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Intestinal Issues


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Since day 14 of the Whole 30, I have been experiencing major bloating and the big D. It's been so bad I lost 5lbs in two days. I completed the Whole 30 a week ago and I still have issues no matter what I eat. It's so bad I'm scared to leave the house for fear I won't make it to the restroom. (Can't run due to disability) Prior to the a Whole 30 this wasn't an issue. I'm at my wits end! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I started probiotics.

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You can absolutely take over the counter anti-diarrhea medicine. I find that when I get started, I often need help to stop. I find that one dose is often all I need to break the cycle of whatever it was that was causing trouble.

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Could you post some sample days of your food? That might help us do some detective work.

My diet is boring as I eat pretty much the same thing everyday

Morning: Papaya or melon

Lunch: 3 egg whites, 1/2 avocado or fruit

Dinner: 3 whole eggs or pork (best option as noted food list) and spinach

Snack: Kiwi

This is also what I ate before I began the whole 30. The main difference pre diet vs during/post diet is chocolate and occassionally whole grain bread.

Thank you for your help!

Oh I forgot! I'm adding foods (grain, dairy, sugar etc) back in...dairy gave me no problems (well no more than what I'm dealing with); white bread made it worse but pasta and cookie were fine.

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You can absolutely take over the counter anti-diarrhea medicine. I find that when I get started, I often need help to stop. I find that one dose is often all I need to break the cycle of whatever it was that was causing trouble.

Thank you! I'll try it.
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My diet is boring as I eat pretty much the same thing everyday

Morning: Papaya or melon

Lunch: 3 egg whites, 1/2 avocado or fruit

Dinner: 3 whole eggs or pork (best option as noted food list) and spinach

Snack: Kiwi

This is also what I ate before I began the whole 30. The main difference pre diet vs during/post diet is chocolate and occassionally whole grain bread.

Thank you for your help!

Oh I forgot! I'm adding foods (grain, dairy, sugar etc) back in...dairy gave me no problems (well no more than what I'm dealing with); white bread made it worse but pasta and cookie were fine.


You are not eating enough at all. I wouldn't start adding things back in while you are still feeling badly. You need protein, fat, and vegetables at every meal in portions that fit the template

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Tai, I'm with Physibeth.  There's an awful lot of fruit, a lack of green leafy veggies and starches, and very little fat.  Try adding a hardboiled egg and some veggies to your breakfast, add in some veggies (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, etc.) at lunch and try cooking it in some ghee or coconut oil, and round out that dinner option.  


I have found (and the resources confirm) that eating fruit on it's own isn't recommended and often contributes to diarrhea and upset stomach for me.  Perhaps the same is true for you, especially now that your stomach is ready for good food?

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