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Blood sugar issues?


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Hi!   I am on day 27 of my first whole30, and I am SO proud of myself for getting this far!  Before starting the whole30, I would have told your that while I have not been formally diagnosed with blood sugar issues, I have noticed that if I don't eat every 2-3 hours, I feel weak and shaky which progresses into a headache and full on rage :)  I was hoping that eliminating the grains and sugar (in particular) would help with this but it is definitely something I am still struggling with.  For example this morning I ate 3 scrambled eggs in 1/2 tbsp coconut oil, 1 oz almonds, 1/2 cup concord grapes and coffee with cococut milk.  I ate at 8 and by 10:00, was feeling weak and shaky.  I also have it happen around lunch if I eat a later breakfast and in the late afternoon, so it's not the coffee because I only drink coffee first thing in the morinng,  Any thoughts?? 

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Yes, I have thoughts.   :)  Grapes are very full of sugar.  (Think about how sweet raisins are = dried grapes.)  Try not starting your day with fruit, as this will set you up for blood sugar highs and lows for the rest of the day.


Also, I hear you on the coffee -- trust me, I love mine and I don't want to give it up -- but it CAN and DOES influence your blood sugar / shaky episodes.  Just be mindful of it.  See how you do without the fruit for an entire day, and if you are still not feeling well with just protein+fat+veggies, then maybe it is time to cut back to half-caff or even decaf.  


I am on my second Whole 30 and I have been able to cut my coffee consumption in half already (and I drink half-caff).  When you are eating well and not having things that make you feel foggy (yes, this even includes fruit for me) -- you may find that you really do not need the jolt of caffeine.

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You are reporting a breakfast of protein, fat, and sugar. I think you would do better with a breakfast of protein, fat, and veggies.... lots of veggies. 


And how you feel is not dependent only on your last meal. Our past meals can have a cumulative effect. If we do not eat enough over a period, eating one big meal will not fix everything. We need to eat adequately at every meal for several days to get to a really good place. That means consistently consuming enough protein, fat, and veggies.

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