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Hello, all!


I'm Brianne and I'm very interested in trying out Whole30 for my health. I have several concerns and questions - as I am a mom of two very young children (4 and 1), are there any other moms here who are doing Whole30 as well? Are there any suggestions or tips? As in should I have my whole family participate in my Whole30 or should I make/cook food separately for them? Are there any kid-friendly Whole30 recipes that I can take a peek at?


All is welcome! I'm excited.... and nervous.

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When people ask kid friendly  I always wonder what that means..   you don't have to make elaborate recipe  stuff.  Good protein, Veggie, and some fat is all it is.  a little fruit if you need it..   Why not get the whole family on board.. Its a healthy way to eat..(they probably won't even notice if you don't mention it to them) Its not that weird.. Whats weird to me now is to see people chowing down on sugar filled things..  You have to read the ingredients of every item you buy  (condiments, mustard et.) yes theres sugar in everything.. even a small can of crab meat!!!    Whats neat  is  your not buying foods that have ingredient lists.. Its simply  the food itself…  :) do read all you can on it..    Good luck and enjoy your  new energy  

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I let my kids have mac n' cheese once a week, but otherwise, I give them whatever I've made for myself (plus perhaps a little bit of fruit or a cheese stick). My four-year-old often chooses not to eat at all, if it's not mac n' cheese or ground meat, but that's his choice. 


I've been doing Paleo for six months and am on day 6 of the Whole30. I'm the family cook, so my family eats what I eat, with a few additions. I have some great cookbooks, so my husband *usually* likes what I make, LOL

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If your kids eat lots of sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly or stuff like that, introducing a balanced meal with lots of veggies may become a challenge. But if there is nothing else left in the pantry... Well nothing to fall back to, right!

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I'll be honest with you. The prep time kills me every time. My four littles are 7 thru 1. Often I'm making the choice between playing with them and food prep/cooking. I do well for a while then get into a spot of confidence, thinking I can do it all easily, then I slip up and the mental enemy takes over. I desperately need help with this aspect.

I think only good will become of your efforts.

I'm here to bounce ideas off, etc. and to accept your support too, lol

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