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Day 17 symptoms

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So I'm on day 17 and I'm not feeling any of the benefits, in fact I'm feeling worse than before the W30.  I'm EXTREMELY tired - everyday and I'm starting to even feel irritable at everything.  I'm very unhappy in general (I am usually pretty happy-go-lucky), my skin acne is getting worse and no tiger blood to be found anywhere.  It's very discouraging because I feel frail and weak and I haven't been able to workout.  Is this normal around this stage?  I'm starting to feel more unhealthy than before starting this and I'm doubting if I should keep going.  The only upside that keeps me going is that I've lost a dress size or two.  I've always eaten pretty clean even before the W30 so it's not even that dramatic of a change for me.  I am following the vegetarian W30 plan and I'm careful enough to get enough food and calories.  

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If you have lost a dress size or two in 17 days on the vegetarian menu, I wonder if you are eating enough. Many people do not eat enough when they start a Whole30 and feeling tired and weak is consistent with needing more. If you are not eating starchy veggies like potatoes, winter squash, plantains, etc, you may need to add them or increase how much of them you are eating. Starchy veggies are energy foods. 

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I'm also on day 17 and have been feeling foggy and weak for the past two days. My muscles and body definitely feel stiff and my mood has been poor. I've definitely felt the energy/tiger blood stage around days 12-15 and it was fantastic. I've been over the things I've eaten over the past couple of days and am pretty sure I haven't had anything non-Whole30 approved. I've been getting 7-8 hours of sleep, but still wake up groggy. I know the stages are different for everyone so today I'm going to try and eat a bit more food as suggested above and get an hour more of sleep. Any other suggestions? 

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Well I don't know if it was two dress sizes as they were different brands (and one was junior (sz9) one was woman (sz4) if that makes a difference...) and it seemed almost two good to be true, but it was at least one dress size (8-6 probably).  And I'm eating at least 1500-1600 calories a day. Should I be increasing that still??  You may be right though, I don't eat many starchy vegetables - mainly brussels sprouts, edamame, kale and spinach (with a few extras here and there, but those are my staples).  I will try that.  Thank you.

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Whole30 guidance for how much to eat is not based upon calories. You can spot check calories once or twice, but should not be monitoring your calories otherwise. Our guidance is based upon the meal planning template: http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf The reality is that how many calories you are eating is not a consistently useful guide. 


When grains are eliminated, most people have few carbohydrates left in their diet. If you are a person who needs carbs, it is very important to eat starchy veggies to support energy levels. Let's see what that does for you. 

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