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When i am at the grocery store i am so confused


antibiotic free --but then is this better than organic?

grain fed--can organic be grain fed


i stand there so confused in understanding which is best. I know the book gives us 'pasteurized ' as best, but if the label doesnt say that... how do i sort what to buy

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The terminology used sure can be confusing. Here is how I like to think about it:


You want meat that is raised in the healthiest environment *for them* that is possible. For ruminants (lamb, bison, beef), that means that they eat grass, primarily=GRASS FED. For omnivores (pigs, chickens) that means they are free to eat whatever they want, which includes bugs and worms and tubers and grass and even some grain=PASTURED.  PASTEURIZED means it has been heat treated to remove pathogens, which sounds nice but can actually mean the "good stuff" (good bacteria, vitamins, etc. have also been killed. This is not at all similar to or related to pastured.


An animal fed a species appropriate diet and raised in conditions where they have some space to roam and can get natural sunlight is far more likely to be healthy and not to need antibiotics.


Organic is a label that costs money, so some small farmers won't pay to get certified even if they are doing all the right things. You can get "organic" beef that was fed exclusively organic grain, but I would not recommend it. Better to get grassfed beef even if it is not officially certified.


Ultimately it is up to you how carefully you source your meat. You can do a whole30 with conventionally produced protein and do just fine, but, if you want to go further, this is a great place to put your grocery budget.

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Its all just marketing and the industry wanting to catch our eyes.. Grass fed is optimal.. Grain fed is not..  But if push comes to shove you buy the best you can..

and what you can afford.

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Thanks everyone--i know what is optimal and not but the labels- OY! they are so confusing. So its seems antibotic and hormone free isnt a big deal but grass or grain fed is...with the chicken in Canada i think that organic is organic grain...and from what i understand chicken cant live off of grass...

so much controversy

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Thanks everyone--i know what is optimal and not but the labels- OY! they are so confusing. So its seems antibotic and hormone free isnt a big deal but grass or grain fed is...with the chicken in Canada i think that organic is organic grain...and from what i understand chicken cant live off of grass...

so much controversy


That is correct. If you see "Vegetarian Fed" on chicken and pork then it is safe to say they were not allowed to roam, scratch, dig, etc but grain is fine for their diets. This goes for eggs as well.

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