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Day One.  Is that it!  It's not quite as fun sounding as Day 31.  Ah well.  It still feels good to be in control of what I'm eating and to know that my immune system will be happier and that my sleep will be decent.  Things might not be great, but they are far better than what they could be - and there are moments when I wonder if I have Tiger Blood circulating just under the surface.  There are also times when I am okay without my coffee!  I continue to have it, but I'm not depending on it the same way as I was a month ago.  If I had a good week where I had some free time, I might try switching back to tea - perhaps the first week of December after the relatives leave.  We'll see.  Just seeing that I don't need it the same way makes me think I should care for my body and continue supporting it as it tries to be healthier.


Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and tomatoes (lame I know)

Lunch: Chicken and spinach (not the greatest I know)

Dinner: Some stir fry with fish sauce that my husband made (ground beef, yellow peppers, onions, mushrooms, celery)  It was good.


Tomorrow I plan to eat a better breakfast - maybe eggs and broccoli and onions and then plan out some meals.  We've got plenty of good meat in the freezer that needs some inspiration.


No meditating today nor yesterday, but I think I'll change that.  In fact, I'm gonna make some goals (wow, I am in such a better place than I was all last month!).


My goals are:

Eat Whole30 till the relatives arrive and then eat as clean as I can

Meditate every day for at least five minutes


Well, those aren't very ambitious goals are they ;)  But they are goals nonetheless and the mediation thing makes a big difference.  The exercise will happen.  For now, eating well, working, enjoying my kids, preparing for guests, doing home improvement, and trying to get healthier is enough - more than enough.

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Way to go for starting again!! I'm just wrapping up Day 19 and I'm hoping that the Tiger Blood shows up soon... I go back and forth with doing another W30 after this one finishes. I will wrap up 2 days before we go to a Fleetwood Mac concert and only 5 days before Thanksgiving. I'm thinking reintroduction during that week is going to be really hard! 


Hope your daughter feels better! 

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Day Two and I'm okayish, but the kids are sick!  My son is coughing away like I do and he's looking like crap.  His cheeks are bright red and he looks ill.  My daughter is better off, but not a beacon of a health.  And I also was up some coughing last night and found myself coughing more today.  So buggy these cold viruses that keep going around!!! :)  At least this time I'm in better shape to fend them off.  I expect to rally.


I realized that I probably shouldn't be posting in this forum because I don't intend to do an entire Whole30 for 30 days.  Seems like this forum should be for those committed to the entire process.  So, with that, I am going to sadly move myself over to the Post Whole30 forum where I can be more flexible, still try to stay on board, and not undermine the work people are doing here.

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