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My Whole30 has given me an alcohol intolerance


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So my most recent Whole30 ended on 8/30, and all I'd introduced prior to Saturday was legumes.  I had some red wine on Saturday night and on Sunday I experienced severe cold symptoms.  Some internet research led me to know that some people react to the histamines in alcohol, and red wine has the most histamines of all.  Today, Monday, I feel much better, so I'm pretty certain that I don't have an actual cold.


I've seen this topic touched on briefly, but usually people pull the discussion off-track by talking about yeast and "maybe it was the dressing the restaurant used," etc.  My diet that day was 100% compliant except for the wine, and that led me to research that yes, it might just be the wine.


So, that's my heads-up on alcohol reintro!  Being unable to drink alcohol regularly won't be too much of a heartbreaker for me, but I do hope I can have a glass of champagne from time to time without suffering too badly!

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I have a pretty decent hangover the next day even after one small glass of red wine.  So yeah I hear you.  Mind you I never totally got along with red wine.  Even before my first whole 30.  So it was nothing too surprising.  White wine, champagne I do okay with no real ill affects.  Beer makes my face break out - so it's out too.

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It feels like you developed intolerance after 30 days of abstinence, but I would say that is not what really happened. Your Whole30 did not GIVE you an alcohol intolerance. It REVEALED your existing alcohol intolerance. Symptoms of your sensitivity were masked before. Now they are very noticeable. 

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I have a pretty severe alcohol intolerance. I wasn't much of a drinker to begin with (I would go months or even years without drinking) and over time I noticed my reaction to alcohol got even worse every time I had it- racing heart, nausea and flushed face from even half a drink. Then the last time I drank was 4 years ago, I had less than half a drink and spent several hours horribly flushed, nauseated, shaky and struggling to breathe. I realized it was bordering on a full blown allergy and never touched a drop again. I know for sure it was the alcohol because it happened no matter what I drank- rum, vodka, wine, baileys...


I am wondering if the large periods of abstinence are what cause the reactions to be so severe, when I was in university and having a couple drinks a week I had no symptoms, but the longer I would go between drinking the worse the symptoms would get. 

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Not drinking doesn't bother me at all, but by the time I discovered I couldn't I already had one child and it wasn't like going out to bars was part of my life anymore and it wasn't something I ever really enjoyed in the first place, not like food! I would have been much more upset if it was a food I loved. I've also developed a severe allergy/intolerance to flaxseed, which really doesn't bother me because it's not exactly the most delicious thing, it actually tastes pretty horrible. If it were pizza it would be a different story!

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