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elevated liver enzymes??

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So, I have routine blood work because I am on high risk medication to control my autoimmune diseases. My bloodwork happened to fall on day 7 of my whole 30, and my normally way low and perfect liver enzymes (for my entire life) were WAY up. Like...my rheumatologist called me within the hour.  I knew, I work in healthcare and looked up my own results. They had me repeat them on Monday, day 10, and I was praying it was just a lab error because nothing else made sense...I obviously haven't been drinking, I didn't OD on tylenol...etc. So...my results yesterday were the same, down a little but still way too high. 


I am hoping that MAYBE my liver is just like, ummm, what's all this protein and fat doing in your normally sugar heavy blood?? And throwing my labs off. They were down marginally from Friday to Monday. 


Biggest fear is autoimmune hepatitis, feel free to Google, I don't want to even think about that possibility. That is what my doctor said her concern is. I now have been referred to a specialist and may be looking at a liver biopsy soon. I just wanted to know if the moderators had any ideas, or had seen this? Probably not...my body is strange and rarely works to my benefit. Regardless, I am continuing to eat healthy and hope my liver is just confused, and my next labs will be normal. Never have I ever had a liver issue in my life, I am someone who could genuinely give up alcohol forever and be ok with it. 


Thanks for any insight. 

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I am hoping that MAYBE my liver is just like, ummm, what's all this protein and fat doing in your normally sugar heavy blood??


Maybe this? It could be a lot of things, and it's good to stay on top of it and find out what, but I would inquire about possibly an issue with your gall bladder just in case. 

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How often do you have this bloodwork done?  


Since you know you've made big changes to your diet recently, I would hope that you could insist on repeat testing rather than a biopsy at this point.  If they went down a little just from Friday to Monday, maybe they will continue to go down a little more each week.  Or however often they want to draw blood.


Considering that the two main liver enzymes they test for deal with protein (which you have increased) and amino acids (which we get from protein), my {non-doctor} opinion is that you may be onto something with the idea that your body is just going through an adjustment period.


I also just had to post and say I am so glad you've found the Whole 30.  How amazing it would be if you were able to get your autoimmune conditions under control and no longer needed this high-risk medication.  Good luck!

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How often do you have this bloodwork done?  


Since you know you've made big changes to your diet recently, I would hope that you could insist on repeat testing rather than a biopsy at this point.  If they went down a little just from Friday to Monday, maybe they will continue to go down a little more each week.  Or however often they want to draw blood.


Considering that the two main liver enzymes they test for deal with protein (which you have increased) and amino acids (which we get from protein), my {non-doctor} opinion is that you may be onto something with the idea that your body is just going through an adjustment period.


I also just had to post and say I am so glad you've found the Whole 30.  How amazing it would be if you were able to get your autoimmune conditions under control and no longer needed this high-risk medication.  Good luck!

every two months, BUT, I want repeat labs for at least 3 weeks before I would ever consider a biopsy. THANK YOU for agreeing with me, I truly think this must be it. My whole goal is to get off of medicines and reclaim my life, I am 31 and too young to be this tied down with medical problems. 


Thank you both for replying <3

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You might check out Paleo Mom's website (google for link) and her book, The Paleo Approach.  I haven't read the book, but I do know that it addresses autoimmune issues from a scientific perspective and focuses on using Paleo nutrition for healing.  She may have some insights for you.


All the best and I hope you do see continued improvement in those numbers over the coming weeks.  A sharp spike in liver enzymes can be unnerving.

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HolliAdrienne, I don't really have any input on the liver enzymes and I am sure you will find out from your doctor if they go down or not in the next weeks. I hope they do!


I do however also suffer from an autoimmune disease (UC) and I am probably on the same type of medication (making an educated guess here) as you are. I just want to share some of the effects a whole30 life style has had on my illness. I started my first whole30 in July last summer because my doctor told me I should start thinking about having my entire colon removed since I wasn't going into remission. I had follow-up labs run by the end of August, after finishing my Whole30 and continung strict paleo. The inflammation was gone, so the surgerey was put on hold! Since then I have stayed pretty compliant with the exception of some  ice cream and chocolate happening every once in a while and when ever I feel like I need to get my act together I have done another Whole7 to Whole30. I haven't had one single flare since I started eating this way, and it's over a year now.All of my lab tests have been fine. I have been able to reduce the dose of my medication by 25% and I feel much healthier.  I also got my period back, which I think says something really big about my health status. I lost it when I was diagnosed with UC and have struggled to get pregnant and have children. It was gone for 7 years and I honestly never expected my body to ever consider itself healthy enough to cycle again, but obviously I really am becoming that much healthier.


My point is that you are doing something really great for your body. Living with autoimmune illness neither one of us know if we will get a new autoimmune problem tomorrow, and we might never become totally free of medication. But we can still make HUGE improvements in how we feel and function. Eat well, sleep as much as you can and be compassionate and kind to yourself. I truly believe this life style is the way to go, and I hope if worst come to worst and you do develop another autoimmune problem that you will still continue down this path and take good care of yourself.


My fingers are crossed for good lab results!

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HolliAdrienne, I don't really have any input on the liver enzymes and I am sure you will find out from your doctor if they go down or not in the next weeks. I hope they do!


I do however also suffer from an autoimmune disease (UC) and I am probably on the same type of medication (making an educated guess here) as you are. I just want to share some of the effects a whole30 life style has had on my illness. I started my first whole30 in July last summer because my doctor told me I should start thinking about having my entire colon removed since I wasn't going into remission. I had follow-up labs run by the end of August, after finishing my Whole30 and continung strict paleo. The inflammation was gone, so the surgerey was put on hold! Since then I have stayed pretty compliant with the exception of some  ice cream and chocolate happening every once in a while and when ever I feel like I need to get my act together I have done another Whole7 to Whole30. I haven't had one single flare since I started eating this way, and it's over a year now.All of my lab tests have been fine. I have been able to reduce the dose of my medication by 25% and I feel much healthier.  I also got my period back, which I think says something really big about my health status. I lost it when I was diagnosed with UC and have struggled to get pregnant and have children. It was gone for 7 years and I honestly never expected my body to ever consider itself healthy enough to cycle again, but obviously I really am becoming that much healthier.


My point is that you are doing something really great for your body. Living with autoimmune illness neither one of us know if we will get a new autoimmune problem tomorrow, and we might never become totally free of medication. But we can still make HUGE improvements in how we feel and function. Eat well, sleep as much as you can and be compassionate and kind to yourself. I truly believe this life style is the way to go, and I hope if worst come to worst and you do develop another autoimmune problem that you will still continue down this path and take good care of yourself.


My fingers are crossed for good lab results!

Jennor - thanks for posting this, I have UC as well and it was my primary reason for starting the Whole30.  I'm on day 9 and already feeling a difference.  It's amazing.

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  • 9 months later...

I am finding this post a year later, but I just wanted to know if you solved your elevated liver enzyme problem? I did my first Whole 30 two years ago and I am on day 19 right now. Last time when I had my blood work done for breast cancer follow up, they were elevated. My nurse practitioner asked me if I was eating more protein (which of course I was!). She wasn't worried about it, but I don't know what the actual number was. Recently someone told me it is recommended to drink PLENTY of water when this happens. I would REALLY like to know what the standard for liver enzymes for a Whole 30 follower is? Would it be different than the normal American diet and still be normal?

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  • 1 year later...

I had the exact same thing happen.  Went for a Well Visit and to receive my blood test results.  Everything was normal except by AST was slightly elevated.  My ALT was fine.  My doctor wasn't concerned, especially since the AST was only slightly above normal and the ALT was fine.  I am going to have it retested in 6 months.  Glad to hear that I'm not alone. Other than that - I LOVE how I feel eating this new way.  My body definitely is sensitive to a lot of things.   Going to take my time to figure out which ones because I don't want to go back to how I was feeling.

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