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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Put your full armor on in the morning...

Eat an extra special breakfast every day within one hour of waking.

Don't hike alone in grizz country.

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I used to hike alone as a child or with sibs on long, summer days. The things we used to do make me shudder. The half has not been told but I'm grateful to be here in one piece.

It's not prudent to hike alone in grizz country, regardless if you're very familiar with the territory. You are a duck out of water. This is their joint and they have the run of the place. 

A grizz' sense of smell is 7x greater than a bloodhound and 1000 x better than a human.  A grizz can catch your scent and your lunch from miles away. In optimum circumstances, it may be as much as 20 miles away.

Their nose is 100 x bigger than ours.  That powerful nose can smell your vanilla bean lotion and sunscreen, your scented soap and shampoo on your head.  Their sense of smell is amazing.

You have to respect their power and abilities when you're in their neck of the woods.  You can do absolutely everything correct and still find yourself in a tough situation.

Your food and gear that you're packing on your body = lunch. They're still very hungry this time of the year. Don't go alone. 




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"Your body defends itself against foods that irritate it by developing a thicker mucosal lining in the gut. When you stop eating irritating foods for 30 days, the excess mucosal lining sloughs off leaving you less protected. When you reintroduce these foods again, you may feel more discomfort than you did before because you have less protection against them than you did before. If you keep eating them, you will grow the thicker lining back and have the same level of protection that you did before. 

It can be difficult to distinguish between feeling worse and simply noticing how you feel more accurately after going a period without irritation. You may think you feel worse, but really you just notice how you feel; your feelings feel new and not business as usual. 

When people begin to eat meat after months or years of not eating meat, their guts do not have all the correct bacteria needed to digest the meat. It takes time for our bodies to grow the correct bacteria, so vegetarians require an adjustment period. This adjustment can be supported and sped along by taking digestive enzymes and probiotics to get the gut to where it needs to be faster. After a period of weeks or maybe a few months, the gut should be ready to operate on its own without extra assistance."

Tom Denham 

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When the grizz begins to eat meat after months of not eating meat, their guts  have all the correct bacteria needed to digest the meat. It  doesn't take any time for their bodies to grow the correct bacteria or any adjustment period. After hibernation, they're in pursuit of a Food Reset. Sooner rather than later.

Once upon a time, Maw fried UP some chicken and went next door to visit the neighbor. The screen door was open and the grizz with 3 cubs started to come through the screen door.  I had to pull the trunks out from underneath the bed and hide under the bed up against the wall.  I pulled all of the trunks back in front of me.  I was a child. All of the neighbors made a commotion until the grizz backed away.  But she always came back because of familiarity with those food scents and aromas.

If I ever have a dream about intense, tough situations...it always morphs into some Face-To-Face meeting with a grizz.  When my feet hit the floor, I shake it off.

It only takes one compliant Whole 30 for a Food Reset.  It only takes one meeting with a grizz for a lasting impression.  I remember grizz breath coming at me like a train down the tracks. 



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We are all connected. Six degrees of separation is more like four now. I surmise that every single one of us...related to Kevin Bacon. That's one of Maw's favorite food groups. Bacon.

It's all fun. Really.

Paw said all of the fault lines are connected and related, too. Yesterday, Hawaii had a big shaker. I was thinking of a forum folkaronie. EQ's are like the cracking of a whip. There's corresponding action at the other end.  They say that EQ's are not related but I've never believed that and neither did Paw.

So I have my eye up there where two other forum folkaronies are hanging out -  for that corresponding action from Hawaii. It's a full moon and we're approaching the summer solstice. These things matter.

Paw always said things happen during times of extremes.  Extreme heat, the tides, moon, sun...the Universe gives us signs if we are paying attention. The Universe is a prognosticator of events.

Make sure your car's radiator fluids are UP to snuff and your tires have the correct amount of air. It's very important when you're out there on the road during times of extreme heat. It's more important than run of the mill - everything in moderation times. 

I still keep one eye open on the seismos.  Drink water like it's your job, Felicias.  Don't stay thirsty during extremes.

We're all connected. Body. Mind. Spirit. 

No names or GPS coordinates required.



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Paw's rule for vehicles. During seasonal extremes is when your vehicle (hunk of metal) needs the most attention. Don't head out over the open highways without making sure everything is in working order. Oooo, and avoid hitting all of those potholes. You will knock your alignment out and ruin your brand new tires.  Tires that are not inflated properly will wear out so quickly. Too much or too little air, either way will cut their life in half.

Paw took great care of his vehicles. He cringed when he saw people hitting all of the potholes. We go out of our way to avoid them. It is a lifelong habit. Paw always said Maw was attracted to potholes like a magnet. The more she tried to avoid them, she would always hit one dead center. But don't swerve if the road shoulders are narrow with oncoming traffic. Don't overcorrect either.     

Extremes beget more extremes. 

Much Love. Felicias. Much Love.  



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One more for the road. Just heard on the radio medical minute that there's a high incidence of alcoholism after WLS. Alcohol loosens up the new stomach walls that's a size of a banana from a football and makes it easier to eat more food.  Alcohol is easier to get down when food becomes a problem. Some started shooting as many as 12 shots of that much ballyhooed paleo friendly tequila in one sitting.

Extreme dieters also start drinking more alcohol. It's a work around for zero carbing it and reducing your food down to a nub.

Choices and Consequences. Cross-addiction. Trading in one vice for another.

The pancreas has a lifespan. Kidneys and liver, too.  When they're gone, it's over. For real.

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"The reason we ask you to eat breakfast within an hour of waking in the morning is that doing so is critically important to getting your hormones into their proper rhythm. Eating an early breakfast helps you to sleep at night because it helps to raise cortisol levels early in the day, so that they are ready to decline late in the day as they should.

Getting your hormones on a good rhythm helps enormously with shedding unneeded fat. So whether you feel like eating or not, it is really important that you work on getting your first meal in early and not delay it until later.

You may not be able to consume a full meal immediately, but do what you can and work up to it. 

Eating two meals per day works against getting your hormonal rhythms where they need to be. It is important to eat 3 meals per day for at least one year so that your body can establish good rhythms and you can become familiar what it is like to live this way before you experiment with other ways of doing things that are known to be problematic. 

Dark, leafy greens are as close to greatness as any one food gets. I am convinced that no one dislikes eating greens. What they dislike is the crappy tasting stuff many people cook. I try to eat dark, leafy greens at least once per day. In some seasons I eat them twice per day. This is easy for me because I have learned to cook them in ways that I really like. I would not ask you to eat something that you hate, but if you hate greens, you need to learn new ways to prepare them."

Tom Denhan 

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Binge Drinking Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by Causing Insulin Resistance

Binge drinking causes insulin resistance, which increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to the results of an animal study led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The results are published in the January 30 issue of the journal Science Translational Medicine.



 – January 30, 2013 /Press Release/  –– 

Binge drinking causes insulin resistance, which increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to the results of an animal study led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The results are published in the January 30 issue of the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Alcohol disrupts insulin-receptor signaling by causing inflammation in the hypothalamus area of the brain, according to the researchers at Mount Sinai's Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism Institute.

"Insulin resistance has emerged as a key metabolic defect leading to Type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD)," said Christoph Buettner, MD, PhD, senior author of the study and Associate Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Disease).  "Someone who regularly binge drinks even once a week, over many years, may remain in an insulin resistant state for an extended period of time, potentially years," said Dr. Buettner.

In this study, researchers treated rats with alcohol for three consecutive days to simulate human binge drinking. A control group received the same amount of calories.  Once alcohol was no longer detectable in blood, glucose metabolism was studied through either glucose-tolerance tests or through controlled-insulin infusions. The rats treated with alcohol were found to have higher concentrations of plasma insulin than the control group, suggesting that insulin resistance may have been the cause of the impaired glucose tolerance.   

High plasma insulin levels are a major component of the metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors that occur together and increase the risk for Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke.

"Previously it was unclear whether binge drinking was associated with an increased risk for  diabetes, since a person who binge drinks may also tend to binge eat, or at least eat too much. Our data show for the first time that binge drinking induces insulin resistance directly and can occur independent of differences in caloric intake," said Claudia Lindtner, MD, first author of the study and an Associate Researcher of Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Disease at the Icahn School of Medicine.


Metabolism: Insulin resistance induced by binge drinking is caused by disrupted hypothalamic insulin action.

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Binge eating and diabetes

Research indicates that binge eating is the most commonly experienced eating disorder in people with type 2 diabetes.

A study carried out in Essen, Germany in 2000 reviewed over 300 patients with type 2 diabetes and found the prevalence of eating disorders with binge eating the most commonly observed eating disorder.

Binge eating is also observed in people with type 1 diabetes, particularly in girls and young women.

Swings in high and low blood glucose and having additional negative associations with food can provide additional difficulty in coping with binge eating for people with diabetes.

Treating binge eating

Treatments for binge eating can depend on the cause of binge eating. If binge eating is linked with psychological factors, psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy for binge eating disorder (CBT-BED) can help to address and reduce the need to binge eat.

Psychotherapy may be particularly helpful if the cause is linked with a specific stressful event or events in the past.

Cognitive behavioural therapy for binge eating disorder (CBT-BED) is an alternative form of therapy and involves looking for ways and methods of thinking about your eating which can help you to better control the urge to binge eating.


Another binge is not a treatment for a food addiction.

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Binge Eating and Type 2 Diabetes


According to the American Diabetes Association , type 2 diabetes is the most common form of this disease. In fact, many people may not even know they are at risk. An individual who engages in unhealthy habits because of an eating disorder, binge eating, may not know that there is a direct correlation between type 2 diabetes and bingeing.

On one hand, the body may simply not produce enough insulin. On the other, the body may produce the insulin but the cells of the body may ignore it. Insulin is important to the proper operation of our bodies because it is responsible for taking the sugar out of the blood and into the body’s cells. If the insulin is not the correct level in the body, glucose can build up in the blood causing the complications related to diabetes.

For men, the complications of diabetes  can be wide-ranging. Instances of heart disease and stroke, damage to the kidneys, vision problems including blindness, as well as gum disease or damage to the nerves can occur. In the case of a stroke, an individual can expect a range of possible outcomes:


  • Trouble walking
  • Difficulty speaking in a manner that can be understood by others
  • Paralysis or partial paralysis
  • Partial blindness
  • Severe headache

The complications may be slightly different for women . For instance, one complication of diabetes is coronary heart disease which kills more women than breast cancer each year. Another problem may be depression and fatigue which has a direct correlation to a healthy sex drive. The presence of depression in relation to diabetes, particularly when it is related to an eating disorder such as binge eating, is of significance due to depression’s association with binge eating itself.

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Women Who Engage in Binge Eating Have a Higher Rate of Type 2 Diabetes

One of the main differences between binge eating disorder and other eating disorders is the likelihood of gaining weight. The eating disorder bulimia nervosa is marked by binge eating, however, individuals who manifest this particular disorder will purge the additional intake of food in a variety of unhealthy ways. Individuals who suffer from anorexia nervosa have an aversion to food and tend to eat far less than they should to maintain a healthy body weight. 

Binge eating disorder  is marked by the exorbitant consumption of food without purging. Individuals who suffer from binge eating disorder can develop obesity as a result of the amount of food consumed. According to the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center ,  researchers have discovered that diabetes can be connected to binge eating and obesity.


What Treatments Are Available for Binge Eating Disorder?

Treating binge eating disorder is a complicated matter because one must consider all aspects of the disease, according to the American Psychological Association . In fact, there are three aspects related to this disorder: weight loss, psychological issues that coincide with the eating disorder, and the eating disorder itself. Experts are divided on the issue of which aspect deserves the most attention earliest in the treatment process. Some individuals who suffer from obesity in relation to this disorder are at risk of developing serious medical complication such as diabetes. Therefore, it may seem as though weight loss is the primary issue.

Other professionals will tell you that the most important aspect to treat is the underlying psychological condition which may have caused the eating disorder in the first place. And finally, some specialists believe that only treating the eating disorder will lead to successful treatment of the other two conditions.


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Binge eating disorder  is marked by the exorbitant consumption of food without purging. Individuals who suffer from binge eating disorder can develop obesity as a result of the amount of food consumed.  Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center ,  researchers have discovered that diabetes can be connected to binge eating and obesity.

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