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leg cramps

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I have always gotten leg cramps occasionally in the night. They have been very infrequent like one every year or two years. However I am now on day 7 of my second whole 30 and have had 3.  I did not have any on my first whole 30 so I am not sure if it is related or not but was wondering if this is something others have experienced and how they might have fixed it


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I occasionally get foot cramps or calf cramps. I cannot figure out what makes them come or go. I don't see a pattern in my eating, drinking, exercise, or supplements. They are not as bad now as they were several years ago or even 6 months ago, but I don't know why.

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I only started getting leg cramps in the last 6 months. Always in my calf (one or the other). A friend told me he started taking Natural Calm powder (magnesium supplement) before bed and his nighttime muscle spasms completely went away. Also helps sleep! I guess a magnesium deficiency can cause all sorts of issues.


I do not know if "Natural Calm" is W30 complient though - check first if you decide to try it! Amazon has it and there is lots of information in the reviews.


And... I am not a Dr., so please research before you decide :-)


Edited to add:


The unflavored variety says this:
Ingredients: Ionic Magnesium citrate

Contains no: yeast, dairy, egg, soy, wheat, sugar, starch, preservatives or artitifcial color or flavor. No added fructose. Cruelty-free.

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