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Really need to start AIP, anyone else?


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Hey everyone!


I was going to start a whole30 on 2/1/15, but then found out that I have Hashi's and got a little sidetracked and overwhelmed. My antibodies are almost in the 1,000's, and I really know that AIP is necessary for me, but I'm really struggling.


I've been gluten free for 3 years, and got into paleo in 2013 (on and off). I already feel so limited in what I can eat, and being 100% honest, I do not like cooking, and that's why I'm intimidated by the AIP, you pretty much have to cook everything.


I've started doing meal prepping on Sunday's. We've been baking chicken breasts, and making veggies and putting them ready to eat in the fridge and it's been nice.


I love my husband, but he's not always supportive. He always brings home gluten free sweets when he knows that I'm "trying" to do better, and I always give in. I need to get serious.


ANYONE else out there wanting to start an AIP whole30 (+) ? I'd love to have some daily support!!

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Hi Aunt B

I am on day 7 of my second W30 

I, like you, just know I am going to have to go down the AIP route and like you I really dont want to give up eggs

I went wheat free about 4 years ago 

My mum was diagnosed coeliac 3 years ago - I was tested but blood came back negative - probably because there was so little gluten in my system (so I am either coeliac or gluten intolerant)

At the same time I was diagnosed with hypopituitarism - which has wiped out my thyroid function and all my female hormones (essentially it looked like I had my menopause at 42)

Are you taking thyroid medication ? - mine has lactose in it - but working on the principle it is such a small amount I will have to live with it

I also went off dairy about 4 years ago (have tried it on an off - I like dairy but is does not like me) it makes such a big difference when I abstain

My youngest (boy 3 of 3) was diagnosed coeliac 2 years ago - so we have run a near gluten free house since then

My eldest boy has not been well recently and opted to go completely GF (so now taking packed lunches to school) he feels a lot better

I am doing this W30 without nuts / any dairy - but have not given up seeds (only cook with these) tomatoes and peppers YET !! and eggs

My husband just thinks I am a hypochondriac (he is not supportive) didnt even tell him about this W30 - he thinks everything is fine as long as I don't complain and just shouts if anything to do with my health is raised

But as I do all the cooking and everyone eats what they are given doing a W30 meal is relatively easy and I can do them rice / potatoes OR i make my own meals - any family meal tends to be around meat and veg anyway

Congratulations on the baby - at least you will be able to wean and feed your babe well before they get all the bad school habits

Happy to help out along your journey 


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I'm on day 20 of my AIP w30, I'd be more than happy to support you along the way. I've been looking out for more people doing it but there doesn't seem to be any on the forum. 



What do you eat for breakfast - any top tips

I like liver and rocket - but you couldnt eat it every day

I dont mind cooking at breafkfast as long as it is reasonably quick 

And i dont mind eating the same breakfast every day as long as lunches and dinners vary


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For breakfast I often have leftovers form M3 the day before. I found compliant bacon, one of my favourite things is to wrap slices around quartered pears and roast them in the oven. Meat and a big salad has become one of my favourite breakfasts. Avocado is another breakfast favourite, I recently started mixing with tuna to add to my salad. I've managed to keep breakfast quite varied but it does mean getting up a little earlier than normal to cook it. 

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Hi all. I finished an AIP whole 30 on 2/4, thinking of doing another soon but haven't yet tried all reintros. Actually, for some reason, I've had a hard time with the discipline of systematic reintro. Find myself mostly sticking to the plan or just allowing myself something I want even if it involves more than one food group (hello ice cream with dairy and sugar and a couple glasses of wine last night). Luckily I continue to feel great!

As for breakfasts, I'm not a fan of eggs anyway and quit toast with my celiac dx in July. I eat the same template of meat, veg, fat, maybe a starch as other meals. I do have one "breakfast" that I make in a skillet of ground pork seasoned with oregano, chopped apples and sweet potatoes, and a few cranberries. I use lingonberries (aka low bush cranberries) picked wild in Alaska but any tart berry will do to add an alternate to the sweet apples and potatoes. The other breakfast-y tendency I have is to add a little fruit to my salads. E.g. some tangerines with chicken on the morning salad where it'll be olives for lunch or dinner. Good luck, I'll check in, may join you depending when you start!

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HI all 

I am on day 8 of standard W30 - but have been swelling up big style / super bloated so might switch to AIP for the rest of my time

Just feeling down as some people can just eat what they want were as super sensitive people (like me) can't

Think I have breakfasts sorted in my head for AIP

1. baked field mushroom stuffed with meat of some kind - eg parma ham / mince

2. baked fish (maybe wrapped in ham / bacon) on a bed of leaves 

Has to be something that can cook in 20 mins in the morning 

SIGH !!!



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Sorry it has taken me so long to come back! My post didn't get any replies for most of the day, so I thought no one would respond!


I started yesterday, and had a couple accidental mess ups, so I guess I'm TECNICALLY starting today!


We made shredded chicken in the slow cooker yesterday that will be the MAIN parts of my dinners this week. It was delicious.


I am a huge egg eater and it's going to be HARD for me to not have eggs, but I also have no problems with eating regular things for breakfast! yesterday I have chicken breast and cauliflower mash!


Zoe- I am on Levothyroxine for my thyroid and I had a bad reaction to it. My doctor took me off for a week and is reintroducing me at a lower dose every other day to see if it happens again! Grrr!  I'd rather be on Tirosint which has only 4 ingredients.


Hope everyone is having a good day! I will be back more often now that I know there are others with me!

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HI all 

I am on day 8 of standard W30 - but have been swelling up big style / super bloated so might switch to AIP for the rest of my time

Just feeling down as some people can just eat what they want were as super sensitive people (like me) can't

Think I have breakfasts sorted in my head for AIP

1. baked field mushroom stuffed with meat of some kind - eg parma ham / mince

2. baked fish (maybe wrapped in ham / bacon) on a bed of leaves 

Has to be something that can cook in 20 mins in the morning 

SIGH !!!



Zoe - can you cook ahead of time? We do meal preps on Sunday where I spend the whole day cooking and prepare everying in Tupperware so I can easily grab dinner when I get home and don't have to cook. Is this an option!?

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Hi all. I finished an AIP whole 30 on 2/4, thinking of doing another soon but haven't yet tried all reintros. Actually, for some reason, I've had a hard time with the discipline of systematic reintro. Find myself mostly sticking to the plan or just allowing myself something I want even if it involves more than one food group (hello ice cream with dairy and sugar and a couple glasses of wine last night). Luckily I continue to feel great!

As for breakfasts, I'm not a fan of eggs anyway and quit toast with my celiac dx in July. I eat the same template of meat, veg, fat, maybe a starch as other meals. I do have one "breakfast" that I make in a skillet of ground pork seasoned with oregano, chopped apples and sweet potatoes, and a few cranberries. I use lingonberries (aka low bush cranberries) picked wild in Alaska but any tart berry will do to add an alternate to the sweet apples and potatoes. The other breakfast-y tendency I have is to add a little fruit to my salads. E.g. some tangerines with chicken on the morning salad where it'll be olives for lunch or dinner. Good luck, I'll check in, may join you depending when you start!

This breakfast sounds amazing! I need to make it!

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I'm on day 20 of my AIP w30, I'd be more than happy to support you along the way. I've been looking out for more people doing it but there doesn't seem to be any on the forum. 

Hello!! Thanks for commenting! I've been looking for people doing AIP specifically because it's hard when you can't have things the regular whole30 people can!

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Sorry it has taken me so long to come back! My post didn't get any replies for most of the day, so I thought no one would respond!


I started yesterday, and had a couple accidental mess ups, so I guess I'm TECNICALLY starting today!


We made shredded chicken in the slow cooker yesterday that will be the MAIN parts of my dinners this week. It was delicious.


I am a huge egg eater and it's going to be HARD for me to not have eggs, but I also have no problems with eating regular things for breakfast! yesterday I have chicken breast and cauliflower mash!


Zoe- I am on Levothyroxine for my thyroid and I had a bad reaction to it. My doctor took me off for a week and is reintroducing me at a lower dose every other day to see if it happens again! Grrr!  I'd rather be on Tirosint which has only 4 ingredients.


Hope everyone is having a good day! I will be back more often now that I know there are others with me!


Hi Aunt B


I felt awful when I 1st went on Levo - and the DR's took me straight off it again until I saw the consultant

He immediately put me back on it at a high dose and I have been fine since

They did drop it to a lower dose once when they made the mistake of thinking I had a thyroid problem (I have a pituitary problem) & I felt like I had been hit by a bus

I have never heard of Tirosint - maybe you don't get it this side of the "pond" 

Maybe you need more levo not less ? you will know when they lower the dose


I didn't have eggs for breakfast this morning but must not have ate enough as had snack of a few figs / dates mid morning and have been feeling rubbish since then & unable to face anything to eat - sugar is sugar is sugar  :wacko:



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Zoe- The doctor thinks the reaction was too much medicine too quickly. I started on 50mcg. He now has me on 25mcg every other day for 1 week. On Saturday, i'll start taking it every day until I see him again on 3/17.


However, my doctor is an idiot and I'm going to see an Endocrinologist starting in April. Hopefully she will understand the thyroid better and consider a medicine change if I'm still having issues!


Day 1 here and I'm doing okay. I've had a banana and that's it. Full disclosure, I do Intermittent fasting. I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon not following the 3 meal a day plan, but this is the ONLY way I can lose weight. I've tried every other thing out there and it just won't budge. I've now lost 7.5 lbs since 12/30 and this is the most weight I've been able to lose since about 2008. So, I have to do what works for me. 5 days a week I eat normally, and 2 days a week I only eat 500 calories. I really like it.

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Zoe- The doctor thinks the reaction was too much medicine too quickly. I started on 50mcg. He now has me on 25mcg every other day for 1 week. On Saturday, i'll start taking it every day until I see him again on 3/17.


However, my doctor is an idiot and I'm going to see an Endocrinologist starting in April. Hopefully she will understand the thyroid better and consider a medicine change if I'm still having issues!


Day 1 here and I'm doing okay. I've had a banana and that's it. Full disclosure, I do Intermittent fasting. I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon not following the 3 meal a day plan, but this is the ONLY way I can lose weight. I've tried every other thing out there and it just won't budge. I've now lost 7.5 lbs since 12/30 and this is the most weight I've been able to lose since about 2008. So, I have to do what works for me. 5 days a week I eat normally, and 2 days a week I only eat 500 calories. I really like it.




My Endocrinologist told me taking 25's was about as effective as taking a smartie (M&M?) which is why he was happy to bump me straight onto 100's.

I intermittent fast from time to time as well, but I don't particularly count calories.

Sometimes like today just don't feel hungry. 

If I don't feel weak and wobbly I don't worry about it - I have been to the gym today and still feel fine.

My challenge on W30 IS eating 3 meals a day - can happily survive on 1 or 2 a day - the joy of having no thyroid function.



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Zoe- The doctor thinks the reaction was too much medicine too quickly. I started on 50mcg. He now has me on 25mcg every other day for 1 week. On Saturday, i'll start taking it every day until I see him again on 3/17.


However, my doctor is an idiot and I'm going to see an Endocrinologist starting in April. Hopefully she will understand the thyroid better and consider a medicine change if I'm still having issues!


Day 1 here and I'm doing okay. I've had a banana and that's it. Full disclosure, I do Intermittent fasting. I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon not following the 3 meal a day plan, but this is the ONLY way I can lose weight. I've tried every other thing out there and it just won't budge. I've now lost 7.5 lbs since 12/30 and this is the most weight I've been able to lose since about 2008. So, I have to do what works for me. 5 days a week I eat normally, and 2 days a week I only eat 500 calories. I really like it.

You're an adult and can make your own decisions but I wanted to at least put this out there.  


Intermittent Fasting can be extremely difficult on women and to also have an autoimmune condition while you IF is, quite honestly, a recipe for a metabolic disaster.  The only reason you are losing weight on IF is because you are starving yourself 2 days per week which lowers your overall intake throughout the week.


Would you lose weight on Whole30?  Maybe not right away.  Generally to lose weight in the absence of crash diets or IF'ing or starving oneself, the body has to feel safe.  Hormones need to be balanced and properly regulated, blood sugar has to be stable.  But eating 3 good meals every day, consistently, eventually teaches your body that it is safe, there is no famine and it can release unneeded fat.


Folks who IF successfully and without egregious impact on their hormones etc, are young, fit men, not women with preexisting medical conditions.  Your comment "I'm pretty hungry today" followed by the knowledge that you are not going to eat anything but your emergency banana makes me really sad for you.  You are a gorgeous, dynamic, beautiful human being and it seems really unfair to force a fasting protocol on yourself when what you should be doing is eating whole, nourishing foods and loving your body.


I hope you take this comment in the way in the heartfelt, very concerned way in which it is meant.  Chuck the conventional wisdom about less calories equalling weight loss, stop telling yourself the new buzzword "Intermittent Fasting" when what you are really doing is restricting your food for the purpose of forced weight loss.  

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How is everyone doing?


Day 2!


Going to be having some pulled chicken breast, and avocado and carrots for lunch. I'm trying to think of something to make for dinner, but we have to go out and do laundry, so it'll probably be more pulled chicken and some more veggies.

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For breakfast,the last couple of weeks,I usually eat some cut up frozen Alaskan Pollock scramble it in coconut oil with chopped zucchini. (I scoop the inside/seeds of the zuchinni out before chopping it up). Then I add some Dill and Curcumin in the wokpan as seasoning.

After when done and transferred to my bowl,I season it with a mix of Himalayan and Celtic Seasalt to taste.

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That sounds amazing! I really need to get creative for breakfast time ideas. I think making some of the AIP sausage I see on Pinterest sounds pretty good.


I had some kombucha this afternoon and that kept me pretty full. Didn't need any snacks.


dinner will be carrots, a few dates, and some tuna with olive oil. We won't be home and this was the best I could bring with me!

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Day 3.


Although, I guess it's day 0?  Last night I decided to have some green olives that have been in the fridge. After munching on a few of them I see there are kinds of weird ingredients including Guar Gum. Great.


It's astonishes me how much crap is in food that seemingly shouldn't need it.


Today I've have a banana, shredded chicken breast, carrots with avocado, and tuna with olive oil, and 2 dates.


I thought I was well stocked, but a lot of the food in my house needs to be cooked up. I am going to do something tonight with the grassfed beed and sweet potatoes and maybe throw some kale into the mix. I think this would be good for breakfast.

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Zoe- The doctor thinks the reaction was too much medicine too quickly. I started on 50mcg. He now has me on 25mcg every other day for 1 week. On Saturday, i'll start taking it every day until I see him again on 3/17.


However, my doctor is an idiot and I'm going to see an Endocrinologist starting in April. Hopefully she will understand the thyroid better and consider a medicine change if I'm still having issues!


Day 1 here and I'm doing okay. I've had a banana and that's it. Full disclosure, I do Intermittent fasting. I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon not following the 3 meal a day plan, but this is the ONLY way I can lose weight. I've tried every other thing out there and it just won't budge. I've now lost 7.5 lbs since 12/30 and this is the most weight I've been able to lose since about 2008. So, I have to do what works for me. 5 days a week I eat normally, and 2 days a week I only eat 500 calories. I really like it.


Hi this is my first post and I was so glad to find another IF'er. I am trying to absorb all of this info on AIP, it gets a little overwhelming! I was dx'ed with hashimoto's in 1996. I never knew about AIP until about a year ago. 

I am going to try my best! I am so glad that I found you all :)


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Jenn- Welcome!!!


I'm not trying to start a debate with the Mod who posted, because she has good intentions, but what works for someone may not work for someone else. While I understand they don't avocate IF here, it's what I do. Nothing is going to change that. I've done a lot of reaserch on this, I'm certainly not starving myself. I eat PLENTY of calories 5 days a week. I'm not sure unless someone has done reading on IF and the method I'm doing, they can honestly know fully what's going on. I still am not going to justify why I'm doing it to anyone.


I am not starving, and I feel great. I've read many articles online as well that say that IFing Is GOOD for people with autoimmune disease. You just have to do what works for you, and not worry about what someone else says isn't right. I'm glad you are here.


Last night I ended up cooking sweet potatoes, and making cauliflower mash and making grassfed ground beef. It was very tasty! I think having meals prepared that I can just grab is the biggest key for me. AIP is especially hard without eggs!

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I agree unless you have a completely wiped out thyroid you cannot know the frustration of trying and trying to loose weight / maintain weight

It is like trying to push water up hill - and totally demoralising when others around you can get away with eating everything and not putting a pound on 

I think if you have a thyroid issue you do just try and try to get something that works for you 

Eating healthy and clean is a big step in my eyes


Jenn - welcome 



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Exactly, Zoe.


I did the whole30 and only lost 4lbs the whole month. Meanwhile, everyone around me had dropped like 15 or more lbs. It was very discouraging because my body just doesn't drop the weight like normal people.


Today's been slow so far. Nothing much to report!


Dinner will be a repeat.. Cauliflower mash with grassfed beef, and some blueberries!

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