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This is my 5th Whole30. This is my first Whole30 excluding caffeine. I am miserable.


During previous Whole30s, I still drank a lot of tea and sparkling energy waters. I decided, this time, I wanted to exclude caffeine entirely in order to get more in tune with my natural energy levels. I don't intend to reintroduce caffeine when this Whole30 is over. My primary sources of caffeine have been diet coke and energy drinks, and I obviously don't see the benefit of reintroducing those things. I don't drink coffee. I don't really like tea but I drank it anyway, as an acceptable source of caffeine.


Today is Day 8.


Recent googling has shown me that you aren't supposed to quit caffeine cold turkey, but I did and I'm eight days in so I figure it's too late to go back.


On Day 1 I was super motivated. I am trying to lose that pesky last 15lbs, and I've done all kinds of things to keep me inspired, including making a paper chain 30 rings long with an inspirational quote on each ring that I tear off and write on our fridge white board each morning. I made dinner and prepped a crock pot to turn on the next morning while I was at work.


On Day 2, the headache started at about 1pm. I went home from work thanking all the gods in the world for that crock pot being full of deliciousness. I ate, and I went to bed at 6:30. I didn't wake up until it was time for work the next morning.


On Day 3, I ate plenty of good food but was tired again by 1pm. The headache began again. Again, I went home, threw together a meal and went to bed at about 7. Slept until the following morning.


Since then, I've been able to stay awake until 9-10pm, just late enough to cook a good meal after work and clean up and go to bed. I took 2-3 hour naps every day this weekend. The headache has been constant since Day 3. It throbs. I can't run, I can't go to the gym. The workday is excruciating, as I am having trouble concentrating and staying awake. I feel like I haven't seen my husband in a week because all I do is sleep.


I'm at my wit's end. I'm taking ibuprofen (400mg per day) but it's not going away. My head hurts and I'm so tired. I've never faced this level of difficulty during the first part of a Whole30.


Does anyone else have experience with severe caffeine withdrawal? How long does it last? Will it get better?

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I don't have any advice sorry, other than to just tough it out now you've made it so far. What quantity of coke/ energy drinks were you drinking before, as 8 days sounds excessive?

But I love the paper chain idea! That's utterly fantastic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have any advice sorry, other than to just tough it out now you've made it so far. What quantity of coke/ energy drinks were you drinking before, as 8 days sounds excessive?

But I love the paper chain idea! That's utterly fantastic.


Thanks for the reply! I didn't think I was drinking that much caffeine, but apparently it was more than I thought.


Either way, I am now on day 22 and finally feeling normal! It took nearly a full two weeks for me to adjust but it's possible. Wow, did it suck though.

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