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Day 16-Exhsusted


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It's normal to be more tired than usual at the beginning of your Whole30, but by day 16, I would think you would be past that stage. It would be helpful to know what your meals look like, and what kind of sleep you're getting, and exercise, if you're exercising. You can get more personalized feedback that way.


Things that you might want to consider: Make sure you eat three meals based on the meal template every day. Be sure you include fat at each meal. Don't be afraid to include starchy vegetables like sweet potato or butternut squash -- most people do well with at least one serving each day, and if you're very active you might want more. These are just general recommendations, things that people sometimes don't realize will make a difference. Again, if you post a little about what you're doing, someone may see things that you can try to help.

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I am not on any blood pressure medications. My food intake for today consisted of two hardboiled eggs a handful of almonds and a banana, coconut crusted chicken strip with tomato sauce and an apple, new England seafood chowder. I am drinking lots of water but haven't been doing any exercise cause I just don't have it in me....

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You're not eating enough. A serving of eggs, if they're your only protein, is as many whole eggs as you can hold in your hand. You need at least a palm-sized (that's length, width, and depth) piece of protein at each meal, aim for 2-4 cups of vegetables at each meal, and at least one thumb-sized portion of fat at each meal. Check out the meal template for more information. I think if you start eating more, you should start having more energy.

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The new England chowder is tomato based with clams shrimp cod onions potatoes and carrots. ..very delicious. I think I am getting enough sodium. I usually have sodium issues (swelling, water retention) so I do tend to stay away from it.

The problem with eating more is that I am not hungry. I am eating my three meals a day because I have to not because I am hungry for them...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm on Day 15 and feeling the same way. Saturday I slept for 11 hours, Sunday for 8.5 but it was a restless sleep the last 3 hours or so and the same again last night. I have been exercising and this past weekend included working on the family ranch. I have been including sweet potatoes or squash daily as well. I'm fairly certain I'm eating enough but I'll try to eat more tomorrow and see what happens. 

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