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I was just reading through the whole9 site and realised that they say on the whole30 we can cook with animal fat. Does that mean I can just buy pig/beef fat and make lard/tallow and cook with it, no need for olive oil? because olive oil is really expensive and I can do without having to buy it. Please respond fast, I am starting tomorrow and haven't and early in the morning I will be buying the rest of my groceries for the week. 

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yes, you can use lard or beef tallow, just keep in mind that the quality of the animal matters. High quality lard from pastured pigs=awesome. That stuff from a box in the grocery store? nope.


To clarify for other readers, you mean the stuff in a box (LARDTM) is "nope" as in "it's not awesome", not "it's not compliant"?

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Thank you very much guys. I can't use butter and Ghee though because of Allergies. I am pretTy much doing AIP. Today is my starting day. I am already up preparing breakfast and then it will be exercise time.

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