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Calling all 10/27 starters!


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Hello All...It's great to catch up with everyone.  It feels like I was gone about a month but only 5 days, it was wonderful because all food was prepared for me during the retreat and they followed the program to a t for me.  What a huge blessing!  Today was back to the real world but let me tell you if this isn't Tiger's Blood I don't know what is.  We got in at 4:30am and I had to be at work by 10:00am....so I got 21/2 hours sleep.  I felt GREAT all day, came home a cooked dinner, did laundry, and now it's 9:00pm and I'm on the computer reading this forum and doing my food log.  I slept pretty well on the retreat but I wouldn't say great.  The only thing is today I've been craving SUGAR like crazy.  This hopefully will pass, but man not fun.


Made a batch of soup to eat on for the week when I need a meal that I don't have to think about.  Have dinners planned for the week.  It's breakfast that is tricky when I don't have time to cook.  I did find compliant bacon at Whole Foods (can't remember who asked) so that's been good a few times a week but as for eggs I don't think I will be able to eat them again for a very long time :).  


Way to go to everyone on to Day 23.  Holy moly we are at the one week mark!

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Hi Joyce - sorry to hear it... same formula over here...   4am awake + headache = cranky.  At least I slept though the night... well kinda.  Is awaking up at 4am technically sleeping through the night???  I think I'd have some serious tigers blood if I could only sleep.  Please?  Sleep... More like zombie blood.


I too however plan to change very little next week.  A little wine, a little less stressed when eating out and at the home of others.  A reset has happened and I plan to keep at it.  I've gotten to that place where I don't get hungry, the cravings are infrequent, I don't have a desire to snack.  There is so much going on around me I am pleased to have a more positive and optimistic outlook, I am nicer overall, worrying about things far less.  All good things. 


For the first time I am drinking my coffee without my home made almond milk as I am out.  And it doesn't taste so bad.  Never have I been able to drink black coffee. 


Depending on how you look at it, either 7 or 8 days to go.  8 is more like it as I have to make it though today.  It is my hubbys last day today... 


Nice job to all of you that remained compliant during travel, hospital stays, events, and weekends.  It is pretty cool to read every day the stories of making a different choice and feeling great about it.

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@ mermaid- so glad your daughter is feeling better and you are a rockstar for staying compliant! and Tiger Cub blood!?! I love it!

@Nashville- that is so great that you were able to get complaint food made, one less stress of being away!!!

@Michele and @joyce- sorry to hear about the headaches and no sleep.


Day 22! What can I say... I seriously cannot believe I have made it this far... but things get better everyday. My day yesterday went from Meh to pretty good, so that was nice. I am looking forward to this weekend... I actually do not have anything big planned other than dance class on Sat and a run on Sunday.

Going out to lunch for a co-workers birthday today... Red Lobster- but after the weekend, I feel like I am good to make good choices!!


Had the strangest food dream last night about eating a salad, smothered in shredded cheese and dressing... felt a little guilty when i woke up!

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The cravings, headaches and insomnia are unreal but I think it's stress-induced and that I haven't been consuming enough food and water lately so I will be forcing myself to eat more of everything today. I feel like my milk supply has also dropped which is part or the reason my sleep is off because my daughter nurses all night trying to get more milk. :-/ Feeling kind of meh today. I'm happy to see some of you are feeling better though!!

Happy day 21! :-)

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@Mermaid - Glad your daughter is better.  Talk about a major stressor that you overcame, major kudos!


@Michelle66 and Justjoyce - I'm sorry you're still not sleeping and having headaches.  As I think I've mentioned, I'm reading The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf, and I just read where some people with autoimmune problems may have to eliminate even more foods!  The additional foods are; eggs, nuts and seeds, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers.  I know my nut consumption has gone up, and I'm going to quit those.  I don't know how I'd live without tomato, frankly.  Anyway, he is not addressing sleep issues, but inflammation, but it's worth a though, perhaps?


@kahaliti- You are doing such a great job.  Do be sure you're taking in enough nutrition for you and that precious of yours.  Love your new profile pic :)


I can't believe there's only one week to go!  Even if I'm not roaring, I feel pretty darn good about this thing!

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I'm so sorry to hear about the insomnia/headache struggles, that sucks! I don't know if any of you have tried Natural Calm. It's supposed to help with sleep. I drink it while taking a hot bath, so I can't say which thing is actually doing what, but it seems to help me. 


I had a food dream last night where I was actually making compliant choices in the face of all sorts of temptation. That's the first time that's ever happened! It was really funny. I keep waking up earlier than my alarm, which is both nice, but also kind of sad. This morning I was up 45 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off, but I didn't really know what to do with my extra time. I've never been an early riser, so I guess I'm skeptical it's going to last. ;-)


I made a very ugly, but tasty dinner last night. Roasted butternut squash mixed with some ground beef and onion that I'd sautéed in bacon fat, with some bacon crumbled on top. We dubbed it "Paleo risotto." It looks like orange glop, but is a very nice comfort-food type of dish. It was also super easy to make. I figure next week is going to be a lot of cooking, so I might as well make things easier on myself this week! ;-)


I can't believe we have less than a week! The hubby is already plotting post-W30 indulgences, but I'm planning to stay pretty on plan. There will be some wine and I'm sure some other splurges here and there, but I'm feeling really good right now. I'm already thinking about a January Whole 30 to kick the new year off right...

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@Nashvillesugaraddict - did you actually have someone prepare your food for you on your retreat?!  That would be amazing!  Glad you're feeling it, and welcome back!

They were so wonderful it was a Vegan/No Garlic or Onion diet for the retreat already so when I got there and saw most everything was rice, bread, you name it carb I asked for fruit at breakfast.  The chef came out and asked me what kind of diet I required so I gave them the print out I carry around from the Whole 30 website and they were more than happy to accommodate (just no meat of course).  I will say it was a bit of torture looking at all the beautiful food everyone else got and not throwing in the towel...but just the guilt of how wonderful there were to help me kept me on track :)

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Thank you @livin4lish!!

@mdraeger - my husband wants to make this a whole60 and I'm thinking absolutely not - I need at least 1 piece of chocolate before we start another whole30! ;-) My brother starts his Jan 2 and I'm thinking it's a good idea so we may too!

I posted a picture on Instagram yesterday of me in my jeans I just bought before starting whole30 (stupid me) that are falling off and my friends are going nuts texting me and asking what I'm doing lol! Too funny!

I have consumed more today (both food and water), and have spent the day relaxing with my teething toddler and feel MUCH better. Both my daughter and I really needed it! :-)

Tonight is tilapia with baked potato and steamed brussel sprouts. Nervous - all of these things are none of our favorites but want to try something new! Then off to the gym!! :-)

Loving reading all of your posts!! Keep it up guys, almost there!

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I too have been pondering a January Whole 30 to keep me going.  I am committed to Paleo through the rest of the year and will then decide.  I have a wedding mid-Jan so who knows, it may be 2 W15's on either side.  :o


@ kahaliti... I hear ya - I need some dark chocolate and a glass of red wine before I can do this again or I know I won't make it. 


@ livn4lish - Oh sheesh... the nightshades :angry: I need a serious smiley with tears to express how horrible it would be to give up tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.  I seriously eat them at every meal.  Gluten?  No problem.  Rice/Corn/Soy?  Got it.  Nightshades?  I cannot imagine.  It is unfathomable to me.  And all that said, my diet is now so clean otherwise it is entirely possible that I am now "that sensitive".  Not today, let me make it through this W30 and perhaps I'll try it out on the next one.


One meal to go and then officially one week to go!

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Let me just say, and I am being COMPLETELY honest here, that I would have ZERO problem with giving up eggplant!

I grabbed a container of leftovers for lunch today without checking too carefully and discovered it was just veggies! Not a lot of options close to my office to supplement and I had a really busy day, so by 3:30 I was starving.

I am planning to do Whole30 again in January, but just not the first week. I was thinking mid-January. Maybe we could set a date and everyone who wants to do it can do it together again. That would be rather cool.

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Headache / sleeplessness again around 4:30, but managed to get back to sleep at some point.

Day 25 for me. Despite all the food fantasies I have been having during the course of this regime (cheeseburger, anyone?), I am not ready to go overboard on Day 31 like I thought I would be. I do miss dairy and that will probably be my first re-introduction food.

My main goal on doing the Whole30 was to break some bad eating (yes, and drinking) habits that were getting worse lately. My job has been very stressful since January and no sign of it letting up until after year-end. So I was constantly reaching for sweets and carbs to boost my flagging energy levels, and reaching fo alcohol more often in the evening to unwind.

While I have been nearly compliant on my food (used non-compliant Worcestshire sauce a few time - oh no!), I have not stuck to my exercise regime, and I know that really helps with the stress abatement. So, even after relaxing the food regimen after Day 30, I still have some work to do. Whole30 has made me think about my choices more and recognize some really bad habits I was not fully aware of (do I really feel the need to eat and drink EVERY time I sit down to watch a TV show or a movie? REALLY??).

Bonus: I have a BUNCH of new recipes that I really like and have added kale to my list of go-to veggies.

Have a great day Whole30-ers!

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Weird night of sleep, weird dreams.  I went to bed early as I had a pretty bad headache again last night.  Thinking it is time to check in with the neurologist. Daily headaches is not something I can continue living with.  I was awake at 1:30 and think I did sleep restlessly until 4:30.  That time between 1:30 or so and when I get up is when the weird dreaming happens.  I do feel a little more rested than the previous few days.  PMS snuck up on me so was far less of an issue this month.  I only had 1 day of snacking urges and didn't succumb.  I was not overly hungry like I was last month. Makes me suspect my hormones are responding well to this.  No hot flashes in 30 days, feeling far less bloated then normal.


Hubby finished his W30 with dinner last night.  Said he's committed to no sugar and additives, scratch cooking & far less alcohol.  He is going to have this blood, cholesterol, etc. tested.  He is worried this way of eating will have adverse affects on numbers he's watching so I want him to do it as I do believe this is far healthier and his numbers will improve.  He's a data guy so go get the data.


Last night I gave myself permission to stop this thing early if I continue to feel so horrible.  I was dizzy again and I am so over-tired.  If I need some quinoa or something to sleep so be it.  Melatonin is not helping.  Now today I feel better as I think PMS was the culprit yesterday but even knowing I am not failing, I am choosing this is not the right path for me felt OK. So onward and upwards.  One week to go. 


Joyce - do you normally have a lot of headaches?  Migraines and this has just elevated things?  Or is this out of the norm entirely?  How about the sleeping part?  Funny on eggplant B) Good thing there are a lot of veggie types!!!  I too am thinking more 3 weeks in to January before I do #2.  I'd like to get this other stuff cleared up or I think it will be a struggle to do 30 days (and get past the wedding)


Congrats madsciencem on making it through lunch!!!  I hope your gym workout was good.


kahaliti - glad you are feeling better.  Being almost there feels soooo good!

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Gym last night was Good... did some pretty heavy lifting, so feeling good today... that good sore after working hard!


Slept really well last night, the sleep of the dead and didn't wake up until my alarm... was a change from Sunday night where I woke up feeling Ehh..on monday


I had a no scale victory last night... I was wearing a pair of jeans that were already a little big for me ( I had to buy them to fit my booty, so waist was a little big). I was taking off my Fire Gear and when I pulled off my bunker pants, my jeans came down with them!!!! Good thing I was wearing good underwear!!! LOL! 


Cannot believe our journey together is almost over... I love reading how everyone is doing every day.. helps me stay strong!


@ michele I hope the headaches get better soon

@ joyce- I am in to set a date in Jan and go from there... How Does Jan 26th sound for everyone? So it will be three months fro the start of our last one?

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@JustJoyce - laughing out loud at the eggplant comment, not a big fan myself.


So, all this talk about the January Whole 30 has got me thinking. I know I will be sticking to a Whole 9, but I'm not sure I want to go this strict quite yet.  I would like to see how I can manage a Whole 9.  Since I have avoided all kinds of temptations, and don't feel nearly as inclined to run to the pantry every time I feel stressed, I am thinking I could keep myself pretty well on track.  I can't say I've been dropping loads of pounds, but I know I've lost some, so perhaps my calorie intake has been a little on the high side.  I don't think I can eat this way AND track/weigh/measure as well.  I do know my activity level has taken a dive.  It's really hard here in the Upper Midwest when it's so cold and dark.  Excuses, I know...I have a whole basement filled with exercise equipment; weights of all varieties (dumbells, barbells, benches, squat racks, cable crossover, leg press, you name it), a treadmill, an indoor trainer for my bike. I have access to a swimming pool both early morning and evenings, so like I say, reaaly no excuses for not working out.  

I guess the first challenge will be getting through the holidays.  Right now I feel pretty confident, but we'll see when the actual temptations and stresses are in my face :wacko:

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Just catching up on all the missed posts and I loved hearing about your successes! Sometimes I find that I'm supposed to be feeling something more than what I am from this program too, and then...like many of you said....we all have our different tiger blood levels. 


For me this journey was about eating better to clear my skin, to feel good about my body and be a happier person, and to accomplish something I started.  So far I'm feeling pretty awesome about how all of those are turning out. I think if you take a look back at where you started and where you are now, you've likely achieved more than you think, even little things that may not seem like much can make a huge difference.


Hope everyone is having a great week, keep on keepin' on!

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It's so crazy that we have less than a week left. Hubby is champing at the bit to be done with this, but I'm not feeling that restricted at the moment. I am looking forward to be a little less paranoid about looking at EVERY SINGLE ingredient in everything. And having a glass of wine. But I'm feeling hopeful that I can stay pretty close to plan. 


I'm planning to pick my January start date after I've been "riding my own bike" for a while. We're staying at a friend's cabin over New Years, so the earliest I'd start would be the fifth. 



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Love having the Jan 26th date out there... I think I will see how I feel at the time.  I plan to remain Paleo after this so I'll be able to see if I need it to reset and get it to stick, or not. 


While it is crazy that we have a week left, it is also feeling to me like, really?  still a whole week????  hubby is done today and did have some lentils and real butter.  He's committed to no sugar.  If I'd only not had the wine in October :o on one hand I'd be done and on the other?  I'd not likely met all of you!


@madsciencem - victory!  There is nothing like the surprise of finding your pants are too big!

@kdrauck - great reminder... indeed I've accomplished more than I realize.

@mdraegerpnw - I am more like your husband.  Not sure what bit I am chomping at either as I don't plan to steer all that far away.

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Joyce - do you normally have a lot of headaches?  Migraines and this has just elevated things?  Or is this out of the norm entirely?  How about the sleeping part?

Hi Michele - I've had hormonal headaches related to menopause on and off for about a year and a half. They were very painful at first, similar to migraine pain, with some sensitivity to light and sometimes nausea and even vomiting. I started taking an herbal supplement about a year ago that reduced the pain quite a bit and made them more bearable. The worse thing is, they always hit about 3:00am and when they do, I HAVE to get up - continuing to lay on the bed makes them worse.

I have also had early waking insomnia (waking much too early and not being able to get back to sleep) on and off for several years, but again, the herbal supplement seems to have moderated that.

Although I had a bit of a headache when I woke up at 4:30 this morning, I did some breathing exercises, and it didn't get worse. I also didn't have any hot flashes that usually accompany the whole waking early / headache mess. I'm really hoping that means my system is reaching some sort of equilibrium, because, like you, I can't tolerate these headaches for much longer.

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