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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Desserts should not exist in isolation. 

I'm not scared of a piece of fruit. I am Fruit Loose. 

Hordes of people will line UP to buy a cupcake. What is their magic?  Many are so sweet they hurt your teeth.  I choose to eat fruit at the end of a meal not because I'm following a set of rules but because it's good common horse sense for me.  I don't want to go back to T2 diabetes. 

Desserts don't give me a thrill.  They really don't.  I grew up with cupcakes and I'm not a fan of cake.  But if you're going to eat them, they should not be eaten in isolation.  Not if you care about your blood sugar.  Eat them at the end of the meal.. just like a piece of fruit.

I don't play with playfoods or my personal  HFCS triggers.  I don't line them UP just to knock them down. The alcoholic doesn't bring craft beer into the home to test his degree of soberness or see if he can resist swilling each and every one of them.

Have you ever asked a baker or pastry chef what's in that icing and coloring? It's the opposite of appetizing.  I've been to cupcake shops and watched the people lined up around the block, patiently waiting.  I've also observed them eat one or two of them in less than two minutes.  They might cost anywhere from 10-20 dollars apiece. 

I'd rather go out for a good steak dinner.  I've been in food addiction recovery for awhile now so I've been learning how to eat with my head as well as my senses mentality. It takes practice, practice, practice.

I don't place value judgments on food.  All or nothing/black and white thinking is the common denominator of food addictions and disorders.  Pastries and sugars are really hard for some people to walk away from.  

I avoid strange encounters of the sugary HFCS kind and walk away.  Sugary pastries and treats trigger mood swings tied to soaring blood sugar levels.  They prime the pump for energy crashes that may last for hours or days....followed by more cravings for sugars and sweets and vicious binge eating cycles.


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On 6/1/2016 at 10:53 AM, MeadowLily said:

Hindsight is 20/20.   I thought I needed a compliant 90 days in the beginning.  I did that.  


ISWF,  30 days are just right with a reintro that immediately follows.  The original way is the best way for me. I completed the Slow Roll reintro and created a positive food management plan.


Making plans for a food explosion on Day 31 is not the way to go. You want the rewards for all of your hard work but not eating all the things/old food rewards in one day's time.


I removed Whole 90 from my signature.  There's no such thing as a Whole 365.  I was wearing my days like a badge of honor.   This is not a competition.  Challenges can become about competing with others.  


We can't compare or judge ourselves with anyone else.  Our fingerprints are unique. Whole 30 is not about the number of compliant days you can complete beyond 30 days, it is about changing and understanding your relationship with food.  


There's no such thing as the Finish Line for that. 

We can't compare or judge ourselves with anyone else.  Our Whole 30 is not about the number of compliant days you can complete beyond 30 days, it is about changing and understanding your relationship with food.

Turning the Whole 30 into a Weight Loss Challenge is a freedom killa so  I removed those W30 badges from my siggie. 

When I started, I was under that impression that those who turned this into a Weight Loss Challenge or completing the longest Whole 30's were the winners.

When I eliminated challenges and dieting out of my wheelhouse, I began to see the forest for the trees. I have to run from those who are still stuck in that mode.

I can't risk letting it mess with my head and the good, slow progress I've been making.  Protect your progress.  Defend your pea patch.  

There's safety in numbers.  

So what is this.  I'm not here because I'm following rules and someone else's menu. 

I'm here because of the vices  I've been carrying around with me for years.  My backpack was heavy, weighed almost 100 lbs over my load limit.  My knees were buckling out from underneath me.  My ankles were swollen and the sides of legs were developing big lumps under the skin from poor circulation.  

I did look like I was ready to croak and I felt like it.  There are young children who are feeling the way I felt.  They have diabetes and most of it is due to their food. 

Chips, sodas, candy and pizza. They feel really bad because I've been there.  They can't run and jump and play with their buddies the way they want to.  Their overall health is in the multi-crapper,  just like mine.

So what is this.  I'm still talking to the Universe and shooting the breeze.  Felicia may be out there but I hope she's tooling along and taking full responsibility for kicking her own hindend in gear.   

I have friends in low and high places. I really enjoy their company. They are wild things and they move me.  They inspire me.

Water seeks its own level.  That means that people seek out those like themselves in character.  None of us are "drinking the koolaid" or following anything but our own arrow.

I don't belong on the dieting websites.  I am not a dieter.  

Any kind of addiction seeks its own environment just as water seeks its own level.  We gravitate towards the people that lift us UP and help us.   

All great rivers find their way to the ocean.  Whenever I find myself meandering outside my normal river banks,  I just hang onto the anchor.  It's not rules or specific foods.  It's the higher road that cuts right through all of the multi-crap foods that would like to marsh my mellow.

I lean on in and press forward.  Isn't that the way?

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I've been visiting with a relative about protein bars. Specifically, the sugar-free ones with upside down sugars.  All of the artificial ones.

We share the same genetics so we're on the same wave length in many ways.  She bought one box and ate all of them at once. That's what I would've done a few years back, too.

All or nothing/black and white thinking provokes you to eat everything all at once so you can get the offenders out of the way.  Then you move onto the next thrill eating bender cycle.  UP and down days or binge eat around the clock because you just can't stop.

Don't bring the offenders into the house or your vehicle. It's as simple as that. Set boundaries with trigger foods.

HFCS is my trigger.  My husband was reading about it this week and asked me if I knew that the body doesn't exactly know what to do with HFCS.  I smiled.

I've been blathering and foaming at the mouth about it for 2.5 years. Your family and friends grow wearyof food talk. They're probably tuning you out most of the time.  Shaking their head while they're asleep at the wheel, secretly wishing you would just shut the hail up.

Now I know if I went to the store in search of those same sugar-free protein candy bars, I would be setting myself up for a showdown at the Not Okay Corral.  She was going into great detail about the peanut butter ones coated with peanuts. They look like payday candy bars. 

For me, all faux foe protein bars are candy bars. I don't care if they're loaded to the gills with dates. There's as much sugar in those date/nut fruity bars as in a snickers or payday bar. 

I ate so many gourmet sugar-free jelly beans one time that I was stuck in the multi-crapper for two days. The stomach pain was hideous. Oooo, remember those gut-wrenching potato chips made with olestra. Houston, between the sugar free gummy bears, sugar free jelly beans and olestra potato chips...you know, going for the hit of sweet and salty combo, it's a wonder I didn't explode. 

I was not a happy camper in there.  Popped 'til I dropped.  

I've tried all of the sugar-free and alternative flour products.  I was disappointed when those potato chips were no longer available.  Talk about a detox. 

Then I think I went on the baby food diet.  I ate jars of baby food for days.  It was ridic.  How many babies do you know that weigh 125 or 225 lbs.  Baby food is not formulated for adults.

I've played roulette with my health.  Sugar free everything and stacking weight on like cray cray. The structure of upside down sugars will get you nowhere good.

I've quit coffee, sugars, upside down sugars and phony fats.  When I did that the wall of belly fat started to come down.  Tear That Wall Down!   I kid you not. Coffee was my last stand.  It was the link that was messing with my cortisol. 

I started drinking a pot of coffee to jack myself UP for work. Before that habit, I did not have the metabolic syndrome to the enth degree I had when I came here.

I am completely convinced that coffee along with the upside down sugars and sugar sugars caused all of it. HFCS.  High Fructose Corn Syrup.  

My formative years were filled with corn syrup.  Heck-a-toot, Maw gave me karo syrup with my baby formula. It ruined my baby teeth. I've been sitting in a dentist chair since the age of 4/5.  

During this past year, I've been in the process of removing all of those old fillings and replacing them with a new porcelain.  I feel better about my teeth and I believe it's improved my health. 

It's going to take more than one conversation with yourself to convince you that you're so worth it. You may need to sit down with someone Face-to-Face like I have to unwind all of the dieting damage.

Change will come.  I can see myself in most of my relatives.  I don't push anything onto them. You have to ready and willing to make big changes.  No one can do it for you.  No one.

I'm not dragging any of those faux foe protein candy bars into my house.  It's the little foxes that spoil the WHOLE vine. 


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There's always another streetcar named desire coming around the corner. The desire for a quick fix after eating your way through several states and too many cruises to the buffet table on the good ship lollypop.


Now it's time for carb nite and alt shift.  It's basically giving yourself a license to eat "CHEAT MEALS" after low or zero carbing it.  

There's nothing about these new diets that will reset your original factory settings.  Carb nites are used for pizza, blizzards, candy...anything the out of whack appetite control center in the brain desires. 

After a few weeks of carb nites...the weight starts to steadily climb and then it's time for more serious reining it back in with some extreme zero carbing it.  It's mostly women who do this to themselves. The ratio of men to women dieters is about 1 for every 100 women.

Carb nite lollypopaloozas are supposed to reset your metabolism.  Oooo Felicias, that's a bunch of hooey.

When I read that children are somehow desperate for a change and mothers everywhere are willing to risk ruining their relationship with food for an entire lifetime with their preferred lifestyle of constant dieting...it's cringeworthy.

Children don't know they're desperate for a change.  Children are brand new and shiny.  Train a child UP with dieting and they shall not depart from it.  It becomes a part of their neural pathways. 

Women are "desperate for change" because they've been sold down the river.  They've learned how to equate their weight with their IQ points.

Women place more value on BEFORE and AFTER belly selfies than their profound abilities and skills.  How can we ever reach our full potential when dieting and that magical weight number is cycling and running through heads all the while they're talking and working and playing and dreaming.

Women want to be taken seriously.  These destructive and disordered thought patterns lead to more poor eating.  Those lifestyle choices follow you into every area of your life. 

I know legacy lifer dieters.  They're no closer to their magical weight numbers today than they were 10-20-30 years ago.  Constantly dieting and restricting and binge eating.
They can't enjoy the family vacation without thoughts about how to maintain the goal they worked so hard for.  


Destructive thoughts always precede behaviors and patterns. Your indifference for dieting is a muscle that will grow stronger with use. You won't be saying words that you don't really believe...no letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

You'll actually believe what you're saying is true. It's going to take more than one conversation and 30 days is usually not enough to gain the new equipment you'll need....those cognitive behaviors that will give you confidence to carry on without another diet for the rest of your life. 

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The frost is on the pumpkin and the bison. Fall is over.  It lasted about a day or two. We have two seasons.  Winter and Construction. 

Maw has a friend who's been working for over a year on a major weight releasing of about 125 lbs.  She did it on her own without WLS. She watched me start hiking and lifting heavy things and proceeded to follow her own arrow.  

She's waited her entire lifetime to do this.  I told Maw she may not know about cortisol blowback and how the fat wants you back.  The unhealthy fat that created walls around all of your internal organs. That fat that creates its own kind of hormones to see to it that it that you eat it all back. Ayup. It plays a mean and dirty game.  Those trumped UP hormones have got a bag of tricks that cause unconscious eating.  

One day, you're left sitting on the curb looking cray cray not knowing what in the world happened. Unhealthy fat hormones located inside of the belly walls are busy cooking up how to get you back.  It happens to those with or without WLS.  

I don't think Maw's friend knows what she's in for. The battlefield for the mind and the appetite control center goes into overdrive once the weight releasing is done.

Ooooo, it starts fighting with you like a wildcat.  I know, I'm going through the process.  It takes anywhere from 1-3 years before the body quits fighting so hard against you.

I want to tell Maw's friend but I'm afraid she would clock me.  Maw, that is.  When all of the major weight releasing is done, many start laying back in the weeds and coasting on their laurels.  Unconsciously.

You have to know what this actually feels like in the body to understand it.  Your appetite control center is not completely healed after a major weight release.  It throws the body into a cryogenic chamber state.  Your body goes to sleep and the appetite control centers starts sending signals for the body to go on automatic pilot, eating it all back in a fraction of the time.

It's going to help you do it with glee and clapping of the hands. Yippeeee......I'm back in control now.   

Maw told me she's really determined.  I told her that willpower had absolutely nothing to do with it.  It's a chemical physical attraction. 

The fat wants you back. 

I can't say it any other way.  It's going to fight like hail against you to see to it that all it shows back up on your doorstep.  You cannot coast when you reach your optimum setpoint.  There's no such thing as the Finish Line.

I don't want to see this lady stack all of it back on and then some. She's Maw's age.  The window of opportunity only opens maybe once in a lifetime to get it right.   Oooo, you can keep starting over and over and over.  Eventually, many throw the towel in and give up.  I don't want that to happen to her.

I've witnessed it too many times not to know what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel.  I want to tell her but Maw will clock me. So I'll lay back in the weeds and hope that the opportunity presents itself. 

I don't want anyone to keep starting over.  It will marsh every mellow and leave you sitting on a dime with enough room leftover to still swing your feet.  Not to mention what it does to your internal organs and skin.   

I used to long for winter.  I could always bundle up under a long coat and hide.  I would prefer to El Paso on winter and spring forward back into summer.   Winter is the time when most northerners go into a cryogenic chamber state and hibernate. We eat for entertainment and emotions and mostly boredom.  You can't go outside and hike the mountains when it's snowin'N blowin' and hitting licks of 60 mph.

Oooo, you could but they may find you next spring in a snowbank, thawing out.  I'm all bundled UP and no place to go.  I won't sneak over to Maw's friends house. Nooooooo.

Much Love.  Bye Felicias.  

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On 9/17/2016 at 3:47 PM, MeadowLily said:

The main finding in the study revealed that after one year of successful weight loss maintenance, the researchers were able to demonstrate that postprandial levels of two appetite inhibiting hormones (GLP-1 and PYY) increased (=appetite inhibition) from before-weight loss level -- in contrast to the hunger hormone ghrelin, which increased immediately after weight loss but returned to normal levels (= low hunger) after one year. This demonstrates that the hormones GLP-1 and PYY are able to adjust to a new 'set point' and thus may facilitate the continuation of a new and lower body weight.


  1. Eva Winning Iepsen, Julie Rehne Lundgren, Jens Juul Holst, Sten Madsbad, Signe Sørensen Torekov. Successful weight loss maintenance includes long-term increased meal responses of GLP-1 and PYY 3-36. European Journal of Endocrinology, 2016; EJE-15-1116 DOI:10.1530/EJE-15-1116





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It's a curious case of missing evidence. When a diabetes specialist searched the medical literature looking for proof to support the use of glucose-lowering drugs for Type 2 diabetes, he couldn't find it.

That absence of evidence raises questions about one of the most firmly entrenched beliefs in modern medicine — that tightly controlling elevated blood sugar will reduce the risk of death, stroke, kidney failure, blindness and other dire outcomes associated with Type 2 diabetes.

"Does controlling your sugars reduce the risk of complications?" Dr. Victor Montori, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., asked in a paper released this month in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. "Most experts say yes. The evidence appears to say 'not so fast.'"


"All we truly know is that the drugs reduce blood glucose in the short term. That's the basis of the evidence. So clinicians and patients are taking a bit of a leap in faith that this will translate into reductions in Type 2 diabetes-related complications," said Cait O'Sullivan, a member of the Therapeutics Initiative research team.


There is a risk that all of the attention on blood sugar levels is distracting researchers from pursuing new leads. If doctors check the shelf for other medications that do something beyond glucose control, they will find that medical cupboard is bare, Montori said. 

"We have over nine different drug classes that can control blood sugars," he said. But, he added, there is no such list of therapies that try to treat Type 2 diabetes in a different way. "That suggests to me that we have a blind spot, and I think that may have come from the fact that all of our experts have concluded — I think prematurely — that the answer is in."



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"We have taken for granted or assumed that the evidence was very clear that if you control you blood sugars tightly, you will prevent diabetes complications," Montori said. "The answer is less clear than expected and, as a result, it would suggest that our thinking about it may have been flawed."


His conclusions challenge the conventional wisdom of many medical specialists, and contradict most clinical practice guidelines.

"Over 90 per cent of experts were saying that controlling blood sugars tightly was associated with a reduction in your risk of going blind or of needing dialysis or having to undergo an amputation," Montori said. "But when we looked at the evidence for that, we could not see any signal that would suggest that is true despite the question being asked at least since the 1970s."

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There are no shortcuts and weight loss diets are a temporary fix for diabetes. Slapping meds on top of disease doesn't cure the disease.  It's a bandaid.

If your hormones are out of whack along with uber snacking on HFCS, High Fructose Corn Syrup, it's only a matter of time before diabetes shows up on your doorstep. 

You can get away with it in your youth to some extent but the wolf is always lurking at the door.  When a food addiction disorder begins to threaten your life with disease, heart attacks and diabetes...it's human nature to start making some real changes.

Why wait until it happens to you.  Houston, if you're out there with 100 lbs of unhealthy fat smothering out all of your internal organs, you'd better think about the long haul.   Going blind, amputation and kidney failure. 

It's human nature to put blinders on and live in denial. Distracting oneself with more food won't fix it. Long term complications of high blood sugar will get you nowhere good. 

There's no easy way out.  If you cannot get a grip with a food addiction, sit down with someone Face-to-Face.  Face the Music. 

Simply talking about it with others does not make it go away or alright. You don't want to go out like that.  

Remember the pain. In your knees and joints and back.  Maybe you get so out out breath walking up a flight of stairs with a basket of laundry or you can't even walk around the block without huffing and puffing.

It's going to take true grit to get it done but it's so worth it.

It will also take faith to overcome and focus.  Focus to break through all of the barriers that are stopping you.  Fear and anxiety stops the break through.

You'll need fortitude to push on through to the other side.  When you follow through one day at a time....every barrier will break.

You want to live without that physical and emotional pain that a food addiction brings to your doorstep.  There are only pros and no cons with food addiction recovery. 



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It took me at least six months before I could hike without constant knee pain.

Releasing only 1 lb removes 4 lbs of pressure and stress on each knee X 100 lbs or greater, that's an enormous amount of pressure and stress on your knees and joints.  

I was there. 

The progress on the comeback trail was very slow. It gave me a really big pinch. I had to take full responsibility for everything.  

I remember trodding through the deep snow in January and February still feeling like something the cat dragged in or like a runover dog. Months and months of knee pain. Taping the bottoms of my feet and all around the knees every day to make it through.

Funny thing about pain, once it's gone you have a hard time working that memory back up.  The mind is like that. That's why women keep having children. They haven't got time for the pain once the baby is there.

I have a pain list that I revisit everyday.  It's part of my recovery so that I don't forget where I've come from and what it's taken to make it to this place today. There were many months of misery and I won't blow smoke and blow your house down by glossing over it. It was a cortisol nightmare.

So there's that.  I'm not going back there.  Those HFCS food rewards were not worth it and they are no longer a part of my positive food management plan.  

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Oooo, Felicias.  Have you heard about the gummy bear post workout mini meals? Ayup.

Low and zero carbers - body builders and athletes are using gummy bears...maybe even 30 of them after working out.  The String Cheese Theory is that the sugar carbs are the best thing for recovery and fuel for muscle synthesis.  

String Cheese Theory (my take on the hooey)  goes on to claim that most of the day is spent in the post prandial fed state rather than a post fasted state.  There's much more but Paw always says...Use your head besides something to part your ears with.

Eating 30 gummy bears for your post workout mini meal is a bunch of hooey. These are folks who are scared to death of a piece of fruit but willing to eat HFCS. High Fructose Corn Syrup.

The body doesn't even know what to do with HFCS.  Even Bear, my husband knows that. 

I can tell you firsthand what HFCS does for you.  It is the fastest refeed your body will take in and turn all of it into the ugliest kind of fat in your body and around your internal organs.

If you're constantly refeeding yourself with gummy bears or any other form of movie theater candy, you're kidding yourself that's some sort of healthy post workout mini meal.  Many feast on candy because let's face it,  we're feeding our kids fortified gummy bears now.  Gummy bear fortified vitamins candy is another hook in the jaw for kids and adults.  Gummy bear fiber and vitamins.  Those gummies will get you coming or going but they won't do a body good.

HFCS gummy bears were/are my main trigger food.  It all started as a baby with karo syrup in my baby formula.  Thanks, Maw.

I'm fruit loose. I am not scared of a piece of actual fruit.  

I don't believe that peanut m&m's are a fat source. That's another bunch of malarkey.

If the building was burning and your boss told you to stay put, everything is going to be just fine.  Would you stay?  Or would you use your brains and wits and get out.  

Follow your own arrow.  Use your head besides something to part your ears with.  Don't be so easily led by every wind of dieting and food hacking doctrine. 

Don't let anyone help you burn your house/body down to the ground. 

I don't understand why eating 3 meals a day is now a mystery to many people. Why are people willing to choke at a gnat but swallow camels.  

If it sounds too good be true, walks like a duck and quacks like quackery and malarkey...don't be so easily led.  Get out of the burning building and protect yourself from hacking your food and life into a million tiny pieces.

Nobody puts baby in a corner.  The gummy bear refeed might sound good to a gummy bear addict but that's pulling the wool over my eyes.  Another wolf in sheeps clothing.


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Who is an athlete? Is it important that you label yourself as one.

If you can hike for miles with a 50 lb backpack, does that make you an athlete? 

I think of exercise as emergency prevention and not for vanity purposes.  My hero is a female EMT who saves lives every single day.  She's fit as a fiddle and strong and intelligent. I don't think she has any spare time to take and post belly selfies.  She's too busy keeping stroke, heart attack and injured humans alive.

Her muscles are used for very practical and important purposes.  I use my muscles for heavy lifting.  I can lift another human into a wheelchair or vehicle and help give them a bath. I can carry my Paw.  He ain't heavy, he's my father. 

Three men dropped my father in the hospital and really hurt him.  They couldn't do what I know how to do.  It was a horrible nightmare.  If I was where I was a few years ago,  I couldn't do what I'm doing today.   

My muscles and exercise keeps me and others going.  I don't call myself an athlete but I'm no slouch. We are the things we tell ourselves.     

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The sun was breaking through the clouds so I was able to hike with my dog earlier this morning. While I was out there on the trail shooting the breeze with the Universe...I was thinking about the Hubble telescope.

There's been nothing like it before with that resolution to see distant galaxies through the size of a dime.  The Universe goes on infinite and forever.

But I've been wondering, what if the Universe is really a spiral and everything ends UP right back where it started. What if it really started with a pinpoint the size of a quark.

What if the Universe is really bouncing UP and down like a slinky.  You know how much fun it is to watch a slinky bounce and jump down the stairs.

I'm thinking the Universe is a spiral.  Not a flat plane going out into infinity.  We may all end UP right back where we started. But I hope for the life of me that I don't.

I think some One is playing with the slinky and holding it in the palm of a hand. It may not be out of the realm of possibility. The Universe has been jumping and bouncing down the stairs and through the eons of time.  

They say what goes around comes around.  Truer words may never have been spoken.  The Universe slinky is always shake, rattle and roll. Earthquakes and volcanoes happen when it gets an upset stomach.

Hurricanes and tornadoes when it's mad. Typhoons when it's sad.  Meteor showers when it's glad.  Full moons to light the way. 

The Universe is a one big slinky.  

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Do you remember when people used to glaze their root vege, especially carrots with orange crush soda or ginger ale. I used to make mine in a rice steamer.  One can of orange soda to as many carrots as the rice steamer would hold.  They were so sweet. I wouldn't do that now. 

I think I'll try a can of that fancy foo foo soda water. The one with zero sugars and no artificial flavors. There's an orange one and it might give those carrots some new pizzaz. It takes about 4 or 5 minutes to reduce it down to a glaze. There's enough natural sugars in carrots to still make that braising work.  Taproot orange. 

Image result for photos of braised carrots

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One second's lapse in attention can take a person's life.  One.

It doesn't matter where you live most of your life.  On the freeway or in the middle of nowhere.  One lapse in attention.  

I'm relieved when tourist season is over. All of the distracted drivers constantly texting and watching movies as they drive down the road.  Some are busy looking at the scenery and not watching the road.  There's so much texting, I don't know why they bother going on a vacay. 

We've had so many fatal motorcycle accidents this year. They were not flukes but caused by distracted drivers.  One lapse in attention.

One lapse in attention can cause a relapse, too.  When the mind goes back into the unconscious mode, it's a set-up for a hook-up and relapse. 

Is food addiction worse than an addiction to drinking.  Why doesn't the gambler and online shopping addict just stop doing that.

Most addicts have at least a decade or two before their addiction begins.  For food addicts that can begin at birth. OUR addiction is the worst and yours.... not so bad. 


You  see few senior obese people in the care centers.  They don't make it.  Their life spans are shortened by many years.  Alcoholics, too.  

Food addicts have to take the tiger out of the cage three times aday for a walk. 

The weight doesn't go instantly from 140 to 240 to 340 or 440. It goes slow enough to allow the mind games and huge rationalizations to adjust in slow increments.

We gradually learn to avoid every mirror and not even look at our faces. We pretend to accept what was previously unacceptable about our diminishing or imaginary state of health.

But food addiction still delivers its pain. Blow by blow. 

Alcoholics might meet-up with their first wrinkle with a DUI. 

Food addiction is filled with pain that makes the person realize they should do something about it but doesn't cause them enough pain to make them willing to do so.  Not until there's that point of no return.

If you try to continue fixing yourself for years on end, there's always the mission creep showing up on your doorstep.  The slow and insidious creep back into binge eating.  

You can't fix a broken brain with a broken brain.  If we do what we've always done we will get what we've always gotten.

We can't compare addictions or recoveries.  We process recovery at different speeds.  It will take more than one conversation with self to unwind all of the damage. 

It may take one month for every year since birth.  One second's lapse in attention can cause a relapse. 



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Out of control -  Alt shift and carb nites, cheat meals and IF, UP and down days of zero food, and even long term zero carb won't fix the the brain. 

Trying to live on 900 calories three times aday or 800 calories two times aday will totally tank your thyroid.

A calorie is not a calorie.

There are tanked thyroids left sitting by the side of the curb, wondering why they haven't "lost" a single pound in 6 months living on 900 calories aday.

If those calories consist of a piece of pizza and potato chips, Houston, it's no mystery why a thyroid will continue to tank, wither up and blow away.

You can't go out like that.  

Eating a "diet" of 20% protein and the rest fats for years on end will tank your thyroid. 

Rebound weight gain is more the rule than the exception.

If the problem of rebound weight gain did not exist, obesity would be easy to treat.  Even trying to out-exercise rebound weight gain has no clear effect on weight stability.

There's always hope.

Food addicts and diabetics who exercise in a more normal fashion with a high protein protocol and whopping boatloads of vegetables of every kind will find the reduced rebound weight gain effect.

Yes, Felicias.  It's another Christmas miracle.

Take the tiger out for a walk three times aday and forget food hacking and snacking. 

There is a way without whey and weigh.  When I see someone hacking their life into a million tiny pieces, trying to live on 900 cal aday or 20% protein and fat one day and a carb lollypopalooza the next day, it's just a matter of time before they'll throw the towel in. 

Prolonged exposure to zero carb, 20% protein and high, high fats reduces the quality of sleep which leads to more cortisol blowback.

Cortisol blowback keeps all of the fat along the inner walls of the belly and internal organs from going anywhere. You can keep on dieting your life away but the root cause of the problem remains.

You can't fix your out of whack hormones with food hacking. It's going to be a slow and steady process on the comeback trail.  

While you're tooling along, fill it UP with so worth it moments. Every day you're alive are the so worth it moments.  

Food rewards, tanking up on fats one day and multi-crap carbs the next day...you really think that's going to heal your thyroid, pancreas, kidneys, liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands? 

You won't find weight stability that way. Rebound weight gain is breathing down your neck looking for an open door. 

Weight loss doesn't mean anything if you can't maintain it. Losing 10 one month, rebounding with 10 the next month...every time you put your body through that cycle, the cortisol blowback is gaining strength on the inside of the belly walls.

The waist doesn't lie.  It's trying to tell you that what you're doing is not working.   

Southerner's call it side pones but long term dieting and food hacking will change your body composition. Not for the better.  All that glitters is not golden. 

Cortisol blowback is a nightmare.  Don't go there. 



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Are you weighing every day. Do you stand on the scales like you're headed for the rack or the gallows and secretly hope for the "magical" number to appear.  What if the olde sad sack number has been appearing for 6 months in a row.  You're deflated, defeated and depressed.

There are many people who live and die by the scale.

It's their everything.  I kid you not. Secretly dieting and keeping mum about it.  The truth will find you out because it puts you at risk of throwing the towel in and walking off. Giving up. Falling back into the unconscious mode where you once again allow yourself to adjust in slow increments to  head games and huge rationalizations.

People track their micro movements towards that magical number.  I'm up half a pound today and I think I'll just fast on eggs tomorrow.  Do I dare throw a carb nite in there.  Nah, I'll just fast for 5 days.

Oopsies, followed by binge eating and a make-UP for binge eating by stripping more meals, self-imposed starving plus doing a bunch of super intense cardio followed by yet another binge cycle.

Carb nites consist of all kinds of multi-crap foods.  The worst of the worst.  The weight starts to steadily climb, thyroids tank and the blood sugar is in the multi-crapper.  

Living like this is a crapshoot.  It is the Shock and Awe Approach.  It's brutal for the binge eater and food addict. It sets up the most vicious cycles of disorder that may last for an entire lifetime.

Gloom, despair, and agony on me. Deep, dark depression, excessive misery.  






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What worked for a few months or a year may not work anymore and you will have to adjust accordingly as you tool along. Insulin Resistance is like that.

Fat, fat, fat and fat is where it's at.  Fat Stat.  That no longer works for me. 

HFLC or HFNC does not work for my pancreas, gallbladder, liver or adrenal glands. 20% protein and 80% fat would tank my thyroid and not help my blood sugar either.  

Insulin Resistance is a mule of a different shade. That's just the way the alternative flour paleo treat crumbles. 

It's all about the amount of digestive enzymes you have left in your body, too.  That's why fermented foods and booch do a body good.  It's all about da digestion, no troubles. 

If you have a fat digestion/metabolizing malfunction, it does not get better over time as you start to see the 20's in the rearview mirror. It is cumulative.

So you're tooling along on a HFLC protocol and start to see blood sugar spikes and blood pressure is Mojo Rising. 

That is wordplay for Jim Morrison.  dance veild smiley



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