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Sometimes, I just need to quit my internal whining

Cate B.

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Egads, I mostly need to post because I'm sitting at a coffee shop studying (belly full from lunch - I know better than to hang out near the baked goods on an empty stomach) and as people filter out from the ice cream shop next door - cones in hand, looking as though they are enjoying the summer just a wee bit more than I am - I found myself going to the "why can that svelte lady eat a ginormous ice cream cone and I can't even have the child's cup???"

Then the infamous whole9 words "context matters" slipped on in to the forefront. Indeed, context does matter. And I'm acting like I've never had an ice cream cone before - like I'm a deprived child. Or like I will never ever again in my life. Oh woe is me!!!! So I decided to put my big girl panties back on and suck it the f*** up, and post here. Ya know, just to get it out of my head and into the ether. ***Bonus*** Typing it out made it even more obvious how silly I was being. I haven't finished a whole30 since January of last year, and I've certainly attempted multiple ones since. I will write all the silly things necessary to make sure I finish this one.

Day 2 - onward!

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Yes we all have to remember that ice cream and baked goods will not leave the planet within 30 days time.  They will still be there waiting for you.


Good for you!!! 


I also found out later on that it wasn't the treat that I wanted so much, it was the feeling of being left out......That was a Ah-ha moment.

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Mine says: "Why can't I just eat like everyone else???? Wahhhh!!!!!"

Actually, you can. The question is if you *want* to (and live with the consequences).

Conscious decisions, baby! It's a free life and it's all yours! ;) 

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JGiggly - PERSPECTIVE is exactly what I need more of for this whole30! I started a whole30 in June and made it through the first 10 days easy breazy. I felt good, happy to comply, yada yada yada. I felt so good, in fact, that I decided to have a glass of wine on the evening of day 10, and while I had full intentions of hopping back on the whole30 train the next day, I'm pretty sure I had ice cream instead. Mmmmhmmm. No mas! 

Perspective & Truths

  • I have legit inflammation in a whole lot of my joints that appears to be connected to food. I'd like that inflammation to kindly leave me alone. 
  • I have a really bad habit of not understanding why my clothes aren't fitting anymore when, "I eat so well damnit!" Conveniently forgetting the pint of ice cream I devoured in one night, the 2-3 bottles of red wine (per week) that are making my recycling bin look like I'm considering investing in malbec grapes, and the other "insert off-plan food here" item that I just somehow can't seem to remember when I'm in the throws of self-pity. 
  • When I finish a whole30 I feel like a million bucks. I've yet to be able to take what I learn and really apply it in my life. Some foods I've taken out and have never gone back to (legumes were an almost daily part of my diet but the bloat is in no way worth it), but others always come back with a vengeance.
  • I'm a serious emotional eater. I like to create little charcuterie style situations on my table; bottle of red wine in tow, and if it's a really bad/stressful day - a nice petite loaf of a crusty bread. I know fully that bread, wine, and cheese are my nemesis - but I go forward b/c it's a ritual that started in grad school almost 7 years ago and I can't seem to let go. BUT I CAN LET GO. 
  • I love food, and I will always love food. I want the way I love food to illustrate that I love myself more though. 

Oh, that just got real real long. Aaaand, I'm out. Peace!

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I know that...YOU know that. My inner two year old is all "Consequences, Shmonsequences." Lol. Fortunately I've been able to subdue it today. :)

Haha, I know totally what you mean, just trying to be annoyingly inspirational. ;P

How about fighting it with its own weapons: "Lalalalaaaa, I CANNOT hear what you're sayyying!" *fingersinears* ;D

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Soooo, I am apparently really really bad at thinking results should be happening INSTANTANEOUSLY.  Today is Day 4, but I weighed myself today b/c I had yet to do so. I don't own a scale, so maybe I shouldn't have even bothered, but I figured I might as well when I was at crossfit this morning. Holy smokes, y'all. That number was the highest it's ever been. I'm also the strongest I've ever been, so I don't doubt there is some muscle up in there; but given the way my clothes fit (ahem, don't fit), I also know there is a whole lot of wine/cheese/ice cream/cinnamon roll/chocolate love up in there too.  


It's okay, though, because I also watched "a league of their own" yesterday while meal prepping for the week and avoiding 4th of July shenanigans, and got a sweet bit of advice from Tom Hanks. In the words of Hanks' Jimmy Dugan, "Of course it's hard! If it wasn't hard everyone would do it!" This felt relevant to my journey here and to the professional exam I'm taking at the end of July and should be studying for at this very moment. It's like a two-for, and I'm happy for any help I can get at this point. 


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