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Day 3 and feeling tired and depressed


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What have I gotten myself into?  I would quit if it weren't for a friend who just finished her first and promises me that it will pass and then I will feel A.MAY.ZING.  Her words.  But pushing through this isn't going to be easy.  I thought about giving up for the weekend and starting on Monday but I don't want to go through this all over again.

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Thanks for all of the encouragement and advice.  I actually woke up earlier than normal this morning and feeling good except for the caffeine headache that's still lingering a little bit.  But the best part is that I can tell that I've already lost some weight in my belly area, never expected that.  Going out for a run now, will post my food log as GFChris suggested and maintain water consumption and take naps like Christine 19 suggested.  Really, folks.  Thanks so much for the encouragement and advice.

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On day 3 here :)


Day 2 was pretty terrible - massive headaches, waves of nausea, & exhausted.  I was so thankful it was a Saturday so I could just keep taking naps!  I wasn't expecting it to be that bad since I'd been pretty close to Whole30 before starting.  Wow.  I don't even want to think of what it would be like if I'd been eating foods like pizza before starting.  Can't wait to get to the "feeling great" stage!!

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Today is day 4 for me and I'm honestly asking myself WHY?  I broke a rule and weighed myself because I was feeling big -- up four pounds.  I found a blog last night that said don't snack on nuts and nut butters, which I have been, so maybe that's the problem.  I feel tired and down also.  I ate pretty healthy before, but included things like artificial sweetener in my diet.  BUT, I felt normal.  Today is a WHY day for sure, but I want to get through it.

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Today is day 4 for me and I'm honestly asking myself WHY?  I broke a rule and weighed myself because I was feeling big -- up four pounds.  I found a blog last night that said don't snack on nuts and nut butters, which I have been, so maybe that's the problem.  I feel tired and down also.  I ate pretty healthy before, but included things like artificial sweetener in my diet.  BUT, I felt normal.  Today is a WHY day for sure, but I want to get through it.


First off, hide that scale.  :)


Secondly, make a list of reasons why you decided to embark on a Whole30 and post it in a prominent place, like your refrigerator. Review it daily.

Third, yes, snacking on nuts may have caused bloat for you.  The recommended snack is a mini meal of protein, veg and fat. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30.


Fourth, the need for snacks can be an indication that your earlier meals aren't big enough, or that you're not drinking enough water, or both.  To see if you're on the right track, post 2-3 days worth of your food log in the Troubleshooting section, including your portion sizes, daily water consumption, nightly hours of sleep, and exercise routine. Folks here can give you feedback on possible tweaks.


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