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February 28th - March 29th!


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Does anyone else get hungry?  I have my three meals a day but I am just not hungry by my next meal time.  Is this because my meals are balanced right or am I eating too much?  Can you eat too much?  I'm using the meal planner template for my meals so I am 99.9% sure my meals are good in terms of portion and balance.


I suppose my main concern is that I am not hungry in the mornings.  I am sleeping sooooooooo much better and waking before my alarm and feeling rested and good but I don't feel any urge to eat.  Of course I do eat, I prepare my breakfast the night before so I know it's there waiting for me requiring no early morning effort on my part.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not unduly bothered about my lack of hunger and I am ecstatic that I am only eating three wonderful, flavourful satisfying meals a day but surely I should feel hungry now and then?

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Hey guys!

First week has been great, very similar to you Mamatutu, repeating my meals, not getting too crazy. I told myself in the first week I would keep it simple so I wouldn't get overwhelmed and spend all my time in the kitchen, then venture out a little more after that. There is soooooo much online! It's amazing the amount of resources that are out there. I am realising it takes more cooking skill to make healthy things taste good than it does to make unhealthy stuff, but its a work in progress! Seasonings, spices and sauces seem to be the key - I have a better stocked spice range than ever before! As for hunger, I do think that having 3 such well balanced meals keeps your blood sugar/hormones in balance so much more than ever before, that hunger is maybe more subtle? Sometimes I've eaten because it is time to, and haven't realised that I'm actually hungry until I'm eating whatever I've made. I wouldn't worry too much, just keep making those fabulous meals.


Feb27start - genius! I think that is the way forward, something individual so its not such a big deal that you're not partaking - really good idea :)


I've had a few tricky moments this past week, almost had a biscuit at work (managed not to!), and was over at a friends the other day and they had millionaires' shortbread, and then another friend on another occasion had chocolate - argghh! Fortunately I had an emergency stash of nakd bars in my car so grabbed one of those instead - phew! I know I shouldn't use that as a replacement/crutch, but it did get me out of a sticky situation. I've also ventured outside of my own kitchen a little more lately, and had an irritating Harvester takeaway experience, as they forgot my jacket potato, and I forgot that I couldn't have peas, so it ended up just being chicken and salad. I was starving at the time, but fortunately the amazing thing that is protein and really yummy chicken was enough to satisfy me :) I am getting better at food and meal prep, but have dropped the ball a little lately on proper breakfasts, which really does set the tone for the rest of the day so that is my aim this week. I may take a leaf out of Mamatutu's book and prep it the night before. 


Apologies for such a long post, I was aware that I hadn't really posted much in this thread so though I'd make up for it! Here's to a great week 2!

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I suppose my main concern is that I am not hungry in the mornings.  I am sleeping sooooooooo much better and waking before my alarm and feeling rested and good but I don't feel any urge to eat. 

I can remember back to junior high school days try to eat and wanting to gag too early in the morning. But now, at 36 I'm often never hungry in the mornings - so depending on how much time I have, i'll take care of everythign else in the house before me - then prepare breakfast. If I'm pushed for time, I make the breakfast, scramble to do the things in the house and eat as I do or in the car ride to work. But unless it is "brunch" i don't want to eat a meal early, so here is my work around.


Every morning for breakfast, for about 2.5 years, I make a smoothie. It is my least original meal and I love it. I find it easier to drink something in the morning than chew or eat. My smoothie = a carrot, 1/2 a green pepper, half or 1/3 a cucumber, and a handfull of nuts, spinach, grapes, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, and 1/2 a frozen banana. I get basically guarantee all my fruits and vegetables out of the way every AM and it fills be up for hours. I also have to pee ever 30-45 minutes until noon, but hey...

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I've had a few tricky moments this past week, almost had a biscuit at work (managed not to!), and was over at a friends the other day and they had millionaires' shortbread, and then another friend on another occasion had chocolate - argghh! Fortunately I had an emergency stash of nakd bars in my car so grabbed one of those instead - phew! I know I shouldn't use that as a replacement/crutch, but it did get me out of a sticky situation.


I hear you about the tempting goodies. Yesterday at my brother brought back a pound of cookies with my nephew - i didn't even look at them. But we never made the mug cakes in the end because people were full from dinner (and then cookies) - but everybody did have fun reading the recipes. My pregnant sister in law really appreciated the raspberries and strawberries I brought though cuz she's far enough along that heavy foods make her ill. I had a few berries after dinner, but I didn't "go overboard" and I was still actually hungry after dinner myself becuase I didn't eat the mashed potatoes - so i considered it a continuation of dinner.

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I can remember back to junior high school days try to eat and wanting to gag too early in the morning. But now, at 36 I'm often never hungry in the mornings - so depending on how much time I have, i'll take care of everythign else in the house before me - then prepare breakfast. If I'm pushed for time, I make the breakfast, scramble to do the things in the house and eat as I do or in the car ride to work. But unless it is "brunch" i don't want to eat a meal early, so here is my work around.


Every morning for breakfast, for about 2.5 years, I make a smoothie. It is my least original meal and I love it. I find it easier to drink something in the morning than chew or eat. My smoothie = a carrot, 1/2 a green pepper, half or 1/3 a cucumber, and a handfull of nuts, spinach, grapes, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, and 1/2 a frozen banana. I get basically guarantee all my fruits and vegetables out of the way every AM and it fills be up for hours. I also have to pee ever 30-45 minutes until noon, but hey...

Oh my goodness yes, eating too soon in the day still makes me want to hurl!  I prep my breakfast in advance but eat it around 9am once I'm in work... I prefer to have a couple of hours to let my stomach wake up before I can face food.  The idea of eating within an hour of waking makes me feel nauseous!  I can eat anything after that though. I had liver pate and crudité today.

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Hey guys!

First week has been great, very similar to you Mamatutu, repeating my meals, not getting too crazy. I told myself in the first week I would keep it simple so I wouldn't get overwhelmed and spend all my time in the kitchen, then venture out a little more after that. There is soooooo much online! It's amazing the amount of resources that are out there. I am realising it takes more cooking skill to make healthy things taste good than it does to make unhealthy stuff, but its a work in progress! Seasonings, spices and sauces seem to be the key - I have a better stocked spice range than ever before! As for hunger, I do think that having 3 such well balanced meals keeps your blood sugar/hormones in balance so much more than ever before, that hunger is maybe more subtle? Sometimes I've eaten because it is time to, and haven't realised that I'm actually hungry until I'm eating whatever I've made. I wouldn't worry too much, just keep making those fabulous meals.


Now I think about it... once I'm eating I do realise I'm sort of peckish too!  I can always eat what I've got in front of me but that's nothing new lol


Feb27start - genius! I think that is the way forward, something individual so its not such a big deal that you're not partaking - really good idea :)


I've had a few tricky moments this past week, almost had a biscuit at work (managed not to!), and was over at a friends the other day and they had millionaires' shortbread, and then another friend on another occasion had chocolate - argghh! Fortunately I had an emergency stash of nakd bars in my car so grabbed one of those instead - phew! I know I shouldn't use that as a replacement/crutch, but it did get me out of a sticky situation. I've also ventured outside of my own kitchen a little more lately, and had an irritating Harvester takeaway experience, as they forgot my jacket potato, and I forgot that I couldn't have peas, so it ended up just being chicken and salad. I was starving at the time, but fortunately the amazing thing that is protein and really yummy chicken was enough to satisfy me :) I am getting better at food and meal prep, but have dropped the ball a little lately on proper breakfasts, which really does set the tone for the rest of the day so that is my aim this week. I may take a leaf out of Mamatutu's book and prep it the night before. 


I prefer to eat my breakfast once I'm in work so I pack my breakfast and lunch the night before.  That sort of helps me make sure my daily balance of food looks right too and that I'm having enough variety.  I try and pick two quite different meals to keep it interesting.  Mind you I was a bit nervous about transporting my chicken broth today as I have no faith in my rather aged Tupperware boxes.


Apologies for such a long post, I was aware that I hadn't really posted much in this thread so though I'd make up for it! Here's to a great week 2!

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It's so nice when pants fit again - free clothes!


And a whole wardrobe of size 12s yet to enjoy!  Actually I want to come shopping over the pond as I think I'm an US size 10 currently and that sounds sooooooo much better to me lol and the thought of being a size 8 US (12 UK) makes me giggle a bit... I think I was 8 years old the last time I was a size 8.

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Treat yourself on day 30 :-)


Funny, I do some shopping online on your side of the pond. Bravissimo and Pepperberry are close friends of mine. I didn't know how wrong my sizes were until I got measured at a shop in London about 7 years ago. I think you are right about the number conversions.

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Ah Bravissimo is excellent, the high street is getting better at larger cup sizes on small back sizes but I've been an E cup for years and used to cry at the bras available... real granny bras and no chance of anything colourful, lacy, pretty or sexy!

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Made a variation of this recipe for dinner. http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/03/05/mmmmm-moroccan-meatballs/


Instead of meatballs, i cooked them like burgers. Then, instead of the exact sauce, i used the onions, spices, about 1tbsp of tomato paste and some water. After the sauce was cooked, i blended it and made almost a ketchup. Pretty freakin' good.

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Day 21. We've made it through 3 weeks and well done us.  Only a week to go but I'm not so bothered about jumping on the scales now as I just feel so much better already.  My skin looks and feels amazing and my stomach has finally started to calm down.  The size 14s are really quite comfortable and I might even have another try of the 12s tonight and see how far I have to go.  I'm sleeping soooo well and waking up before the alarm and feeling refreshed but I'm still not hungry when I wake up.


How is everyone else doing?

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I still haven't gotten into a  good sleep groove. It's odd - i think i was sleepng better before. now i am having more stressful dreams.


But all other things seem well. Three weeks of better food habits and exercise. Making my personal goals acheivable and yet challenging. Still wish i had some local people to do this with some more, but the online support and encouragement has been a real asset.


Home stretch. Lets do this.

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Well I had my first food dream last night.  I dreamt I was on a road trip with my partner and we went to a cheese festival.  I ate a cube of hard cheese with onions in it, man it tasted good!  Then I was kicking myself thinking.... I have to start over now, what a waste of three weeks to have to start over NOW!!  I woke up feeling really annoyed with myself lol

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