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I'm a man, yes I am but I can't seem to lose this weight.


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Hello All,


I am committed.  I'm starting this program 23 FEB 2015.  


Here's the funny thing.  I work out; I run and do resistance training.  I've done this for years but could never really lose the pudgy fat around the middle.  I am active duty military so I am required to stay fit, and I do well on my physical training tests every year, but I always struggle at the weigh in.


A coworker recommended that I should try the paleo route.  I had tried it before and had seem some success, but to be consistent I need preparation and a plan.  I'm using the Whole30 as my framework for that success.


That's it.  See you on the flip side of 30!

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I started the Whole30 in 2010 at age 53 because I was frustrated by chubbiness despite doing CrossFit aggressively 3-4 times per week. Two years of CrossFit helped me lose from 230 to 215, but then I plateaued and stopped losing weight. I lost 2 pounds my first month of doing the Whole30, so I kept going and lost another 2 pounds the next month. Soon I just made the Whole30 my lifestyle. I kept losing 2 pounds per month for 15 months in a row and eventually got as low as 184. I am pretty sure I was losing more than 2 pounds of fat every month, but I was gaining strength and muscle mass. Without changing anything in my eating or exercise, I stopped losing weight at 184/185 and nowadays I weigh around 190. I have a much bigger chest, back, arms, and shoulders than I did 4 years ago. The Whole30 worked for me.

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