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Transitioning to whole foods and low sex drive

Snappy Shark

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Hi ladies,

I'm hoping that someone on here will have had a similar experience to me that can offer me some words of wisdom/hope.

I'm transitioning out of a vegetarian/pescetarian high-carb, low-fat diet and am on Day6 of my Whole30. For some additional context about my diet over the past month- I was dairy-, legume-, and grain-free for about a week and a half prior to starting my Whole30, but was still eating excessive amounts of fruit and Lara bars every two hours to address my blood sugar crashes and hadn't cut out added sugar and artificial junk.

Anyway, now that I'm past the carb withdrawl, I feel AMAZING. The past few days I have been nothing short of euphoric, and my stomach feels full for the first time in my post-Weight Watchers, points-obsessed, meat-phobic life. I love eating this way! My stomach has taken well to the meat after so many years without and I am so happy that I caught wind of the message of "eating whole."

Except. I have no sex drive. None at all. Since changing my eating habits, I've had two fairly awkward sexual experiences where there were a million things I could think of wanting to do more than have sex. I had a fairly high libido before this, and I'm...disconcerted to say the least. I've read Melissa's previous posts about the interconnectedness of fat metabolism and sex hormone biochemistry, so I know that my body might just be in a transition - do I just need to be patient and give it time?

For an idea of what I'm eating - for my first week, I made a veggie and ground beef fritata and a big pot of chicken coconut milk curry and ate that all week along with some big salads with hard boiled eggs or tuna atop. One thing I'm trying to get out of the Whole30 is to cut my fruit/sugar cravings, so I'm limiting my fruit consumption to two servings per day, and only with meals. I'm eating plenty of starchy vegetables - over the course of this week I've eaten five large beets, four sweet potatoes and one whole acorn squash and butternut squash. I'm not eating a ton of nuts (mostly almonds and pecans, which I know are not the greatest). Overall, I've been doing my best to adhere to the Whole30 meal planning template, and have done pretty well so far.

I know that this is highly individual-specific, but does anyone have any wisdom to offer me here? I'm scared that this is my "new normal".



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The first half (for some folks all) of your first Whole30 is a time of major upheval for most people. This is most likely just a part of your transition process. Explain this to your partner and take the opportunity to relax knowing that (hopefully) you have their support in the process. My guess is it won't last too long.

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I've read Melissa's previous posts about the interconnectedness of fat metabolism and sex hormone biochemistry, so I know that my body might just be in a transition - do I just need to be patient and give it time?

THIS. I just wanted to say a word for patience. 10 days isn't much time at all, so give yourself some space to transition. That AMAZING feeling is a great start, I expect the rest will come along in time.

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I'm glad you posted this, because I was going to do a post on how my sex drive has improved on day 23. Mine has been very minimal for a few years now, which was really disconcerting. I figured it was just because I got married and things are so domestic now. However, a couple days ago, I had a very sexual dream preceeded by a naughty food dream (I was eating chocolate cake). These last two days I've been very . . . libidinous and oddly, my taste in what I like has changed. I'm noticing much younger, more athletic types now like Mats Hummels. And of course, these things ebb and flow. You would have to see how your libido changes over a period of several months.

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  • 1 month later...

I am glad someone else posted about this. My husband and I both are doing our first challenge. We have been about 70-80% paleo previously, so really, our biggest challenge was cutting out cream in our coffee. Anyway, we have not had sex for three weeks now (sorry if this is TMI). I decided to bring it up tonight with him because I am usually a very sexual person. However, we both commented that both of our libidos are really low and neither of us have that desire or drive. I am REALLY hoping things will pick up and change.

@Snappy Shark, can you post or link to "Melissa's previous posts about the interconnectedness of fat metabolism and sex hormone biochemistry." I would be VERY interested in reading more into this or finding out any ways to help.


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