regularly as well.  Last week I think I was only able to do a day of lifting, crossfit and kickboxing; but typically I am a 5 days a week kind of girl.

So my question is should I keep going or should I begin the reintro?  I know that dairy in the past has usually been beneficial in my weight loss, plus I really REALLY would like some yogurt.  ( I apologize to those of you whom have seen my previous post all of which profess my undying love for yogurt lol).  Any thoughts or feedback would be great!

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I am not an expert. Not all of us lose weight on the whole30. It could have something to do with the amount of carbs you are eating or your body may need more time to heal. If you feel great except gaining weight and are ready to do the reintros then go for it. If you aren't feeling the benefits then keep going if you think that would be helpful. You might want to check out mark's daily apple carb curve. I think this might be my issue because I did not do intense excersize on my whole30, but I was eating a lot of starchy veggies and gained weight.

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I will look at that.  During my food boredom I phase I definitely ate more fruit because that was one of the few things that I could eat without losing an appetite; and by fruit I literally mean only strawberries.  Maybe an apple a couple days.  I have noticed my skin looks amazing, I'm sleeping better and finally got my energy back and steady.  I think the crazy thing for me is that at one point, after the initial bloating, my clothes did fit better and I could visibly see I had lost weight so I'm not sure what the deal is.  I do fully understand why they say it's a whole30 and not a whole15 or 20 because it was only within the past five days or so that I began to notice so many benefits.  I am actually loving the way my body feels.  I was initially leery that I would be able to make a statement like that because I was one of those people who swore by my whole grains.  I literally used to eat Oatmeal everyday for breakfast, be hungry two hours later and thought  that was completely acceptable.  It's great not thinking about food all the time.


Just realized I'm doing a commercial so let me reel it back, lol.  The point I'm trying to make is yes; I definitely see the benefits of the whole30 and may go ahead and begin my reintroduction to test out old favorites.  I can always do another whole30!  I believe I will transition to paleo with a few modifications depending on this reintroduction.  Thanks for the feedback!

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I would agree that if you are generally feeling well (no tummy upset or bloating) than you can go forward with reintroductions at this point. Make a good schedule and plan for it so you can be really sure of how you react to things and make your plan going forth.


The increase in fruit during food boredom could be one of the keys to what you experienced. 

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I am still losing weight during reintro because you're still eating whole 30 66% of the days and also I didn't react well to some foods which made me not feel well which caused me to eat less overall. 

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