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February 28th - March 29th!


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Yey! Just finished Day 1, so far so good :) It's surprising how habitual eating particular foods has become, had to keep reminding myself I'm not eating that at the moment - don't worry, I didn't!


Yeah cecezo let's do it!


Momof4 - awesome, what scrummy foods have you made so far?

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I started Feb 27, so i just finished day two. Similarly to Emmsie, I just let myself stop paying attention to nutrition for the last several months and I just finished a trip (flew back home on thursday) which involved a lot of delicious "last meals." So, I decided to start eating better, exercising more frequently, and figuring out ways to make me feel better - I'm using the rest of the weekend to start.


So far, so good. I cleaned out the fridge and hit trader joes for new condiments. TJ yellow mustard, olive tapanade, and artichoke hearts all comply. I even made my own mayo today. It's not Hellmans, but it's not bad. I've got beef marinating and pork thawing for good meals later this week, but i've been pretty unoriginal coming up with stuff to eat for now - various egg scrambles.


I love to cook - food is my hobby. So now to blast past the desire to eat due to boredom and get busy on other things. I even did my taxes today! Other ideas welcome!


Anyways, i clearly want to be able to just talk about this process if I need to without annoying my friends and family who aren't joining this with me. So, here I am.

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Hey Feb!

Cool, it's nice to have someone on a similar page. I am also coming on here to talk to people who are actually really interested in this stuff, as friends and family...not so much! Posts like yours make me wish I lived in the US (I live in South Wales, UK) as you guys seem to have so much more compliant stuff over there.

Congrats on the mayo, I made pesto yesterday, and my housemate made great guacamole today :) I've been unoriginal too, I think I'm going to go basic for the first week and then build up. 


How has your day 3 been? 

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Geeze, it feels like way more than 3 days - It's been good though, thanks! Hope your's is starting off well :-)


I live in a fairly metro area with lots of grocery stores and it's snowing/sleeting again. So I have been going food prep crazy with Whole30 savory comfort food. I still want to have that sweet finish to each meal - but I resist.


Still marinating that beef - I'm attempting a corned beef bring actually, and it apparently should sit for at least 10 days - crazy. I cooked about 5 pounds of chicken for the week and made tomato soup with roasted yellow squash and some of that chicken. It was actually a pretty tasty last minute meal to make with the leftover tomato I had from preparing a slightly modified versiof of this chili recipe http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/02/22/my-favorite-chili-recipe/which I haven't tasted yet. That's for dinner later. I should not need to cook all week.


Here's the soup recipe.


Preheat oven to 425F/220C


olive or avocado oil (or whatever you prefer)

2 carrots, diced

2 yellow squash or courgettes, diced

salt to taste

1 medium onion, chopped/diced

~6oz. tomato paste (mine was canned)

~14oz. diced tomatoes (mine was canned)

cooked chicken, diced.



1) Toss chopped squash and carrots in olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Spread out onto two baking sheets. (If you have a rack to lift them off the tray a little too, that's what i did and it prevents one edge from burning.)


2) While veggies are in oven, heat additional oil in a pot, dice the onions. Add onions and a little salt to hot oil and cook until translucent. (After I did this, I realized, I probably could have roasted the onions at the same time as others).


3) Add tomato paste and diced tomatoes and stir until paste is totally dissolved. Simmer until roasted veggies are done.


4) Add one tray of veggies - if you like thick soups, puree with a blender/food processor before adding the second tray. (If you prefer thinner soups, add both trays right away.


5) Add cooked chicken. I think I added about 1.5 pounds.

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Hey, yeah its going well thanks :) Woah, 10 days! That's going to be some amazing beef! Thanks for the recipe. I had a stressful moment today and for a second was tempted by a nearby chocolate biscuit, but fortunately managed not to indulge - phew!

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Hi Emmsie, I'm over in Abergavenny so we can lament the lack of useful grocery items available in the UK together!  I also started on the 28th and so far, so good for me.  I made my own mayo too and then mixed it with avocado to make avomayo yesterday, bliss does not even describe this concoction!   Just about to go heat through my chicken bone broth for lunch and wondering if I will ever feel hungry at a meal time? Vikki.

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Hi Vikki!


Oh my goodness, I work in Abergavenny (and live in Cardiff) - what a small world! Mmmm that sounds yummy, it does seem that homemade compliant sauces are the way forward :) Chicken bone broth sounds good too, especially while it's still a little chilly, must try that.


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I'm at work in Abergavenny too ;) and live up the hill in Brynmawr.  I roasted 2 chickens on Friday and then shredded the meat to use over the last few days and had the bone broth simmering all day Saturday.  It's made about 7 meals for various member of the family so far and there's a couple of portions left still (that's just the broth my kids are in roast chicken bliss with the meat as they make their own lunches for school). 


It's sauces that are bugging me a bit as I'm floundering on what to use to make the meals wetter.  I use arrowroot to thicken stock for gravy but I'm not 100% that this is W30 compliant (need to read the permitted things list again).  I don't want to be slinging mayo on everything I eat either so I'm going to try and create a ketchup if I can.  I love sweet chilli sauce but I really don't know how I can recreate that, I think an internet evening is imminent for recipe ideas.

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It's sauces that are bugging me a bit as I'm floundering on what to use to make the meals wetter.  I use arrowroot to thicken stock for gravy but I'm not 100% that this is W30 compliant (need to read the permitted things list again).  I don't want to be slinging mayo on everything I eat either so I'm going to try and create a ketchup if I can.  I love sweet chilli sauce but I really don't know how I can recreate that, I think an internet evening is imminent for recipe ideas.

I think I would flat refuse to eat if I couldn't have sauces and dips.  Frank's Red Hot is compliant, not sure if that is something you can get?


Check out The Clothes Make The Girl for some of her sauces.  There are a couple in this link: http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2015/01/02/popular-recipes-2014/ (my favourite is the sunshine sauce)


Of course as you mentioned there's also mayo and the zillion ways that you can spice that to make new sauces. This one is delicious: http://stupideasypaleo.com/2013/06/24/umami-mayo/


Topping something with a drippy egg is pretty good as moisture and flavour also.


You can make gravy with arrowroot if you want to but there is a cleaner way to do it.  Lay some onions, carrots, cauliflower underneath whatever meat you are roasting. When the meat is done, remove it and then blend the pan drippings together with the smooshy veggies and you get a gorgeous flavourful "gravy". 

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Please say arrowroot is compliant! I use it to thicken everything.


So, now that you guys are a few days in, are you having trouble sleeping through the night?


I am having strange 'anxiety' dreams. Feeling guilty for getting a coke (which i don't even drink anyways) and travel dreams rushing through a mashup of every airport i've ever been in. I wake up at least 2x a night to pee now too cuz of all the extra water i'm drinking (instead of snacking). I was hungry too in the middle of the night, really hungry stomach growling feed me noises.

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Please say arrowroot is compliant! I use it to thicken everything.


So, now that you guys are a few days in, are you having trouble sleeping through the night?


I am having strange 'anxiety' dreams. Feeling guilty for getting a coke (which i don't even drink anyways) and travel dreams rushing through a mashup of every airport i've ever been in. I wake up at least 2x a night to pee now too cuz of all the extra water i'm drinking (instead of snacking). I was hungry too in the middle of the night, really hungry stomach growling feed me noises.

I think arrowroot is ok but as LadyShanny said there are cleaner ways to thicken so I'm going to stick to using it as a now and again item I think.  I am struggling to find coconut aminos and sunflower seed butter anywhere other than Amazon at the moment but I really want to make Sunshine Sauce. I came across that recipe the other day and made a note of it in my food journal (I plan my food and it keeps me straight!) Thai food is my favourite so a satay style sauce will be perfect for me.


I have to say that last night I slept like a log, was out for the count 2 seconds after switching off the light but still fought to wake up this morning when the alarm went off at 6.45.  I'm looking forward to waking up before the alarm and feeling full of beans.  I did have a very vivid dream last night but I've been having them a lot lately so it didn't surprise me.


I've been on a total food replacement plan since last November so in effect the only thing I am cutting out from my diet is whey protein and soya. As part of that I had to drink 3 litres of water a day, your bladder does adapt I promise and just think how radiant your skin will be with all that water!  I've also been having 650 calories a day so I'm eating far more than I have been used to so I feel stuffed most of the time. I did have the most terrible gurgling belly yesterday and a rather unpleasant bathroom experience but I don't know if that's the change to eating solid food after 4 months of gloopy packs or the fact that I've lost the dairy and soya from my diet.  Either way it seems to be a little bit better this morning.

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I think arrowroot is ok but as LadyShanny said there are cleaner ways to thicken so I'm going to stick to using it as a now and again item I think.  I am struggling to find coconut aminos and sunflower seed butter anywhere other than Amazon at the moment but I really want to make Sunshine Sauce. I came across that recipe the other day and made a note of it in my food journal (I plan my food and it keeps me straight!) Thai food is my favourite so a satay style sauce will be perfect for me.


I make sunshine sauce ALL the time without either of those two ingredients. I use almond butter and just skip the coconut aminos.  Absolutely fantastic and I doubt very much you would notice a difference.  :)

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How was the first week guys?  For me it's been a wonderful experience, I have and still am thoroughly enjoying making good wholesome food.  From reading around the forums it seems that this is a whole lot easier if you already cook a lot at home and have been eating more or less this way for a while.  I can't say I've really pushed my culinary repertoire this week but I also haven't felt the need to as I've not exhausted it yet.  I don't really mind eating leftovers and so having repeat meals hasn't been much of an issue for me.  I still have lots of recipes to try and I've only scratched the surface of all the online resources.

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First week was pretty good. Had that moment of food boredom panic. Since then, I am looking into as many slow cooker things as possible.  Did a pork roast but used a cut too lean, so it was a bit dry. Lots of seasoning so that helps.


Tomorrow will be the big test. I am going to my brothers and sister-in-laws to spend time with them and my nephew. Turns out my mom is coming and probably her parents for dinner now and they asked if I would bring dessert. I requested meat and veggies for dinner and said I'd bring berries... But then I didn't want to spoil their fun or mine - and I decided to do mug cakes with them. They are one-at-a-time microwave cakes. I have a recipe book that we can make together and I can not eat one.  And even though I know how to make them paleo... I will still abstain.

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