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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Professionals say the most important aspect to treat is the underlying psychological condition which may have caused the eating disorder in the first place. Some specialists believe that only treating the eating disorder will lead to successful treatment of the other two conditions.

Another binge is not a cure for a food addiction.

Food Addiction is a chronic disorder of food rewards.

Food Addiction Recovery.  Is the alcoholic ever cured forever?  Can the food addict  be cured forever, simply turning that page and never returning to binge eating.

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Food Addiction Recovery.

Remember. The appetite control center is located in the brain and not the stomach.

The Food Addict can gut it out and even release 100 lbs in a year's time. As soon as the weight is released the brain overrides all of the hard work and without your permission, moves you back on the road to eating it all back.

Eating it all back can take less than 1/2 the time as the weight releasing.  You are back on automatic pilot.  Eating all the things in the unconscious mode.


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Not one single day or minute while you were eating it all back does the brain step in and say Helloooooo....Hey, Snap Out of It.  Not one single time. If this has happened to you, this is a food addiction.

The process of eating it all back is relentless. You think of nothing but food and what it will take to find food. Someone may be talking to you but you can't wait to get off somewhere by yourself or with another friend who has a food addiction and let the thrill eating begin.

It drives you.  It is a ruthless driver. It will not be satisfied until all of the fat stores in your body have been replenished to your highest weight and then it takes you beyond that.  Just like topping off your fuel tank in your vehicle. Taking it to the razors edge and well beyond.

Topping off your fuel tank in your vehicle can actually damage your car's vapor collection system.  When your fuel tank is full, throw your hands in the air and walk away.  Quit stuffing your vehicle with fuel.

Every time you do this to your vehicle, think of yourself, too.  It is a lifelong habit and someone told you do that but you can stop that practice today.


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Remember. Recovery comes first.

If you don't stop and think through the process, that appetite control center in your brain will take over, run you over like a steamroller.

I'm a steamroller, baby...and I'm going to run all over you, run you right into the ground until your spirit is crushed.  Taking the wind out of your sails, making a mess of everything. 

That's what this is all about.  Pulling the dross out of my head so that I can find the gold.  Seeking the treasure beyond a food addiction.



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We take better care of our pets than we do ourselves. We lovingly place their daily portions in their bowls so as not to stuff them. Pets can get diabetes from binge eating just like people do.

You can ruin your pet's kidneys by stuffing them until they can't move, run or exercise.  That's cruel.

Everything that can happen to your pet can happen to you, too.  We are their guardians. 

Our children.  Teach your children well. 

Our habits are passed down to the 2nd and 3rd generations. There's genetics but environment is huge. Don't stuff your children with multi-crap.  They'll live to pay an enormous price for it.  Diabetes is commonplace amongst the elementary kids.  Computer time and binge eating go hand in hand. If you can't let them out of the house to play...you're going to have to get down on your hands and knees and play with them. Take it back outside.

Don't top off your fuel tank and don't stuff your kids to the gills.


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Recovery comes first.

You would think there'd be nothing left to talk about.

Many are in pursuit of the tiny hiney for an entire lifetime.  It's secretly in the back of their mind while bouncing off the appetite control center.

Winning battles while trying desperately not to lose the war. Many will try to out-exercise a food addiction or disorder but it's still there.

Do I actually know anyone who's fully recovered?  No.  I'd be blowing smoke if I said, yes.

They manage it but are not cured.

I don't know an alcoholic that's fully cured either.

I know food addicts that are in the process of eating it all back after a year of restriction. Their weight loss success was amazing until it wasn't.  Defeated and disgusted, they're starting all over again.

Restricting and gutting it out with your willpower only lasts so long. Willpower runs out.

We measure our self-worth with weight loss and how tiny our hiney is.  The biggest loser. That's a bunch of hooey.

Body. Mind. Spirit.  My spirit is the best part of me.

My spirit doesn't have a thigh gap or wear size O jeans.  My spirit takes me places that a tiny hiney can't.  My spirit doesn't run on the dreadmill or do things in the name of weight loss that I can't stand. 

My spirit tells me to find exercise I enjoy and do all of it on my own terms.

Paw's final words to me....Thanks for sticking with me.  

I would miss milling around and shooting the breeze with the Universe so I'm not yet saying goodbye.  Much Love. Much Love.

Thanks for sticking with me.

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Hey Meadow,

Just wanted to stop in and say I really enjoy your posts, I'm a recovering alcoholic myself.  But even though the diseases have different names, they have so many similarities.

12 hours ago, MeadowLily said:

Someone may be talking to you but you can't wait to get off somewhere by yourself or with another friend who has a food addiction and let the thrill eating begin.

Just replace food references with alcohol and you've got me! :P

I'm on Day 7 of my Whole30.  On Wednesday I got this overwhelming desire to go get shit food; chips, pizza, tv dinner, takeout, or whatever.  I couldn't.. stop.. thinking about it.  And after I stopped for a minute to breathe I realized that desire was pretty much just as powerful as the desire for alcohol was at one point.  I guess it goes to show that all of this junk in our modern diet is not good, not good at all, because real food doesn't do that to me.  I never sit and say "JESUS, I NEED SOME ROASTED ASPARAGUS RIGHT NOW!"  

Anyways, thanks for your posts!  Hope you don't mind if I pop in once in a while :)


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It's 31 F degrees  outside, the forecast is calling for snow. Extremes beget extremes. Weather, movement, earth, sun and moon.  It was just 80'ish the other day.

My dog is on the mend and I've written more thank-you letters/cards. Those are really healing. 

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Our minds want to use the least resources possible to manage inputs, run our bodies and more. The smaller the effort, the more mental capacity we have for emergency processing -- like when that woolly mammoth charges us or when all heck breaks loose in our business.


The more we can respond out of habit or instinct, the less energy our mind has to use. We create habit after habit to allow our minds to have excess capacity for those all important moments. The challenge is that those instincts and habits often get in the way of our own best path.

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How To Clean Your Closet

Declutter Your Brain



Take everything out of your closet

Make three piles.  One for..... Yes     No     Maybe

Keep the Beat.    Go with first decision.


If stumped for more than 5 seconds, it is a Maybe

Yes  if you cannot live without that item

No pile.    No longer fits, never fit, ripped or torn.

No pile.    In denial, pretending you'll wear it someday.

No pile.    Just looking at it...gives you a pinch.

Throw the no pile immediately into bags, close.

Take bags to goodwill.  No bags left in house.

No closet cleaning remorse.

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"If you’re craving carbs (read: SUGAR!), eat fat and protein. Giving yourself sugar is NOT the route to go. But also, adding 1/2 & 1/2 to your coffee won’t make you feel better. We’ve observed in (literally) hundreds of people that “falling off the wagon” with things like pizza and cake only lead to more “falling off”.

Get back on the Good Food Train."

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"The next time you look into the mirror I want you to realize that you are looking at your BEST friend. You might think that someone else is your best friend...but they aren't!

Nobody supports you or wants you to succeed more than the person staring back at you. The person staring back is the one that you have said horrible things to, thought horrible things about, treated terribly.......things you would have never done to the person you think is your best friend.......if you had, your "best friend" would have left you.

But the BEST friend in the mirror is still there. That friend is already at the weight you want to be.....but has been kind enough to carry YOU ....and not complain. That friend is more than ready to assist you, encourage you, and smile back at you as you move through this program and get healthier. Realize your BEST friend and watch your life and health change!"


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"Nobody supports you or wants you to succeed more than the person staring back at you. The person staring back is the one that you have said horrible things to, thought horrible things about, treated terribly.......things you would have never done to the person you think is your best friend.......if you had, your "best friend" would have left you."

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, I love you.   I'm not talking about constantly taking belly selfies of your outer shell with a toilet in the background.

dcducks, a wise man, gave everyone outstanding advice. You could be feeling so low that if you sat on a dime, you'd still have enough room left over to swing your feet...he'd come along and  pull you out of a funk. He is a praying man. We could feel those prayers. 

He prayed for our group. That 1st group Whole 30 felt like we were dancing on air.  You can chalk it UP to the process of becoming fat adapted but it was more. Much more.

It's not bragging if it's true. I can tell the difference between a real connection and those who are just blowing smoke or making up imaginary stories. Paw could, too. No one pulled the wool over his eyes.

My spirit is the best part of me. Go to the mirror and say, I love you. You can't love anyone else unless you love yourself, too. We are bent on survival.

It Starts With Food and much love.  Much love. 



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Stifle yourself, Edith.


Grandpaw lurved Archie and Edith.

I went to church today with Maw. She wanted me to stifle myself but I didn't. Everyone was invited to get UP and speak about our favorite words. I was first out of the chute.  I know Maw was covering her eyes but you have to strike while the griddle is hot. Don't shout me down while I'm preachin' good...(taken from the TV).

We haven't been able to go anywhere together in almost two years. Freedom. Shawshanking it.

We both agree that we don't regret one single minute of not having that freedom. She'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. She's demure and quite a lady. It's not bragging if it's true, Maw is a beautiful woman.  Everyone tells me so and she has a spirit to match. I've caught some of the gentlemen giving her the eyeball.  Paw would be hot about that. 

Moi? I enjoy blathering and foaming at the mouth, a virtual fountain of information that I cannot stifle...only around Maw. Then I have to mind my P's and Q's.  I'll always be the kid and she'll always be the Maw. Those roles are never going to change and I've decided to just roll with it.

I went to the podium and let it rip without editing myself. Don't edit yourself. Your first impression is correct. When you try to impress others it will fall flatter than a flounder.

For some reason, I'm not fond of fiction. Imaginary stories don't do anything for me.  I'd rather hear the real deal.  The truth.

Momentum is a gift. The gift of faith is really important to me. It's more important than just about everything else. I don't talk about it but it's the wind beneath my foaming and blathering...milling around, shooting the breeze with the Universe.

Your church is your biz. This is a judgment free zone. No value judgments placed on food or where you go for your peace and solace.

Stifle yourself, Edith.  NOT.

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Don't let anyone take control of your nutritional decisions. Ever. 

Master Controllers can't control their own life so they want to control yours. They're highly reactive power-controllers. Their unconscious mind is always running the show and they want to run your show, too.

There's a huge difference between responding and reacting.

Reactors are driven, driven, driven by their biases to food and everything else.

They eat in the unconscious mode and run on autopilot. It's where they live and make those highly reactive decisions.


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Highly reactive master controllers don't take into consideration the long-term effects of what they say and do to others.

They don't consider the well-being of others, weigh the effects or measure their words. They want total control at any price.

Responding vs. Reacting comes from the conscious mind. Consciously responding to others = taking a step back, doesn't respond with anger, disgust, rage and fear.

The root cause of being a Master Controller is fear. Fear of everything. Fear of not being able to control any of the circumstances. 

It is a dichotomy. The more controlling someone is the less powerful they really are.

We are bent on survival. Master Controllers are trying to survive at the expense of everyone else.

From beginning to end, the unconscious mind creates an entire card catalog of beliefs, biases and fears. Controllers try to limit everyone's decisions.  Anything that gets in the way of the Master Controller's way of survival is a threat.

They will throw you to the curb in one fell swoop rather than even try to be reasonable. It is their way or the highway. 

Felicias, you just don't need that kind of misery in your life.

Master Controllers live their life in fear.  Fear begets fear. 

Fear and limitations. You don't want to go out like that.  So let the Master Controllers eat your dust.  Walk on, walk on. 

Food Freedom Forever is not filled with limitations. Freedom = Freedom.

Shawshanking it.  Get yourself free of everyone else's biases about food. Get yourself free from their fear and your fear.


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Shawshanking it.  Get yourself free of everyone's biases about food.

Those become your self-fulfilling prophecies. They will only add to disordered thinking about food. 

Go back to the well.

Your original factory settings do not contain everyone's biases about food. Those will ruin your relationship with food. Tacking on more biases than you already had and have.


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The actual percentages of those who have an actual gluten or nut allergy are much lower than you would think.

There's a new way of thinking and treating allergies out there in the Universe. Under medical supervision, they are now giving tiny tots measured amounts of these major food offenders so they don't die from a speck of peanut butter left on an airplane.

They are finding that the greater the variety of foods in the wheelhouse of your youth, the less you'll have to deal with major gut issues in adulthood. Unable to digest your food or assimilate it. Chronic Crohn's, IBS and all of the rest of it. 

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Change your gut and you can change your life.

It Starts With Food and not limitations.

Freedom = Freedom or you're just blowing smoke.



Dialing your food choices into 2 or 3 items is the recipe for disaster.

It only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move away from limitation. Shawshank yourself away from Master Controllers.

By an act of faith, you CHOOSE to get yourself free.

Don't lose sight of recovery. Walk by faith and not by sight.


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Yesterday, there were 11 confirmed tornadoes, most ever recorded in one day in my neck of the woods. Hailstones as big as baseballs. The weatherman called for for 4-8 inches of snow in the higher altitudes. Extremes beget extremes.

I called Maw and told her to get into her basement. I called her back and told her it was safe to come out, now.  She laughed her hiney off and told me she never went down there in the first place.  She'll always be the Maw and I'll always be the kid.  We are bent on survival, standing our ground and defending our pea patch with our backs against the wind. I'm only blown away by Maw.





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